CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Guest » December 18th, 2013, 1:03 pm

Pet Name: Elf on the Shelf
Type: Humanoid
Description: Creepy looking elf dressed in red and white with ridiculous long arms and legs.
Watching You: minor direct damage spell
Tattle Tale: Disappears for a round, to report to Santa, takes no damage.
Naughty or Nice: Attack has a 50% chance to do x damage to target (if naughty) or heal target for x (if nice)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Vicee » December 18th, 2013, 1:15 pm

Night Elf/Blood Elf on the Shelf

Inanimate until their turn is active, these elves (attainable only for their respective races) magically spring into action by first doing their distinctive racial jumps on their turn, attack, then return to resemble a toy-like figure when their turn is up.

Their abilities are:

- Report Naughtiness: Calls down a bundle of coal for x damage and discoloring their opposing pet until debuff works off
- Proclaim Niceness: Magical damage reduction buff persisting x turns
- Elf Touch: Don't touch the elf! Renders opponent unable to act for 1 turn

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Televangalist » December 18th, 2013, 1:31 pm

Pet name: Misfit toy: Looks like a traditional jack-in-the-box only with one arm ending in a mechanical pincher and it's eye's shoot laser beams.

Its festive abilites:
Sharp edges: Jabs openet with jagged edges causeing initial damage and then bleeding damage for three rounds
off-key carol: Due to a factory defect the once lovely melody is distorted and twisted cause group damage to the enemy team as well as slowing them down for 3 rounds
gift wrap: Enimies will be gift wraped and will have to spend the next attack breaking out of the wrapping paper.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Doomstay » December 18th, 2013, 1:35 pm

Mistletoe Lashling

A bushier version of the more common lacers, it has spikey green leaves with small bunches of red berries. Accustomed to tree-branch living, this elemental has some goodies for its owner.

-- Stocking slam: it bludgeons its opponent with stockings found on its host tree for [X] damage. For some reason a hearty, "Ho ho ho!" can be heard in the distance during this attack.
-- Underneath the Mistletoe: it sacrifices a turn, manifesting the magic of Winter Veil and interrupting any and all abilities (including flight and burrow, but not weather) in play.
-- Visions of Sugar Plums (3 turn attack, 5 round cool down): it shoves delicious goodies down its active opponent's throat, healing it for 15% of its own health each turn. If the opponent exceeds 100% health, it explodes and deals 100% of its health to itself (leaving the extra only), plus 50% to its back line.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Garthakra » December 18th, 2013, 1:37 pm

A candleholder with 9 candles.

Flare: Fires a spark 1-2 times, dealing 197 Elemental damage per hit. Attacks an additional time if the target is burning.

Burning Wax: Deals 216 Elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for 98 additional Elemental damage per round for 4 rounds. This effect persists between swaps.

Reignite: 3 round cooldown. Restores 197 health plus half of the last hit taken by the user. Restores an additional 296 health if the user is burning.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Vertiginousone » December 18th, 2013, 1:41 pm

Winter Veil Treant

Using a basic treant skin to start, it could be easily modified to change it's necklace to a wreath and change the color of the leaves at its wrists to white. It's head could have either the existing winter veil cap (in red for Alliance or green for Horde) or have a star floating over it. A skirt could be added to the base to cover up the existing roots/feet.

It's abilities would include:
slot 1: Switch - mimicking the ability Lash
slot 2: Ornament barrage - mimicking the ability Nut Barrage
slot 3: Tinsel - mimicking the ability Brittle Webbing

slot 4: Twinkle lights - mimicking the ability Flash
slot 5: Leaking sap on the rug - mimicking the ability Sticky Goo
slot 6: The weather outside is frightful - mimicking the ability Blistering Cold

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Tlali » December 18th, 2013, 1:48 pm

Winter's Veil isn't just Chirstmas! ^_^

Pet Name: Wee Dreidle
Type: Mechanical
Description: A tiny dreidle with glowing runes on each side. It spins after you as you run and will occasionally launch itself into the air. Targeting the Wee Dreidle and doing a /spin will result in a random (unique, conjured, non-vendorable) piece of candy to appear in your inventory.

