Unborn Val'kyr EU?
Anyone playing on a rp server on EU who can help? Both me and my friend are farming like hell, and it wont spawn (we dont have the luck). So anyone?
Re: Unborn Val'kyr EU?
Also looking for help on this...
Re: Unborn Val'kyr EU?
I need to farm some ghostiron ore later tonight ( around 22:00 to 24:00) and could pull someone over to the non crz EU server this character is on.
Just send me a request to foomy#2132 stating you come from this side and I will pull you over, so you can do some Val'kyr hunting.
Just send me a request to foomy#2132 stating you come from this side and I will pull you over, so you can do some Val'kyr hunting.
Re: Unborn Val'kyr EU?
Thanks to Grifter I obtained my pet. On the first location I tried!Grifter wrote:I need to farm some ghostiron ore later tonight ( around 22:00 to 24:00) and could pull someone over to the non crz EU server this character is on.
Just send me a request to foomy#2132 stating you come from this side and I will pull you over, so you can do some Val'kyr hunting.
Cool dude,
Thanks again!!

Re: Unborn Val'kyr EU?
And ofc i missed the post. Gah. I added u anyways, IF u still can help! 

Re: Unborn Val'kyr EU?
I'll see what I can do, when I'm online later today. 

Re: Unborn Val'kyr EU?
I would very much appreciate any help and time spent helping me to get this pet.
It's the only one I've had huge problems with (Minfernal was cake in comparison).
BattleTag: Fubar#2138
It's the only one I've had huge problems with (Minfernal was cake in comparison).
BattleTag: Fubar#2138
[profile]Fubar[/profile] the Insane. Battle Tag is Fubar#2138.
Resto Druid for the Horde on Sylvanas (EU)

Resto Druid for the Horde on Sylvanas (EU)

Re: Unborn Val'kyr EU?
hi mate, i will help you with this tomorrow, after work, 6pm uk timeFubar wrote:I would very much appreciate any help and time spent helping me to get this pet.
It's the only one I've had huge problems with (Minfernal was cake in comparison).
BattleTag: Fubar#2138