Concerns about new expansion

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Guest » December 5th, 2013, 5:04 am

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Gabrizar » December 5th, 2013, 9:16 pm

Mixed feelings about this.
I love my pets, well most of them that is, and like one of the people writting inthere, I dont think I could get myself to destroy them for a probably very small chance of getting epic pets.

Ofcourse I want epic pets, just like everyone else, but I dont see myself killing/destroying a big part of my pets, or trapping just to kill, for a chance of upgrading to epics.

I might ofcourse give in to it later on, if the chance is very high (maybe very high with a stone ?), and then only upgrade those I use most. But I would hate it and feel guilty, even if I in the end couldnt resist it.

I dont know what to think of it with the info we have so far. I understand why we cant just start breeding all the rare pets at no cost and ruin the market.
Like the Viseous Horror that I am still missing and looking for, or soul traders or spectral cubs or murlocs.

But killing/destroying/consuming pets you have hunted for, leveled, worked with and cared for ? It feels so wrong. Atleast to me.

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Beana » December 5th, 2013, 10:00 pm

CONSUME? No and No! I am sorry Blizz I have sacrificed money and time for the pets I have. I WILL NOT CONSUME anything I don't care if it's purple. Hold this to me later or not NO NO NO. I worked TOO hard for what I have.

I'll quit the pet addiction if it means "Oh well you need two Etheral Soul traders to get an epic" FUCK THAT. I'm not that rich Blizz.

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Azrile » December 5th, 2013, 10:42 pm

I think many of you are not understanding this ´consume´ thing. The pet that is going to be consumed is going to be a throwaway pet anyway. You basically are going to take your real pet, and change it into a breed that you want of that same pet. In the process, you will have to hunt down a wild pet of the same family that will be consumed lost.

I have a hyjal bear that I love, he is HH
I want him to be SS

I capture a random fox in the wild that is SS

I breed them. The fox is consumed. My hyjal bear becomes SS.

At least that is the way I am reading it. The pet that is consumed is a pet we are only going to capture in order to find the right breed to give to our real pet.


Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Guest » December 6th, 2013, 6:09 am

Nothing is final yet. Pet "Breeding" might not even be introduced! Wouldn't be the first time an idea from blizzard wasn't implemented.

PS: You probably won't be able to breed all possible pets anyway. From what i've read on twitter, only wild pets will be breedable.
Cageable pets won't be breedable. (to prevent people breeding 25 Ethereal Soul Traders and selling them)

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Rendigar » December 6th, 2013, 6:29 am

Azrile wrote:I think many of you are not understanding this ´consume´ thing. The pet that is going to be consumed is going to be a throwaway pet anyway. You basically are going to take your real pet, and change it into a breed that you want of that same pet. In the process, you will have to hunt down a wild pet of the same family that will be consumed lost.

I have a hyjal bear that I love, he is HH
I want him to be SS

I capture a random fox in the wild that is SS

I breed them. The fox is consumed. My hyjal bear becomes SS.

At least that is the way I am reading it. The pet that is consumed is a pet we are only going to capture in order to find the right breed to give to our real pet.
Unless something they've announced has changed it you would end up with a hyjal bear HH and a hyjal bear SS when you are done (with the SS being the avg level of the 2 pets' levels that were used to create it). You start with 2 pets in the process and you end with 2 pets in the process.

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Gabrizar » December 6th, 2013, 8:32 am

Actually as I read it :
Pet A is the Hyjal bear, which you love, the HH
Pet B is the wild beast pet breed SS that you want on your bear.

Pet A is "consumed" killed or merged, it can be called a lot depending on how you look at it.

You end up with a hyjal bear breed SS that have a small chance to be purple and the wild pet B. Your beloved Hyjal HH is gone.

Ofcourse I might had misread it too, or they might still change it or not put it in at all.

If I am right in how I have understood it, then I really dont like the idea.

