Three celestial pets already so early?

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Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Zíra » October 18th, 2013, 7:17 am


Just noticed someone who has already 3 celestial pets. I wonder how is this possible? Did i miss an oppurtunity to earn a coin... hope not.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Luciandk » October 18th, 2013, 7:50 am

Weekly tourney reset is tuesdays at 3am. If you do it before 4am it resets again there. I could have had all four celestials now, because of that. But last tuesday my net went out from 2.30 am to 3.45 am. Even with hurrying, i didnt make the 4am mark. >.< So I have to wait to next week for the last coin to finish.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Lucio » October 18th, 2013, 7:53 am

Damn, i did'nt know about that reset trick, but i got 3 pets aswell, and that is because the first week it was possible for me to do it twice, once With an ally toon and once With an hordie.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Quintessence » October 18th, 2013, 9:07 am

Keep in mind that this is probably not intended by Blizzard and may be fixed in the future. Using this bug may also be considered an exploit, so I wouldn't recommend utilizing it.
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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Ebil » October 19th, 2013, 10:32 am

I am kind of surprised that Blizzard has not done anything to people using this bug. Since it is gaming the system I would have thought something would have been done about it awhile back when it was first noticed. Or they are just waiting to remove the pets and make people found using the bug start over all together.

I doubt that will be the case but it would be funny if it was.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Beana » October 20th, 2013, 10:00 am

Actually if you haven't been cheating you should have your third pet next week.... Again if you haven't cheated :P

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Sanzul » October 21st, 2013, 11:10 am

Quintessence wrote:Keep in mind that this is probably not intended by Blizzard and may be fixed in the future. Using this bug may also be considered an exploit, so I wouldn't recommend utilizing it.
It is definitely not intended and it is definitely considered an exploit. The only uncertainty is whether Blizzard will do anything about people abusing it. You're probably unlikely to get banned over it, but you may find your account suspended for a week or two.
Ebil wrote:I am kind of surprised that Blizzard has not done anything to people using this bug.
It could be that they're waiting until the bug is fixed, then hitting everyone at once. It's how they've dealt with a lot of things in the past. Rather than punishing individual people here and there, they do mass waves of bans/suspensions/whatever. The fact that they haven't done anything yet does not in any way mean that they won't do anything.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Rendigar » October 21st, 2013, 1:49 pm

I hate to argue (no, that's a lie, I love to argue) but it's neither a bug (code working unexpectedly) nor an exploit (someone taking advantage of a bug to get something they don't otherwise deserve). It's a failure in Blizzard's scheduling of resets of various related components. Some people play regularly just before the reset times, because they work off-hours from those of us with 9-5's (not to mention being in other time zones). Pretty sure them logging in and playing at the same time every day would result in this kind of thing being possible for them - and it'd be pretty stupid of Blizzard to punish people for just playing the game according to their available time. Sure, if you are a cautious (or paranoid) type, I wouldn't suggest trying to do this. But, really, it's not like you're getting 10000 gold or an epic weapon you can sell on the AH or access to a region you shouldn't be in (hey - is blinking thru the rocks to get at Spelurk an exploit - or by design?). You're getting a battle pet of questionable "value" in the grand scheme of things that you cannot sell/trade, nor have duplicates of, slightly faster than the rest of us. And, to boot, you have to win just as many tournaments. Heck, being able to face only 2 of the 3 sets of undercard trainers in the same period of time is a cheesier "exploit" than playing around the quest reset times IMHO...
Last edited by Rendigar on October 21st, 2013, 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Peanutty » October 21st, 2013, 3:08 pm

While it's not intentional, Bliz knows full well that their reset timers are a little weird with certain things - at one point it became impossible for people on many realms to do the fishing tournaments, for example.

Similar to the celestial tournament I think would be the holiday events, which used to be offset by an hour from the daily resets. I don't know if those got fixed as I can't stay up that late anymore, but for years people would get in an extra run on the Brewfest or Valentine's bosses by queuing in during that hour. I never heard of anyone being reprimanded for it.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Luciandk » October 21st, 2013, 6:02 pm

Will be getting last coin for fourth pet tomorrow, not gonna bother stay up tonight for an extra one.

Then we will see if I cba to hit it up more in the future for xp treats, not like powerleveling pets on pandaria tamers is hard.

Edit: Finished Celestial Family and in the proccess of leveling Yu'la now.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Sanzul » October 22nd, 2013, 3:42 am

Rendigar wrote:I hate to argue (no, that's a lie, I love to argue) but it's neither a bug (code working unexpectedly) nor an exploit (someone taking advantage of a bug to get something they don't otherwise deserve). It's a failure in Blizzard's scheduling of resets of various related components.
No, it is an unintended failure in Blizzard's scheduling of resets. Undesirable unintended functionality of software is the definition of a bug. Taking advantage of something you know is a bug for personal gain is the definition of an exploit. End of story. Don't delude yourself into thinking that arguing semantics will in any way protect you from getting your account suspended, should Blizzard decide to take action.

