Any Scary Sprite insights?

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Saasan » September 18th, 2013, 11:43 am

So, to sum up:

1) The crystal can only be clicked once per toon, possibly once per account, per day
2) Crystal has an unknown spawn time
3) Crystal appears to only spawn 20 times total per day
4) Angry and Scary Sprites can only be dpsed by the person who clicked the crystal, regardless of grouping
5) The dps can and perhaps should have a pocket heals
6) It requires an unknown number of Angry Sprite kills to generate a Scary Sprite; it appears to be that for every Angry Sprite killed there is a chance as low as 1% for a Scary Sprite to spawn
7) Scary Sprites will despawn if not killed within one minute of clicking the crystal
8) Anyone can loot the sprites, regardless of grouping
9) The droprate for the Dandelion Frolicker itself is very low

RNG x RNG + Pocket Heals + Gear - PVP = Worst. Pet. Grind. Ever.

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Wakka » September 18th, 2013, 1:00 pm

Quintessence wrote: Consumables used:
  • A flask
  • A Pre-pot (in his case, Virmen's Bite)
  • All of the buffs that are drops on the isle
  • A shrine buff (found amongst the pillars just behind the Scary Sprite tree)
  • All of the various ...
You should also try to find someone to hit you with missing raid buffs before camping, and if you are a class without Bloodlust, I strongly recommend picking up a stack of the Drums of War. I took this more seriously yesterday and made sure I was fully buffed, ended up pulling over 600k dps and spawning 4 scary sprites as Boomkin. I know that is some lucky RNG, but the more you kill the more chance it seems you have of spawning one. No pet yet, but it gave me some hope. I was self healing, but I found a healer who wants to camp it with me for future attempts so I can use NV for more burst dps instead of HotW for the boosted rejuv healing, which should up my kill number even more.

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Peanutty » September 18th, 2013, 1:50 pm

Wakka wrote:I took this more seriously yesterday and made sure I was fully buffed, ended up pulling over 600k dps and spawning 4 scary sprites as Boomkin. I know that is some lucky RNG, but the more you kill the more chance it seems you have of spawning one. No pet yet, but it gave me some hope. I was self healing, but I found a healer who wants to camp it with me for future attempts so I can use NV for more burst dps instead of HotW for the boosted rejuv healing, which should up my kill number even more.
Hats off to you, that's impressive. I pulled just over 296k during my daily chance yesterday and got 2 Scary Sprites to spawn, then got obliterated by all the other sprites I kept pulling after that. Also have someone now offering to leave a healer nearby to try and toss a few heals my way if they happen to be on.

EDIT: GRR just spawned a crystal, had my healer come... huge mass of dead bodies and 0 Scary Sprite spawns. :evil:

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Azrile » September 18th, 2013, 9:30 pm

Also something to remember.. most of us are going to see a 30+ ilevel increase in the next month. I am lucky in that I am a bear druid with a lot of self healing and spammable aoe abilities.. stuff should die fast now ( if I ever actually get to click a crystal), but after my ilvl is up to 550 next month.. it will be trivial and fast.

And again, in 3 months... when Timeless island is forgotten... we will be able to camp these fairly easily.

As with all things, patience.... The Timeless island and this pet are not going away.

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Index » September 19th, 2013, 4:22 pm

Attempt #5:

Better gear, more buffs... pulled just shy of 300k DPS, got 2 Scary Sprites to spawn, but still no pet. They need to look at this, RNG within RnG+RNG = frustration.

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Yaafm » September 19th, 2013, 4:50 pm

Did the event today agian, but for some reason the Scary Sprite pop'ed up within 5 -10 seconds of starting the event. So really not sure what tiggers it. Still no pet. Looks like most of the pets are 2-4% drop on wowhead so this might be just as low which is unfortunate.

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Azrile » September 19th, 2013, 9:22 pm

I finally got my attempt yesterday. As a bear ( 530 ilvl) it was fairly easy to mow down the spirtes without any real danger. I got to scaries to spawn. no pet.

My biggest problem with the event is just getting to do it. I have been on the island constantly.. have collected 16 pets from rare spawns... yet I have been able to do this event ONE time in 11 days despite looking for it.