*Edit* Actually it seems it isnt explained which one is the "skin" and which one is the breed. People are just asking questions, that aint being answered.
Seems all we know is that one will be consumed, and I assume it will be the skin/type so you cant start mass producing soul-traders and the others like it.
But killing one, no matter which one, is a idea that I hate.

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Mithrel » December 6th, 2013, 8:46 am

When I first heard about the idea of "breeding" I thought, "Cool, I can take my Alpine Hare and Brown Rabbit and breed them and get a different kind of rabbit!" Then I thought "I can take any two beasts, one of species A breed X, one of species B breed Y, and end up with a Species A breed Y pet, plus the two 'parents'." The idea of consuming a pet is ridiculous. I haven't even upgraded all the ones I have to rare yet.

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Luciandk » December 6th, 2013, 9:39 am

I do lean more towards the notion of throw away pets being used to fuel the merger, they did say the result of the fusing would an average of the fused pets levels. So a lvl 25 and a lvl 1 would result in a lvl 12.5 pet that possibly is epic.

And if its wild pets only, then it really should not be a problem capping throw away pets to fuel the fusings. Its not like it takes long time to level up pets anyhow.

Emperor Crab, Emerald Proto Whelp, Nexus Whelpling, Spirit Crab, Jade Oozeling, Minfernal, Unborn Valkyr, Flayer Youngling, Shimmershell Snail, Kun Lai Runt, Electrified Razortooth, Scalded Basilisk Hatchling

Is some of the wild pets I could see benefitting a lot from being epicized

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Jabart » December 6th, 2013, 12:00 pm

If only wild pets can be bred and thus made epic, won't that make all cageable pets obsolete in PvP pet battles once the new expansion hits? That would be horrible. I've been buying pets off the AH like crazy, but if this is confirmed, I'm turning around and selling/giving away everything cageable now before they become useless.

I really hope this is not the case.
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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Luciandk » December 6th, 2013, 1:18 pm

Do remember epic status is only like a 10% upgrade in stats. Theres many many many highly useful non wild pets that will keep being played even with epic pets.

Anubisath Idol
Magical Crawdad
Blossoming Ancient
Ruby Droplet
Lil Ragnaros
Lil Deathwing
Son of Animus

Need I go on?

But I do agree that there is lots of 'chaff' that will become irelevant, as if they ever were useful at all currently.

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Azrile » December 6th, 2013, 5:04 pm

I never saw anything ( could be wrong) that indicated that only wild pets could be bred to become epic. In a way, that just brings back the whole problem of why battle-stones had to be introduced to begin with. I think it is very doubtful that Blizzard would do that again. The other thing is this is obviously going to be a complicated system. Would they really do this much work if it was just for wild pets. I mean, there are probably less than a handful of pets that people would want/need to change.. maybe the emerald proto drake and Unborn Valk and a few others.

Sorry in my example, I probably used bad wording. My Hyjal bear HH does definitely ´disappear´.. but I get another Hyjal bear back. The fox would be the one that completely disappears. I understand how some people see this as real ´breeding´ (as in making a baby). but to me at least, it is just swapping the actual breed of a pet I already have... my HH hyjal bear becomes a SS hyjal bear and maybe loses some levels. My unborn Valkrye BB will become my unborn Valkrey HH. But that is just semantics.

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Re: Concerns about new expansion

Post by Opallena » December 7th, 2013, 1:59 pm

The way I'm understanding "pet breeding" is this example:

Pet A: Unborn Val'kyr
Pet B: Scourged Whelpling

Pet A determines stats, while Pet B determines breed (or vice-versa, whichever they decide to do)

When the merge is complete, you keep pet A and the baby, but loose pet B while the baby's species is Pet B with a new set of stats and a possibility of becoming epic. so you don't loose any pets, just their stats and possibly quality change.

So: You keep your Unborn Val'kyr, and your baby is a Scourged Whelpling. Hopefully this is how they're planning on doing things.

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