The right thing to do would have been to report the bug and not do the Celestial Tournament again the same week, because you know that you're not supposed to be able to do it twice in a week. There's a huge step from happening to play at that particular time and stumbling across the bug, and doing the Celestial Tournament twice every week for several weeks. One is an accident. The other is an exploit. No one is going to believe that you didn't know what you were doing.
Rendigar wrote:But, really, it's not like you're getting 10000 gold or an epic weapon you can sell on the AH or access to a region you shouldn't be in...
The fact that someone is willing to exploit the bug is in itself proof that there is some significant value in it. If getting the pets a little bit sooner was not desirable, people would never even consider doing it. Arguing whether or not you really gained something from it is pointless, because the mere fact that you did it clearly shows that you thought you had something to gain from doing so. If you seriously didn't think there's any value in getting the pets sooner, you would just stick to doing it once per week.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Rendigar » October 22nd, 2013, 5:42 am

Sanzul wrote:No, it is an unintended failure in Blizzard's scheduling of resets. Undesirable unintended functionality of software is the definition of a bug. Taking advantage of something you know is a bug for personal gain is the definition of an exploit. End of story. Don't delude yourself into thinking that arguing semantics will in any way protect you from getting your account suspended, should Blizzard decide to take action.

The right thing to do would have been to report the bug and not do the Celestial Tournament again the same week, because you know that you're not supposed to be able to do it twice in a week. There's a huge step from happening to play at that particular time and stumbling across the bug, and doing the Celestial Tournament twice every week for several weeks. One is an accident. The other is an exploit. No one is going to believe that you didn't know what you were doing.
Says you - don't make assumptions that you know what Blizzard intends. Why do they have quest resets at a different time from dungeon resets and such? I don't know and neither do you. Just because you want to call it a BUG doesn't make it so, the various forms of resetting (quests, dungeon unlocks, etc) are the way they are and have been so for some time. I tend to agree with you in principle, that it shouldn't be possible to get more than 1 coin per week, but this is not rocket science and making the resets happen at the appropriate times to prevent this would be simple - they just didn't bother, perhaps because Blizzard saw no point in it? Or because the left hand didn't look at what the right hand was doing (agaIn). We'll know if they bother to patch it. I don't disagree that people shouldn't go out of their way to do this, but then I like my sleep.
Sanzul wrote:
Rendigar wrote:But, really, it's not like you're getting 10000 gold or an epic weapon you can sell on the AH or access to a region you shouldn't be in...
The fact that someone is willing to exploit the bug is in itself proof that there is some significant value in it. If getting the pets a little bit sooner was not desirable, people would never even consider doing it. Arguing whether or not you really gained something from it is pointless, because the mere fact that you did it clearly shows that you thought you had something to gain from doing so. If you seriously didn't think there's any value in getting the pets sooner, you would just stick to doing it once per week.
And again you are assuming that the player who only gets to play from 2 AM - 4 AM is exploiting (when all he/she is doing is playing). Your game time is your own, if you want to stay up "late" to play just to get a pet this way, well more power to you. But telling me that *I* can't do it while someone who regularly plays during the window of opportunity makes me an exploiter is just wrong. Period. Thankfully while it MAY be unfair of Blizzard to do something to people who took advantage of this, there are no lawyers in WoW so they can pretty much do what they want. The general opinion is that it would be a bad idea to take advantage of this - but it's only opinion, not fact. And value is relative, and "significant value" is just as relative. What value is bragging rights? When nobody cares? Now if a team made up of 3 celestials was unbeatable in PvP THAT would be a problem, but it's not happening yet so I don't think there are any in game advantages. And I don't think Blizzard will care that someone beat my score on WarcraftPets because they got a 3rd Celestial a week before I could.

And as I have said, *I* have never used this trick, I actually HAVE a "normal" schedule, have 2 pets and 2 coins until tonight/later this week, and am quite happy that way.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Ebil » October 22nd, 2013, 10:26 am

There is no assumption to be made on what Blizzard intends, they have clearly stated that the Celestial Tournament is a weekly quest. What we have is an unintended bug on Blizzard side and they should have hotfixed it as soon as they found out about it. That still does not excuse the people who abused the bug because they still knew that it was only supposed to be completed once a week.

I live 2 hours ahead of Blizzard's time so it part of my normal game to play to sometimes get up early to do my daily cooldown or try to catch pets in the "dead time" for my server. Doing the Celestial Tournament is not part of my daily play and I can say that for everyone because you can only do it once a week. Waiting until after the reset is not going to change anything or make it harder for people to do the weekly. People cannot even claim that is the only time they can do the weekly because if they have done it twice they could have just waited to do it as it was intended.

