Just a few minutes ago I checked the AH. I had been staying faaaaaaaar away from the AH, because I’m trying to save gold. But this day I decided to check, thinking there would be no deals good enough to tempt me. But THERE IT WAS!!! ...a rare, rare, lvl 1, S/S.
I quickly jumped on four other toons, including my AH/Bank alt, and mailed in the gold to my main. Man those loading screens seem to take an eternity when you’re trying to get such a rare find before anyone else discovers it!
For 15k I think the seller had some idea what he was selling. Though honestly, he could have gotten at least 100,000 from a collector with more gold than me.
I’m dirt poor now, but it was worth every cent.
Hopefully my rare lvl 25 B/B will sell for 5k so I won’t be this poor. But I think I’ll keep the P/B.

So for you peeps who would like to own one, just keep your eye out, you never know. I’m Horde side, and the chances for me to find one is a little more slim than on Alliance side.