Gather 'Round: 100% Hit Chance
Splits moderate-low damage among all opponent's pets.

Momentum: 95% Hit Chance
Roll at the enemy, dealing 295 Critter damage and increasing your speed by 20%.
Your speed continues to increase each time you use Momentum

Try Your Luck: 100% Hit Chance
Spin the dreidle and receive one of 4 effects: 1. Heal the user for 100% of health. 2. The next attack dealt to you is reduced by 50%. 3. Forces your pet to switch out of battle. 4. Nothing happens.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Papazol » December 18th, 2013, 1:54 pm

Ok, my pet is:
- Lil'Mogfather ("Hogfather" is famous Terry Pratchett's novel )
appearence - little Lei Shen in father winter clothing.
Base quality - epic
Tradeble - no
Faction - neutral
Mobility - air (flies alongside flying mount), Lil'Mogfather flies into sleigh with lightning direhorns team.
Animation - open presents bag, check presents - differend horroble bloody weapons, - and close it back.
Sound - "I sought only to finish... Presents, presents for everyone!"
Interactivity - kill Kovok with lightning, after multile clicking "NO! You are UNWORTHY! I ... AM.... the Mogfather."
Pet journal limit - 1 alloved
Date posted - ???
Notes - first epic pet in game!

Base stats: breed P/P (4,14) 1 lvl - 158 hp, 15 atack, 11 speed.

1st slot abilities
- Presents to all! (1 lvl, no cd, 100% hit chance), summon diffusion chain lightning ( ), what hits front target for 36 mechanical damage (on lvl 1) and backline pets for half this damage.
- This box is huge! (10 lvl, 3 pounds cd, 100% hit chance), hits front target fusion slash ( ), what hits front target for 62 mechanical damage, increase damage taken for 100% for 2 turns, and forses pet to swap.

2d slot abilities
- Pinata! (2 lvl, no cd), gather accuracy first use, increasing damage for 15%, second use decapitate ( ) front target for 85 humanoid damage.
- St. Lemo's Fire! (15 lvl, 5 round cd, 40% hit chance), summon ball lightning ( ), which has 40% chance to deal 32 elemental damage to enemy team each round. pet what has been hitted lightning ball, takes 15 elemental damage over 3 rounds. This effect can stack.

3d slot abilities
- Wait, do not look! (5 lvl, 5 round cd, 95% hit chance), cast static shock on front pet, what stun and root it for 1 round.
- Realy, I...AM...THE THUNDER KING! (20 lvl. 5 round cd, 100% hit chance) Cast [ability]thunderbolt[/ability], what deal 62 elemental damage to enemy pets, and change weather on lightning storm for 5 rounds.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Azillero » December 18th, 2013, 1:59 pm

Festive Tannenbaum (Elemental)
A miniature anthropomorphic evergreen tree (along the lines of Withers, but dark green and leafy like a pine tree) with Christmas decorations. A string of lights and a star adorn the Tannenbaum.

- Blinding Light: Dazzle the opposing pet with light from the star and string of lights doing X magic damage and reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds

- Ornament Barrage: Hurls ornaments (picture multi-colored glass balls) at the enemy, doing X elemental damage. Ornaments continue to fall on the enemy's current pet doing X elemental damage for 4 rounds.

- Joyeux Noel: Fills the air with holiday cheer, causing your active pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 2 rounds.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Rainbowk » December 18th, 2013, 2:12 pm

ZipBopWhirrr - The Marvelous Little Toy (Mechanical)

Brightly coloured circluar disk with two big green buttons on the bottom of it. A Key to twist it up on the top. Wheels carry it in any direction. It has compartments that have robotic parts hidden until the ability is triggered.

Emotes: "Zip" when it moves, and "Bop" when it stops, And "Whirrr" when it stands still.

