Another THANK YOU! to Magical Menagerie for the invite.
The people there very nice (quick invite, free teleport, etc), guild chatter is plesant.
I'm the proud new owner of Thundering Serpent Hatchling! \o/
For those of you wondering how long it takes, it took me 8 hours, with some BoAs - if I didn't goof around, would likely have been a few hours less. Which reminds me...
Reminder to send BoA Renowned Guild Tabard or Illustrious Guild Tabard straight away to your alts (BoA gear is now mailable to other servers!) ... because I totally forgot. That would have shaved an hour or more off, as well.
Which also reminds me to mention: Renowned Guild Tabard vendors for 62g, so paying for the Hatchling wasn't an issue. I simply mailed Renowned Guild Tabards, and vendored them for 1/4 what they're worth on another realm. Not a great plan, but it worked.
>> Mathew