CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Tetelasti » December 22nd, 2013, 10:20 am

Christmas Tree

This tree would be loaded with colored lights and standard colored glass globe ornaments, with garland and tinsel. When passive the lights would flash and the tree would rotate slowly.

Tree stomp - Tree would jump at opponent and base of the trunk would do a nice chunk of damage.

Ornament Flurry - Ornaments would fly off the tree hitting all opponent team members for a small amount of damage and slowing opponent by 25% for one round.

Garland whip - Garland would horizontally fall slowly over team members healing them and stunning opponent for one round.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Damdaman » December 22nd, 2013, 10:48 am

New Winter's Veil Pet:

Rudoc, a murloc with reindeer horns and a bright red nose.

Ability 1: Misfit Kick - 95% hit chance, Rudoc rears his legs and kicks his enemy for major damage. Adds a second kick at half damage if Rudoc was attacked first.

Ability 2: Guide the Way - Rudoc's nose shines bright, making the next 2 attacks critical with 100% hit chance.

Ability 3: Snow Storm - Causes icicles to rain down on your enemy, dealing elemental damage and changing the weather to snowing. Snowing - Limits visibility, reducing hit chance by 25%. Lasts 5 rounds.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Khamerta » December 22nd, 2013, 11:10 am

Holiday Gift Box White box wrapped in red ribbon, a bow on top, lid opens and closes, plays sparkly sounds when clicked.

Ability #1: Ribbon Strike- 95% Hit Chance
Whips the target with a Sparkly Ribbon causing X damage

Ability #2: Re-gifted- 50% Hit Chance
Tosses a Gift Package for X Damage, if ability misses the user is healed for X.

Ability #3: Gift Wrapped- 90% Hit Chance
Wraps the target in Holiday Ribbon causing X damage and making the target unable to flee for 3 rounds.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Mmmstarbursts » December 22nd, 2013, 11:36 am

Name: Festive WInterveil Tree
Appearance: Typical green pine tree with ally or horde decorations depending on faction.
Ornament Shatter- Deal damage to all of enemy's pets with shards of glass. Also deals Dot for stepping on broken glass. (has no effect on flying pets)
Garland Strangle- Deal damage with garland.
Winterveil Cheer- Heals party

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Tirrimor » December 22nd, 2013, 1:22 pm

Sorry if this ends up being a duplicate:

Lil' Wenceslas - Humanoid

Alms - Take some money dagnabbit! - Mechanical attack, flings desirable things - at opponent's head
Winter Night - Summons an elemental blizzard that creates the darkness weather effect
Feast of Stephen - Restores health to all your pets

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Moravec » December 22nd, 2013, 1:53 pm

Jolly Nick
--humanoid in robes, a bishop's mitre (the hat), and carrying a shepherd's crook

1. Rain of Coal: punish your opponent for wrongdoing!
----(elemental: X dmg + X/4 dmg for 4 rounds)
2. Fisticuffs: knock out your opponent like St. Nicholas did at the Council of Nicea! (when he debated the nature of Jesus with Arius)
----(1 round stun)
3. Sleigh ride: this magic sleigh can circle the world in one can certainly trample your opponent
----(mechanical: 3 round trample attack by reindeer drawn sleighs)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Dasnorm » December 22nd, 2013, 4:01 pm

Leg Lamp
An animated flesh colored lamp with a black high heel shoe and tasseled shade... ala "a christmas story"
It's three abilities are:

- Not a finga: stomps on opponent stunning it for 1 turn(2 turn cd)
- Leg Light: lights up and produces an arcane blast also hitting back pets
- Lights Out: dims itself reducing chance of being hit for 3 turns(4 turn cd)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Dalrint » December 22nd, 2013, 6:31 pm

Candy Cane Knight - A small, wooden, stiff-limbed soldier carrying a candy cane rifle and wearing a christmas hat!

Sugar Strike - basic physical attack with a candy cane rifle!
And it's Edible! - Eat part of your rifle and regain health!
For Winter! - A three round 'mob charge' attack that reduces defense for two turns.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Nadat » December 22nd, 2013, 6:57 pm

Snowglobe of Wonder

Aquatic, looks like a tiny snowglobe. For Alliance-side the base is gold, with a tiny blue-and-gold banner in the center. For Horde the base is silver, with a tiny red-and-black banner.

Its three abilities would be:
Festive Splash - Shakes and releases a wave of water, doing aquatic damage.
Spirit Sparkle - Channels the spirit of Christmas to heal a moderate amount of damage
Mimetime - Captures opponent in glass orb, dealing mechanical damage as well as preventing them from fleeing for 2 turns.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Blackfang7 » December 22nd, 2013, 7:08 pm

Ive looked through a few and don't see this idea (while i do see so many cute and cool ideas)

Christmas Kitten (or Winter veil Kitten) (Beast)

It is an adorable white kitten with red and green bow around it's neck and a festive hat (red for Alliance and green for Horde)

-Surprise!:(Beast) Pounces on Opponent in a surprise attack dealing damage and lowering their speed by 25% for one round (Basic Lv 1 move)
-Devour:(Beast) If the user kills an enemy with Devour, they restore health. Devour continues for 2 rounds. (Iconic feline ability that i like)
-Holiday Cheer:(Elemental) Deals damage to all enemy battle pets with snowflakes, bells and all things merry and bright while healing all friendly battle pets. (Compared to other attacks it would not do as much damage because of area attack and healing ability)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Garfield » December 22nd, 2013, 7:12 pm

Lil Father Winter:

Appearance - Its a smaller version of Great Father Winter.


