Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

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Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Tsora » October 14th, 2013, 6:35 pm

Forgive me in advance if this has been covered, but I'm stumped. What has strategy have you folks been using to get the Timeless Isle pets? Are you just running laps, hitting rares as they pop or are called out in General, and hoping for the best? Or have you had more luck with parking a toon and camping a spawn?

I ask because I've killed bunches of rares, mostly by running willy-nilly around the island for a couple hours at a time, killing rares as I see them, and I have yet to see a single pet drop. I know the drop chance is just RNG, and I'm OK with that, but man...there has to be a better way. I'm considering just picking one rare that has a pet and camping. Has anyone had particular luck with one way or another?


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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Killerkarl » October 14th, 2013, 6:50 pm

I tried for a while but I found it to be fruitless also. I just gave up and went to the AH to farm them.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Merana » October 14th, 2013, 6:51 pm

At first I just ran around like a headless chicken, nowadays, since there's hardly any people left on Timeless Isle on my server, I'm usually just sitting on spawns and waiting for the rares to pop up. The non-elite ones (Gu'chi, Jadefire) usually spawn between 30-60 minutes. No idea about the others 'cause I didn't camp these.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Peanutty » October 14th, 2013, 7:39 pm

I camped them, focusing on one or two pets at a time. In the end I didn't have to buy a single TI pet for myself (I did however trade for breeds and bought pets for guildmates who gifted me pets). But it did take a whole lot of camping!

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Quintessence » October 14th, 2013, 8:06 pm

Once I got to know the Timeless Isle a bit better, I decided to go with the "camp a spot" strategy. I found that the "best" spots to make the most of your time were:
  • [url=http://www.wowhead.com/maps?data=6757:419784]Near Gu'chi's spawn area[/url]. There are three possible rares that pop up in that area. Skunky Brew in the village, Gu'chi along the road, and the Frolicker's crystal near the nice sprites. Not to mention there are a few crabs on the coast that you can kill in hopes of spawning the rare crab.
  • [url=http://www.wowhead.com/maps?data=6757:433407]In Jadefire's cave system[/url]. While doing the "kill 20 elites" daily quest, I just sit near one of the campfires, kill any of the mobs that come near, and just wait for the rare to pop up. The daily gets complete and I kill the rare maybe once or twice, depending on how much time I want to spend in there.
The rest of the rares I just sat down for a few hours at a time and waited (minus the crab and the Jademist Dancer). I found it too difficult to try and run around to catch each rare as it spawned. Sometimes they can pop up at almost the same time, which made it difficult and disappointing to have to choose.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Timeless Isle should be renamed to Isle of Patience, because it really tests your virtue lol. :P GL!
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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Dekafox » October 14th, 2013, 8:09 pm

Peanutty wrote:I camped them, focusing on one or two pets at a time. In the end I didn't have to buy a single TI pet for myself (I did however trade for breeds and bought pets for guildmates who gifted me pets). But it did take a whole lot of camping!
this was basically my strategy, although I did buy the Adder and crab, because you can't really camp those. I tracked kill times, and then basically worked off a priority system on which ones I was camping, and rotated each out as I got the pet. For Garnia I actually kept an alt parked at him and made him highest priority until I got it, just because of how annoying it is to get back up there, even as an engy or priest.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Tsora » October 14th, 2013, 8:12 pm

Thanks for the tips, all! Sounds like the camp-a-spot strategy is the way to go. Back to the TI for me! :D

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Peanutty » October 14th, 2013, 8:38 pm

Dekafox wrote:
Peanutty wrote:I camped them, focusing on one or two pets at a time. In the end I didn't have to buy a single TI pet for myself (I did however trade for breeds and bought pets for guildmates who gifted me pets). But it did take a whole lot of camping!
this was basically my strategy, although I did buy the Adder and crab, because you can't really camp those. I tracked kill times, and then basically worked off a priority system on which ones I was camping, and rotated each out as I got the pet. For Garnia I actually kept an alt parked at him and made him highest priority until I got it, just because of how annoying it is to get back up there, even as an engy or priest.
Crab and adder, since they aren't on a timer, I got out of sheer luck. I've only ever seen 2 crabs and the second dropped the pet, and the adder came from one that happened to be up as I rode by.

Tracking kill times works great on the other rares though. It's 30-60 minutes for the next spawn for most rares. Quintessence's suggested camp spots are the same spots I used with success so I'd suggest trying those locations first and work your way down the list from there.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Dragonwizard » October 15th, 2013, 9:31 am

I already have all the pets that drop from the Isle (most are AH bought or traded for) but I am going for the achievement "Going to need a biggger bag" so I have been going around trying to kill the Rares that are not soloable now and priority goes to ones that will most likely not be soloable (by a mage at least) in the next Xpac.

