Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Blackout » November 29th, 2012, 10:12 am

the twins AQ40 were easliy soloable by my warrior but the slime boss not so much although i think a DK with army can solo the slime boss

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Ranophan » November 29th, 2012, 10:28 am

Best bet short of bringing a friend for the slime boss is to solo it on a frost DK. Beat him to low life... pop army and ghoul... freeze him and then beat him down fast and hard. It just takes far too many hits to shatter him without all the extra melee attacks from the DK minions to manage the fight solo otherwise.

Maybe a hunter with Stampede/Lynx Rush/Dire Beast and a frost bow like the one from Storm Peaks could pull it off but I have not tested that. I tried beating him with my fury warrior using Deathfrost weapons and Frost oil only to find I just couldn't hit him enough times to shatter before he thawed.... maybe the same strat could work for a rogue with the faster attacks but not worrying about it now since I got the pet on my frost DK (lvl 85 was plenty).

Sadly only Gluth's pet keeping me from the achievement... 0 for 4 killing him thus far. Worst one to get was Corefire Imp (9 kills) but at least that one is easy compared to some.

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Kinski » November 29th, 2012, 11:10 am

Màndorla wrote:I tried to do the first boss of BWL, alone with my feral druid, and it seems I can't do it.

Tried it several times, with no result....don't know how to kill all the adds.

Any suggestion? Sorry for my bad english!
soloing as a (feral/guardian) druid:

level 90, no epics, only blue heroics gear:

MC: very easy. did it as feral. absolutely no tactics needed.

BWL: only razorgore needs some practice, the rest ist very easy and needs no tactics whatsoever.
razorgore: took me a couple of tries to get the right tactics working.
start channeling, kill as many eggs as you can. adds will mostly go on you and only some on razorgor.
once you see the channeling is running out move razorgore to the other side of the room to create the
maximum distance between you and him. pop berserk and swipe all the adds that stick on you. heal
yourself up again. start channeling again and just keep killing all the eggs. i ended up having all eggs
killed with razorgore having like 5-10% hp left. it is a race against time if you can kill the eggs fast
enough before razorgore takes too much damage
. once all eggs are down, the adds go away.
the rest is easy peasy. heal up and just kill him.

Naxx: very easy, only for patchwerk it had to switch my balance offspecc to guardian. he simply hits too
hard to survive as feral, at least with my blue gear. i did the four horseman as guardian too, havent tried feral
there. when you fight gluth, just sprint away from him for time to time to get rid of the MS debuff, i
found the best time to do this when he enrages.

AQ40: haven't tried viscidus yet, was too late.
can't solo c'tun cause i killed ouro. :(
twin emperors: ignore vek'lor, he is immune to melee. just dps the other one. simple DPS race against
the healing, could not do it as guardian, had to switch back to feral. just clear the adds on the way to him,
cause the join the fight if you haven't killed them.
the three bugs: just kill the healer first. somehow annoying fight, cause of their CC, but still no problem.

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Vhale » November 29th, 2012, 11:22 am

/hands out coffee

So far, its Sulfron Harbringer, Loatheb and Vicidious pets that are eluding me.
AQ: 1/3 and 1/2 (missing Emps)
Naxx: 0/3 and 1/2 (missing Gluth)
BWL: 1/3
MC: 1/3 - 0/3

I put the first pets I got up on the AH in what I figured might be a vain attempt at easy cash, no such luck. I think people learned from previous AH rushes, finally. They plunged, even the bwl pets. Gluth might hold a bit of value but I suspect that's due to Patchwerk. I'm not sure if Naxx falls under the saved to a boss outline that the other Wrath raids do, but if it does, would be easy for people to save an instance with just the pet droppers up on an alt.
Last edited by Vhale on November 29th, 2012, 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Malanade » November 29th, 2012, 11:46 am

Soloing the MC should be easy for most classes, but AQ.... Ergh. I'm not willing to spend an hour throwing out my hunter freeze trap 100-300 times to freeze Vici, but I did manage to keep him at 1 health until I remembered that evil trait about him... And the twins. Apparently they /are/ solo'able by anything that can do more than 15k per second for a painful 10-30 minutes.. I've seen a hunter solo them in 8 minutes but I cannot, they won't take any damage.

So far none have dropped for me in the MC, which is depressing hearing so many people have gotten them to drop.
I think I might get a guildie to do Blackwing with me and see if any of those drop. :(

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Hoben » November 29th, 2012, 12:04 pm

Hunter solo Vicidious tactic:

1. Spec BM
2. Bring Chimera. Spam Frostbreath to freeze.
3. When Vicidious is frozen use Snake trap and pet cooldowns to shatter. (you want to time the snake trap well so that you get max benefeit)

easy peasy!

Chimera pet & Snake Trap is the trick.

Worked as 89 Hunter in dungeon blues and quest greens.


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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Exel » November 29th, 2012, 12:56 pm

Here's from the Rogue perspective:

My gear is ilv 476, combat specced and generally didn't use food nor elixir except on harder bosses. Basic tactics is keeping yourself at full health with leeching poison Shiv and Recuperate. Using Combat Readiness or Evasion when your health drops to around half will give you enough room to heal to full. I use glyph of Evasion, glyph of Shiv as well and Preparation for double Evasion. With this tactics almost managed to kill even Razuvious, got him to 50k, then didn't bother to try again since he drops no pet:)

Blackwing Lair:

Went here first thrilled that I'd be finally able to solo it.

