I just logged on to my warrior, howering in Felwood, on my very highly populated Draenor server, and I see ONE green critter-icon on my minimap.
It was west of the trail, so I thought "Oh no, another Tainted Rat is teasing me..".. Great was my surprise, when I saw the magic letters M-i-n-f-e-r-n-a-l when I MouseOver the icon..
Quickly I swooped down, pressed my "-" key which targets different pets, and my "." key, which does pet battle.. I did not want to risk being attacked by a Sentry and another player battled it, while I was attacked...
Yeah me, I got in battle with the Minfernal, and discovered.... IT WAS GREEN!!!!!
My Hugh Toad used Water Jet twice, and it was below 35%... One trap.. Missed... Next trap CAPTURE!!!
The 2 follow-up creatures, I don't remember... They went down SLOW... I just had to make sure I didn't make any stupid mistakes, that would cause me to loose my prize.. 2x25+19 is in real danger from 3x16, right?? NOOOT

I'm still shaking... I got a GREEN Minfernal.. JUBII!!!!!!
Now, bring on the winter, so I can get that Snowy Owl and my achievements..

DING 520 pets