As for value the pets are not the only things of value. There are a few people that have pet leveling services and even more that sell max level pets. The extra pet treat a week means they can have the exp buff longer, which equals faster leveled pets. The more pets they can level up equals more gold from being able to take more pets to be leveled or charging more on the AH. For the people that are willing to wait they can get a flawless battle stone every other week increasing the value of pets that can be sold on the AH. Granted most people just want they pets asap and will not think of the using the coins as a way to boost their gold, some people will.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Poofah » October 22nd, 2013, 12:57 pm

This supposed bug has been available for 6 weeks now, and has been reported numerous times on the WoW forums. Bliz hasn't fixed it nor made any comment on it -- they are either indifferent or unaware.

A similar 'bug' happens all the time with the holiday boss dailies, and the DMF dailies -- holidays/DMF pop up at midnight, and the dailies reset at 3/4am, so you have a small window to get 1 extra shot. Bliz has never cracked down on this, never stated it's an 'exploit', and never punished anyone for it.

Obviously we would benefit from having an official response on this. But until then, it's pure speculation (and frankly, it's irresponsible) to suggest that this is an exploit or that it might be punishable.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Quintessence » October 22nd, 2013, 1:39 pm

I think the OP's question was answered, so perhaps it's best to leave this topic at that. There's a lot of grey area here, and until we hear official word from Blizzard or they take some kind of action in this situation, players will play as they see fit.

WarcraftPets does not promote or condone cheating of any form in-game, so while it can be argued that it's not an exploit, it must be said that it's not recommended to use it. Use your own discretion and be cautious.
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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Gilneas » October 22nd, 2013, 5:29 pm

Shrug, its just a consequence of the way the reset schedules work. Its also not something Blizzard cares about. They'd likely care if it was actually cheating -- i.e., you could get multiple pets by doing the tournament once. As it is, its fairly inconsequential; you still have to do it 10 times to get them all, and you are just doing the quest that pops up. It just doesn't fall under what they'd define as exploitative, and its incredibly minor.

I can't be up at that time, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest that some have all four now, and I will have them in 3 weeks. That's really the only reason to complain about it; if one is jealous.

Blizzard's never going to discuss it, most likely. Its probably not worth our time to discuss it much either.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Gruumsh » October 22nd, 2013, 10:13 pm

Gilneas wrote:Shrug, its just a consequence of the way the reset schedules work. Its also not something Blizzard cares about. They'd likely care if it was actually cheating -- i.e., you could get multiple pets by doing the tournament once. As it is, its fairly inconsequential; you still have to do it 10 times to get them all, and you are just doing the quest that pops up. It just doesn't fall under what they'd define as exploitative, and its incredibly minor.

I can't be up at that time, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest that some have all four now, and I will have them in 3 weeks. That's really the only reason to complain about it; if one is jealous.

Blizzard's never going to discuss it, most likely. Its probably not worth our time to discuss it much either.
Yes double reset quest has been here for a long while, ever since they introduced daily quests in Burning Crusade.

I can't imagine how many "righteous" players have again reported the "bug" to blizzard and for 3 expansion this still exist and would show how much blizzard really cares about this issue.

Don't get me wrong.. I am not saying everyone should "exploit" this double reset phenomenon. It just existed since TBC and have never seen anyone QQ about getting any official email/warning/penalty from blizzard from "exploiting" it; nor blizzard giving any EST fix to this issue.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Zíra » October 23rd, 2013, 7:38 am

Oh, what did i started with my question :? :oops:

Just as Quintessence said my question is answered.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Droodics » October 23rd, 2013, 9:08 am

The two reset quest thingy doesn't work for me. I do the weekly celstial tournament every single week and i do it on tursday morning around 01:00, and the server resets on after 04-05:00, I do it exacly when the weekly quests reset but not the rest of raids etc. After the reset, i cannot do it again, as i should, from what i've read some of you guys wrote.

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Re: Three celestial pets already so early?

Post by Luciandk » October 23rd, 2013, 3:08 pm

Droodics wrote:The two reset quest thingy doesn't work for me. I do the weekly celstial tournament every single week and i do it on tursday morning around 01:00, and the server resets on after 04-05:00, I do it exacly when the weekly quests reset but not the rest of raids etc. After the reset, i cannot do it again, as i should, from what i've read some of you guys wrote.
3.00 Am Tuesday Morning. Weekly Celestial Quest resets. Finish it before 4.00 am.

4.00 Am Tuesday Morning. Weekly Celestial Quest resets again.

Only if youve done it in that window it will doublereset.

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