If you could do the event every day it would be fine. I think with a little better gear, most people will be able to get at least 2 scary sprites to spawn, which is basically a 5% chance for the pet.. which means you should have it in a month more or less. That is decent and fair numbers. The problem is simply how rare the crystal is and that is can be so easily taken away by people who dont´even know it starts an event and that event is specific to them only.

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Peanutty » September 20th, 2013, 1:08 am

I've managed to get the crystal every day for the past 3 days, and have seen it spawn 7 times during that same period. The best suggestion I can make it to look for it during off hours if possible: early morning, late evening, etc. And be absolutely ready to grab it as soon as you see it. The last 2 spawns I saw were grabbed by people who didn't know what it did and instantly got overrun by sprites and killed. :(

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Doobjanka » September 20th, 2013, 2:47 am

I've been teaming up with healers for it. Doob can kill a lot of them, while most of my alts can do decent as long as I have heals. Seen Scary Sprites spawn right away and haven't seen any in the whole minute. My best was two within the first four kills. No pet, so this is going to be an annoying pet to farm for sure.

You can group with people and they can loot, so bring a healer and let the highest DPS click the crystal, or at least the one that can do the most damage with AoE. No raid groups, but max of 5 people should be fine.
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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Luciandk » September 20th, 2013, 6:53 am

Been farming the daily sprites for a while, as well encouraging all the DKs i could find to do it as well, I suddenly got lucky in trade and aquired an S/S breed [pet]Dandelion Frolicker[/pet] for a mere 16k. Seeing what people ask and offer in the trade forum, makes me feel I got an extremely good deal!

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Hootstwo » September 20th, 2013, 5:09 pm

Luciandk wrote:Been farming the daily sprites for a while, as well encouraging all the DKs i could find to do it as well, I suddenly got lucky in trade and aquired an S/S breed [pet]Dandelion Frolicker[/pet] for a mere 16k. Seeing what people ask and offer in the trade forum, makes me feel I got an extremely good deal!
Good deal is an understatement! On my realm (Proudemoore US Alliance), there's one on the AH right now for a quarter million gold! 16k... Heck, I"ll give you 20k for it!

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Luciandk » September 20th, 2013, 5:24 pm

Hootstwo wrote:
Luciandk wrote:Been farming the daily sprites for a while, as well encouraging all the DKs i could find to do it as well, I suddenly got lucky in trade and aquired an S/S breed [pet]Dandelion Frolicker[/pet] for a mere 16k. Seeing what people ask and offer in the trade forum, makes me feel I got an extremely good deal!
Good deal is an understatement! On my realm (Proudemoore US Alliance), there's one on the AH right now for a quarter million gold! 16k... Heck, I"ll give you 20k for it!
LOL no!

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Mynxie » September 21st, 2013, 8:46 pm

20k is what I found mine for on the AH. I couldn't believe it - I was so happy! I was trying for days on my mage (and hunter) and only saw 1 scary sprite spawn even though I killed tons of adds. The level of RNG for this is just insane.. I did not want to deal with that anymore and was ecstatic I found one on my server's auction house. The seller probably had no idea about the pet.. I think it's worth more

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Pinrut » September 23rd, 2013, 9:33 am

I posted the following on WoWhead:

For people looking at camping the spawns, I noted the following spawn times tonight:

8:52pm (ish, saw it up, but didn't see it actually spawn)

and then we'd run out of toons to kill things with. I suspect that the crystal follows the spawn times/pattern as any other rare - that is, 30-60 minutes after the last spawn. I don't know if this is timed from the spawn, the buff being gained by someone, or the buff wearing off (in which case, you may wind up a minute shorter than you'd expect if someone gets the buff then promptly dies).

I'll likely update this with more times when I spawn camp again.

Also: I hit the crystal at 8:52, and the corpses despawned by 8:56. If you're camping just to see when it pops, make sure you're checking back every 2-3 minutes so you don't miss the bodies!

I've also started recording the coins looted (counting kills is hard) vs scary sprite spawns (although I suspect it's random as I've seen them spawn basically when the crystal is hit)

83 coins 0 sprites
80 coints 0 sprites
123 coins 1 sprite
30 coins :( 0 sprites
180 coins 1 sprite

I've killed another scary sprite before, but no pets yet :(

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Luciandk » September 23rd, 2013, 11:54 am

Supposedly every sprite have 1% chance to spawn as a scary sprite.