Start off Ability: ZIP - races towards the enemy circling around it, flashing lights at it. This can deal 20% damage

Gained at lvl 2: BOP: a mechanical arm emerges from the top of the toy reaching across the battle field and bops the enemy pet on the head. 10% Chance to stun the enemy

Gained at lvl 4: REBOOT - repairs the marvelous little toy for 100% health. 10 round cool down.

Gained at lvl 10: PATCH - rebuilds itself and any other mechanical allies for 75% of all health - 20 round cool down

Gained at lvl 15 - WHIRR - lifts off, attacking the enemy from above with a laser. If the laser lands, it has a chance of blinding the enemy.

Gained at lvl 20 - ATOMIC - sends out pulses of energy dealing 900 mechanical damage. if blinded by buzz, target takes 1000 extra damage - 5 round cool down

Credit and (copyright) Kuroseishin from youtube [url][/url]

This video shows exactly what I think the marvelous little toy should look like. No copyright infringement is suggested or meant.
Last edited by Rainbowk on December 18th, 2013, 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Miriamelle » December 18th, 2013, 2:18 pm

Unadorned Azumium Pole
(very high strength to weight ratio) No tinsel. It's distracting.

A metal pole. Nothing special.

Miracle: Deal moderate damage to opponent. "It's a MIRACLE!"

Grievances: Deals damage plus X% of last damage taken to active pet. Deals reduced damage opponent's inactive pets.
"I'll get to you next!"

Wrestle: Increase damage done by X% for 2 rounds. Continues to attack active pet until Unadorned Azumium Pole is defeated.
"It's not over until the pole is pinned!"


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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Matsumi » December 18th, 2013, 2:33 pm

A Christmas tree adorned with lights of different colors:

- Twinkle: It shines brightly doing X damage and may cause the opponent to miss a turn.
- Tinsel: It wraps itself in a protect yet beautiful layer of tinsel reducing damage.
- Ornament Barrage: A barrage of glass bulbs are aimed at your head, DUCK!

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Birchbudling » December 18th, 2013, 2:36 pm

Graccu's Fresh Mince Pie

An elemental type pet which looks like a small bouncing mince pie. When you stop moving it sits still and wafts of steam come from the top.


Appetising Aroma - Charms the opposing active pet for 2 rounds and increases the hit chance of ability 2
Hot Filling - x elemental damage and debuff "burned" for 1 round ("burned"-you are hesitant to try that again 5% hit penalty)
Boozy Filling - Small poison damage for 3 rounds and chance to hit oneself

(guess what im eating now!)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Stanggirlforever » December 18th, 2013, 2:40 pm


A red or green holiday shaped floating light bulb with a Christmas hat and a smiley face. Magic pet.

Blink: He blinks 3 times doing AOE damages to all opponent pets.
Bright Light: Beam of light causing arcane damage.
Fade - Pets color dims/fades reducing damage taken by opponents.
Pop - light bulb explodes causing AOE damage
Flicker - Rains down mini light bulbs for 3 rounds
Blinder - Increased team hit chance by 10%

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Pendabear » December 18th, 2013, 3:01 pm

Last Year's Fruitcake
The poor rejected fruitcake from the previous year, left to rot in a random corner of Ironforge. Came to life through a mishap on a young Warlock's behalf and now is out for revenge! A sickly green and brown shell of his former self, this angsty holiday treat is out for revenge. Beware his dense, fruity maw and the sticky claws!

1: Sitcky Slap: Slap the opponent, dealing X damage.
2: Density: Recoil into a dense cake, reducing all damage taken by 75% for 1 round. 4 round cooldown.
4: Fruit Toss: Break off a piece of old fruit and toss it at the opponent, dealing X damage to them and half X to yourself. 2 round cooldown.
10: Rotten Dessert: Force opponent to take a bite, dealing X damage to yourself but making them sick to stomach, dealing X damage every round for 5 rounds.
15: Cake Bounce: Hop on the opponent's head, dealing X damage. Deals more if opponent is sick to stomach. 2 round cooldown.
20: Revenge of the Forgotten: Release the fury of discarded treats, dealing X damage to the entire opposing team. 3 round cooldown.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Sellys » December 18th, 2013, 3:04 pm

My Little Pwny - Beast type

My Little Pwnies look like small horses. They come in six different breeds and each breed has a different color scheme.