Winter Veil Lights - Blinds the target with winter veil lights reducing accuracy.
Naughty List - Puts the opposing team on the naughty list and applies random negative status effects.
Nice List - Puts the friendly team on the nice list applying random positive status effects.
Winter Veil Tree - Smacks the opposing pet with a Winter Veil Tree.
Reindeer Stampede - Stampedes the opposing pet with reindeer.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Vivienne » December 22nd, 2013, 7:12 pm

Pet: Mr. Plow
Type: Mechanical
Brief Description: A red pick-up truck with a yellow snow plow on the front.
Snow Day: Summons a snow storm that lasts for 5 rounds and makes the enemy team take 25% more damage from cold-based elemental abilities. (elemental attack)
Plow: Mr. Plow plows the battlefield removing all objects from the field, enemy and user alike. (mechanical attack)
Salt: Salts the enemy team causing 500 damage spread across all active enemy pets. (elemental attack)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Cruix » December 22nd, 2013, 8:00 pm

Magical Menorah - Mechanical

Description: A small floating nine-branched Candle stick.

Ability #1: Miracle flame - Burn your enemy for x elemental upfront damage and x damage over y seconds

Ability #2: Everlasting Oil - Refreshes Miracle flame debuff and increases damage taken by 25% on target

Ability #3: Holiday Spirit - Increase team speed by 25% for 9 rounds

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Wallacjd » December 22nd, 2013, 8:49 pm

Rabid Reindeer
A vicious-looking, red-toothed reindeer that pulls Greatfather Winter's sleigh (or whatever he rides).

- Prance: Stomps on opposing pet with hooves.
- Blitzin': Dashes at opposing pet. This attack always goes first..
- Comet: Summons an icy comet and dealing mass damage to all pets on the opposing team.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Fallen231 » December 22nd, 2013, 8:55 pm

I would like to see a “Christmas Tree” pet.
It would look like a decorated Christmas tree.
3 abilities it could have. 1. Timber- falls down stunning the enemy pet for 1 round and dealing some damage. 2. Fire hazard ~ does x amount of fire damage 3. Bright lights ~ blinds enemy team reducing hit change by 25 %

I have to put up my tree tomorrow. :shock:

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Tsora » December 22nd, 2013, 9:04 pm

Name: Gumdrop Globling

Description: A gumdrop that shimmers with its sugary sweet candy coating! Comes in both Jolly Red and

Sticky Fingers: 85% hit; pokes the enemy for magic damage
Gooey Gumdrops!: 100% hit; envelops the enemy in a sticky gumdrop, causing magic damage and preventing it from swapping out for 3 rounds
Sugar Shake: 100% hit; applies sugary sweet magic damage over time; lasts 5 rounds

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Stellar320 » December 22nd, 2013, 9:11 pm

Marley's Ghost

A small undead human covered in chains and lock-boxes. He would be blueish and greenish in color and transparent. His animations would be him following you around rattling his chains and saying, "Beware...Beware..."


Chain Lash - Lashes the enemy with chains and heavy lock-boxes dealing X undead damage.
Moaning and Despair - Let's out a ghostly moan dealing X undead damage and reducing the target's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
You will be visited by Three Spirits - Fades out, becoming unattackable for 3 rounds. During this time the Three Spirits attack the enemy for X undead damage, heal all allies for X damage, and finally curse the enemy team, reducing their damage by 25% for 4 rounds. - This ability would be richly animated with each of the Three Spirits performing one of the separate actions while Marley's Ghost is faded out.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Tarmer » December 22nd, 2013, 9:18 pm

Kobold Caroler -- (Humanoid) A creepy/cute, juvenile Kobold with a festive sweater and long scarf. The candle on his head is trimmed for the holidays. He holds up a songbook and hums a few bars when you summon him or click on him.

Abilities include:

Off-key Croon -- Deals Humanoid damage and may stun target for one turn.

No Take Candle -- Elemental damage shoots bolts of fire from candle to target

Figgy Pudding -- Heals Kobold as he slurps up pudding from a bowl.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Mishria » December 22nd, 2013, 9:26 pm

Jingle Bell

A floating bell with a big red bow. When the bell rings only those who believe in Greatfather Winter can hear the bell ring.

Jingle all the Way: Does Magic damage with a 25% chance to stun opposing creature.
Jingle Bell Rocks: Shower of rocks pelts active pet for elemental damage for 3 rounds.
Can You Hear Me Now?: All pet are hit with Magical damage.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Amoondrind » December 22nd, 2013, 9:31 pm

The Gingerbread House
A candy gingerbread house decked out with all the trimmings. Floats about sprinkling candy dust and pieces of candy when you move.

Ability 1: Candy Cane Hurricane, Shoots shards of candy cane dealing damage to target 1-3 times.

Ability 2: Gumdrop attack: Drops a giant gumdrop on target after three turns and deals massive damage.

Ability 3: Tummy ache: Target has eaten too much candy and is incapacitated for 1 round.