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Svärta » September 23rd, 2013, 6:48 pm

Just gonna share me experience on this waaay too rng dependent pet.
1. Come prepared! I'm talking timeless isle consumeables, shrinebuffs if possible, all 3 monk spirits, flasks/potions etc.

2. The crystal seems to be on a 45min-2hr spawn time. Pay attention and ask other farmers to get a rough idea of when it'll spawn.

3. Bring a healer. If you have a friend you trust let him help you. Heals/buffs/bloodlust anything that makes you kill more sprites is good (remember tho that he wont be able to attack the sprites BUT if the pet drops he will get to roll for it) it can also be beneficial if you run into gankers.

4. Nuke like crazy. I've been doing 500kdps+ on my WW monk and and killed hundreds of the little buggers and still only gotten 0 spawns but the more you kill the better your chances are it would seem.

5. It resets at the same time as dailyquests/24hr cooldown proffession stuff. So if you have time to spare make sure to be there when not many other are playing to decrease chances of getting ganked.

Not really all that much more to say, just make sure you say your prayers to RNGesus and you might have a chance to get this very desireable pet while it's still very rare :)

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Sanzul » September 24th, 2013, 2:18 am

I think the main insight on this one is that if you wait for the next expansion, the island will be empty and you'll have enough gear that this will be trivial. The crystal will be up all the time and killing any sprite that spawns will be easy.

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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Quintessence » September 24th, 2013, 2:37 am

Sanzul wrote:I think the main insight on this one is that if you wait for the next expansion, the island will be empty and you'll have enough gear that this will be trivial.
This could be the case, but it's just as possible that the Timeless Isle could be removed in the future (like the Barrens event). There hasn't been an official word if it's here to stay forever or if this is just for MoP, but I'm not going to take any chances.

Still no luck for me or my friend. It's starting to grate pretty heavily on nerves since the crystal is something that you have to take time out of your day to wait for. You don't want to miss your chance on clicking the crystal each day, unlike rares that don't have any kind of cooldown for killing them.

If only Blizzard would increase the spawn rate of the Scary Sprites. It would feel less like a waste of time if effort was rewarded with something like seeing more Scary Sprites up.
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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Post by Sveltanie » September 24th, 2013, 6:09 am

I've been camping this thing 8 hours a day on Moon Guard, whether as heals for free or paying a DPS or tank to try. After having many 530 ilvl DPS do 200k+DPS on these guys and not get a sprite to spawn, I got sick of it and tried it myself on my low geared Blood DKs, ilvl 497 and 512. And magically, I got a sprite to spawn almost instantly. I remembered a druid tank friend getting 4 spawns with 500 ilvl gear and getting confused as to how she got 4 to spawn.

Note that the timer is just like any other rare, with a minimum wait of 30 minutes and a maximum wait of 60 minutes. This is also per toon and not per account, resetting with daily quests.

ilvl Dead Scary/Spawned Total Spec, Class, Info
-497 1/1 Blood Dk
-512 1/1 Blood Dk, popped army before click
-547 1/2 Shaman DPS
-500 1/4 Tank Druid
-535 1/2 BM hunter, with tank pet out as I had advised (We both got nervous and he died from my lack of healing)
-508 1/1 Ret pally (Spawn 30s in)
-517 1/1 Arms warrior that instant swapped to defense stance. Instant Scary Sprite.
-500 0/0 Tank druid with brew buff celestial DPSing
-542 0/0 Warlock with voidwalker out.
-??? 0/0 Blood tank with DPS gear
-527 0/1 Ret pally with righteous fury up, but he didn't see it fast enough to down it.
-??? 0/0 Random warlock with voidwalker out, but few dead
-512 0/1 Blood Dk. I had popped army beforehand, but I think that's actually detrimental. Scary sprite appeared last 20s in when army was down.
-497 0/0 Blood Dk. Defense celestial buff, not a good 20% one. No army.

What I'm noticing is you want as many buffs as possible, but you want all of the guys on you, meaning that Army of the Dead and any minions that wont take 100% threat are probably a bad idea. I think the hunter using misdirect on the tank pet is what helped him out.

Ideal situation: Well-geared Tank > Well-geared DPS > Moderately geared Tank > Moderately geared DPS

Editing later with some pictures.

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