Trying to kill the rares like Huolon, Arch of Flame, Ship etc etc will be near impossible for a mage for a few xpacs so getting the items for that achievement now while people are still doing the content is priority one for me.
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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Index » October 15th, 2013, 9:47 am

I gave up running for rares that were announced in trade. After a while, you know what distance you can cover in a given time, and if Distance was too high you'd often get there too late.

I went for the Camp it till it spawns approach, but had alts parked at various spots:

Leafmender let me cover him + champs + cinder + Huolon
Jadefire cave lets me cover Spirit + rock Moss + Archereus + the odd gander / yak
Sprites let me cover crystal + cranegnasher + the big stone dood + guchi + beer + the water sprite + karkanos + the odd crab o0
Chest cave let me cover Tsavo'ka + spellurk + Bufo
Garnia area. Can drop down and do the 2 rares up there, even without a cloak ;)

Here's the tip: Have 2 clients open, ready to swap. You'll need a decent PC, and have it all set and ready, but I was able to log off one toon and log another within 6 seconds by doing this, greatly improving my chances of tagging the rares :)

Hope this helps :)

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Ril » October 15th, 2013, 1:13 pm

i'm usually partnering with at least one person (made good friends already ;) ) and using the addon rarecoordinator. basically everyone who have it share their last seen times. i try to be near the rares when the timer reaches 30min. the timers determine my route basically, an if i'm in a group with someone else we can share spawn point when the timers are inaccurate or very close. it often takes time to get all the data together because many people don't use rarecoordinator but once it is set never, never leave the zone, reload or relog.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Maizing » October 15th, 2013, 1:49 pm

Killerkarl wrote:I tried for a while but I found it to be fruitless also. I just gave up and went to the AH to farm them.
This is my strategy too, though I did get lucky with regards to some of the pets and I camped Garnia. I am still missing several pets, so I am still at it.

I am not even going to try for the "bigger bags" achievement, though I do hope to eventually get the one for killing each of the rares.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Tsora » October 16th, 2013, 12:15 pm

You folks are phenomenal! The spots posted by Quintessence and Index are perfect. I finally got Gu'chi to give me his baby, and while Skunky Ale hasn't dropped, I've seen the event much more often than before. The cave is a lovely hangout, too. It really, really helped to see where people are hanging out to get these little guys - much appreciated!

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Mehetabel » October 16th, 2013, 1:21 pm

I farmed them at the AH, mostly :roll:

With Garnia, I parked at alt there, got her rolling with the spawn timer and just left her there while I did stuff round the house or watched TV, coming back to check whenever the 30+ min spawn timer was close.

I got given two of them, one from a guildie, one from my BF.

I'm now only missing the crab one and the one from the rare in the cave. Will be parking at stealthed alt in the cave soon I think.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Sanzul » October 16th, 2013, 2:39 pm

Tracking timers is definitely the way to go. Once you kill a rare, do something else for the next 30 minutes (like camping another rare) then come back and camp it until it spawns (guaranteed to take no more than 30 minutes). Note down the times (or create DBM timers) when you kill something so you know when to be back there.

Camp an alt up at Garnia so you don't have to waste 5-10 minutes getting up there every time. Take a lap around the court to check for Imperial Python spawns any time you're moving to a new location, but don't otherwise try to camp more than two rares at a time. If you're late to a spawn and someone beats you to it, your timer will be off unless you spot the corpse. The alemental event can be worth pointing out in general chat to get some help in clearing it faster (though it's pretty quick once you learn the locations of all the barrels), but otherwise just kill things immediately when they spawn. That way they'll respawn sooner and you can move on to the next spot.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Peanutty » October 16th, 2013, 4:47 pm

Another thing I forgot to suggest is to bring along a buddy or two who are willing to camp with you. I got a few pets that way, by having guildmates who'd come and participate in the kill. It's like getting an extra roll chance at pets and of course you can offer to trade them pets or gold for their efforts, so it's a double win.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Azrile » October 17th, 2013, 7:48 am

Farm the easy ones and sell the extras and buy the harder to get ones.

I camped in the cave, two different pets drop in there. get a drop, sell it, buy a different one.

I have an alt parked up by garnia.. the rest I just buy. As mentioned, do the ´kill 20´ quest in the cave or with the dancers o n the shore.

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Re: Timeless Isle Pet Strategy

Post by Milotha » October 19th, 2013, 1:11 am

I parked an alt by Garnia and checked him when called or after 30 mins.

I camped Guchi giving me access to Guchi, Alemental, Dandelion Frolicker, Some crabs and crane nests. Also spawn point for the clickable trident claws etc achiev and Zesqua, Cranegnasher, and Python.

I camped the cave for Spirit of Jadefire and Ominous Flame. Also Rockmoss and Zharhym Altogether and the crystals for the crystal insanity flask buff item.

I camped Huo Landing for the crabs and Jademist Dancers. Also Chelon, Great Turtle, Pirate Ship, and the clickable trident claws etc buff.

I camped Leafmender. Also Houlon, Champs, Fire guy, and two tauren type rares up there and rep.

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