Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

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Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Ryshat » November 14th, 2012, 1:08 am

I'm tired of getting physical CEs for games I don't play. I have Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 in my storage unit. Don't get me wrong, they are fine games, I might have even gotten plain versions of them ... and I'll fork out money for digital CEs. It will just be nice not to have to store the physical boxes.

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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Ryazan » November 14th, 2012, 1:48 am

QQ, and I'm slave to my habits so I have to wait until March for my Baneling as I want the physical CE... :|

So far I've collected every CE there's been and I'm "kind of" forced to do so in the future too. I love the looks tho, 5x WoW CEs in bookshelf is dayumn! :)
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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Rhett » November 14th, 2012, 11:16 am

While I woul love the Starcraft CE for the pet alone - projects I'm saving for prevent that.
However, I live in US and play EU so this is a MAJORLY great option now.. I was able to get a EU CE from my BE but the cost of sending it to me (just the code for all of that would've been too much loss in money) but I didn't see it happening -each- CE.
I would've gotten Diablo 3 had I not done the annual pass (and had it been available that way; which I don't think it was :? )
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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Adashiel » November 14th, 2012, 11:22 am

Yeah, I just blew a hundred bucks on this thing. I really shouldn't have, especially since the chances I'll actually play Starcraft 2 are essentially nil, but I did it anyway. Sadly, before Pandaria came out I had no problem at all resisting the temptation to buy CEs for their pets. Now I find myself regretting not getting them when they were available.

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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Frantor » November 14th, 2012, 11:40 am

I have to admit, that recently I have made a serious effort to shell out the $$$ for physical copies but, I have not played SCII at all. With that being said, I also bought the D3 box set and looking back at how terrible that game was, wish I would of bought the Digital Download. I will stick with digital now for all other games except WoW. The Baneling is really awesome!

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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Jestah » November 14th, 2012, 12:36 pm

Like Ryazan, I have all the physical CE's aside from D3 (thank god). So at this point the collector in me feels obligated to get the physical so that my bookshelf doesn't look lopsided :P (plus I like the cool stuff inside). I just wish they would give us a code if we pre-paid for the physical CE. Well given the amount of time we always have to wait on blizzard, 4 months isn't all that bad!

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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Axarien » November 14th, 2012, 1:16 pm

I, too, am really glad for the digital deluxe versions. I'll play the SC2 expac a little bit just as I did with the original game, but not a ton, so it's nice to still be able to get the fun digital items for less $. We are getting ready to move and I am going to toss all my physical CE boxes.

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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Vhale » November 14th, 2012, 6:41 pm

The only physical CE I really like is the Wrath and SC2 one. Love the soundtrack for Wrath and love the USB dog tags for SC2. I use that thing a ton.

The baneling... the butt balloon gives me heebie jeebies. But it rolling along after you is adorable. So I'm torn between revulsion and /daw!


Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Guest » November 14th, 2012, 7:09 pm

I have mixed feelings about the digital edition. One one hand it's great that more people can get the pets, but on the other hand it kind of devalues them. CE pets used to be rare and special, but now they feel more like Blizzard Store pets - everyone has one! Instead of being part of a collector's package it's just another bland online payment of $20.

It's also pretty unfair for those of us which prefer buying the physical CEs. I don't want to wait 4 months for my Baneling. :( The wait and the fact that some of the bonus features aren't unique anymore kind of makes the CEs feel less worthwhile...
Arcana wrote:We are getting ready to move and I am going to toss all my physical CE boxes.
Don't do that! At least sell them on Ebay.

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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Axarien » November 14th, 2012, 8:23 pm

Do they actually sell on ebay without the pet codes? I had no idea.


Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Guest » November 15th, 2012, 12:07 am

Arcana wrote:Do they actually sell on ebay without the pet codes? I had no idea.
Yup! Price depends on the CE, but you should be able to get around $15-$20 each. Better than chucking them. :P

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Re: Digital Downloads: THANK HEAVEN!

Post by Jestah » November 15th, 2012, 1:35 am

I agree with you Wamo. It really takes the value of them down. As far as the wait goes, not only do we have to wait but we also have to pay more for the physical. not QQing just saying :)

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