P/P Breed has a light purple coat with a darker purple mane/tail.
S/S Breed has a light blue coat with a multi-coloured mane/tail.
H/H Breed has a bright pink coat with a slightly darker pink mane/tail.
H/P Breed has a tan coat with a blonde mane/tail.
P/S Breed has a white coat with a purple mane/tail.
B/B Breed has a pale yellow coat with a pink mane/tail.

Level 01 Ability: Magic Spark (magic), 200% hit chance, deals a moderate amount of damage to the active enemy pet.
Level 02 Ability: Applebuck (beast), 4 round cooldown, 90% hit chance, deals a moderate amount of damage to the enemy pet, and has a 25% chance to stun the enemy pet.
Level 04 Ability: Ponyfabulous (magic), 8 round cooldown. Charm the active enemy pet, allowing you to use one of its abilities against one of the opponent's back line pets.
Level 10 Ability: Squeak! (critter), 3 round cooldown. Cower from your own shadow, causing all but the most heartless of enemies to take pity on you and lose and not attack. This ability always goes first.
Level 15 Ability: Party Cannon (mechanical), 80% hit chance, deals a high amount of mechanical damage to the enemy pet.
Level 20 Ability: Sonic Rainboom (flying), 2 round ability, 5 round cooldown, 100% hit chance. First round, fly up into the air, becoming unattackable. Second round: Fly (dare I say dash?) past the enemy team at high speed causing a sonic rainboom that inflicts moderate damage to all enemy pets.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Wraitha » December 18th, 2013, 3:14 pm

Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater - A bright red sweater with a snowman on it. The eyes of the snowman are blinking red lights.


Needle blitz - Hurls knitting needles at the target, dealing humanoid damage.

Warm fuzzies - Hugs the target. Deals damage, reduces the targets damage by 25% for 2 rounds, and increases user damage by 50% for 2 rounds. Heals the user for 10% of damage done. 4 round cooldown.

Unwoven - Sweater unwraps, hitting the target dealing flying damage. It then collapses into a ball and increases the chance to block by 100% for 1 round. 3 round cooldown.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Wurmsteeth » December 18th, 2013, 3:29 pm

Man it's tough to come up with a new idea you guys are all too good. And a HUGE thanks to Doobjanka for such a great idea.

Winter Veil Sampler (magical family)
An animated floating wooden platter with a piece of cheese and a sausage with a small cleaver on it. It tips from side to side and drifts around while idle. It dumps over and falls to the ground when slain.
A fine assortment or meats and cheeses on a platter with a decorative knife from the fine people at Smokeywood Pastures.

-(1) Say Cheese: A wedge of cheese is hurled at the opponent dealing X damage and having a 25% chance to stun them for I round.
-(2) Meat Log: A sausage hits the opponent for 1-3 times for X damage.
-(3) Quick Slice: A slash attack that inflicts X damage it always goes first.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Liltweety » December 18th, 2013, 3:40 pm


Murk-in-a-box is a murloc themed Jack-in-the-box. His box is wrapped up like a Winterveil present with a festive bow. Murk himself is wearing a red Winter hat and coat and carries a candy cane. Murk-in-a-box 'hops' around to follow its owner, similar to the creepy crate. One of his idle animations is to close his lid and begin playing a melody. After a short time, he pops out. He makes typical murloc noises on click.

All around the Winterveil tree - Murk-in-a-box hides in his box and a melody plays for 1-3 turns. While in his box, Murk-in-a-box cannot be attacked. He pops from his box after 1-3 turns (randomly determined) doing a large amount of mechanical damage and then is stunned for 1 turn.

Bounce - Murk-in-a-box bounces on his spring gaining a 50% chance to dodge the next attack.

Candy Toss - Murk-in-a-box throws his candy cane like a boomerang and hits 1-3 enemy pets for low damage.