1.Razorgore - Wiped two times, got it on the third try. Basically, when MC drops the first time kill mobs on you with aoe quickly then immediately go back to MC and destroying eggs. I feel that this can be really random and depend hugely on how many mobs go to attack Razorgore. Waste no time on destroying eggs and destroy the most distant ones first.

2.Other bosses are super easy, got Chrominius, was very happy, didn't even know that he dropped pet:)


1.Whole spider quarter is pretty damn easy. No problems here. Didn't get pet.

2.Gluth - not even a challenge, his melee is weak, and his heal is not big. If debuff is causing you problems, when he jumps to devour zombie just run away from him until it wears off. Very easy. Got pet and very happy since that was the pet I wanted the most.

3.Patchwerk, as a prerequisite for Gluth can cause problems. Used full buffs and tactics on him and still just barely managed to kill him.

4.Loatheb was incredibly easy, just like other plague bosses, even did his achievement with no problems. No pet.


1.Prophet Skeram was soloable for quite some time. No pet.

2.Viscidus - Use Elemental Force enchant on him and get him frozen, then switch to daggers and spam him with Adrenaline Rush and everything else you have and he will break. You can't die but it is very annoying. Got pet, and very happy not to have to do it again.

3.Vek'nilash - by far the hardest of all. The biggest problem is incredible healing from Vek'lor. Fight is also very chaotic with all the mobs around, knock back and teleports. Need to nuke like crazy but at the same time keep your health up with Recuperate and Shiv, cause in prolonged fight they can take you down. Used full tactics, and Healing Potion near the end just to be on the safe side. Didn't get pet but am confident that I can do it easier next week, with even better gear.

Molten Core:

Killed first few bosses, started aoeing everything and got bosses into the mix. I've soloed it before so no problems here.

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Imthedci » November 30th, 2012, 9:58 am

Day 3 update

Ret pally

MC: 0/3
(Did get a Blood of the Mountain though, so that's something)

BWL: 0/3
Finally downed Razorgore, but was close. Rest was easy.

AQ40: 0/2
Finally downed Twin Emps. Wasn't as hard as I though.
Still stuck on Vicidus though. Wish the Elemental Force enchant wasn't so pricy on the AH.

Naxx: 0/1
Plague wing was easy, yet still satisfying.
Stuck on Patchwerk in Construct wing (I can get him to about 40% - and that's with using Lay on Hands, Seal of Insight, Execution Sentence, and Eternal Flame. Need better gear.)
Also stuck on Anub'Rekhan in Spider wing. Having problems with his Impale.

Total: 0/9 (Lucky with the drops, aren't I?)

MC: 2/3
Just need Harbinger of Flame

AQ40: 0/1
Need to get a Chimera to try out Vicidus. Don't know if I want to try Twin Emps since this guy is still 85.

BWL/Naxx: Not even going to attempt. Too squishy.

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by NathKnave » December 1st, 2012, 10:08 am

Update on Viscidus: They hotfixed it to be much easier to solo. You now only need to hit him 30 times in 30 seconds while he's frozen (it was 50 times in 15 seconds). You still need to be able to freeze him with 20 frost attacks (confirmed using Skada Damage Meter), although you can take as long as you want for that part. I was able to easily beat him yesterday after freezing him four times and not being able to shatter him earlier this week (got the pet too).

I still wasn't able to beat the twins solo. Most likely the main reason is a large portion of my damage is ineffective (I'm an Assassination Rogue and the one twin I can hit is immune to poison). Even after I brought in a friend on his Holy Paladin it took a decent amount of time to get them down. It's possible I could solo this one if I had a good weapon to go Combat with, but I'll probably just bring a friend until I get the pet.

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Hellomynameis » December 1st, 2012, 11:00 am

NathKnave wrote:You still need to be able to freeze him with 20 frost attacks
If my memory serves me right, the number is closer to 200, not 20, right? Probably just a typo, but useful for others to know that its not only 20. :D

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Thelandira » December 1st, 2012, 11:55 am

Hellomynameis wrote:
NathKnave wrote:You still need to be able to freeze him with 20 frost attacks
If my memory serves me right, the number is closer to 200, not 20, right? Probably just a typo, but useful for others to know that its not only 20. :D
I'm not sure about the number of attacks it takes to "freeze" Viscidus, but on a dual-wielding Frost DK I can tell you he "freezes" a lot. I must have frozen him 8 or 9 times before getting him down to 1HP. (my DK is level 86 with crap gear) Once I got him down to 1 HP I popped army and laid waste to him. I'm not sure if it would have worked before getting him to 1 HP...I didn't try. Sadly, he didn't drop his pet. :(

I did read somewhere that the "nerf" to Viscidus is that it used to take 75 melee hits to shatter him once he is frozen, but now it's only supposed to take 50 melee hits.

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Crandor » December 1st, 2012, 1:02 pm

Hi guys, first post here...just like to share an elemental shaman perspective on the boss fights and how i cleared it.

MC: Shouldn't be an issue to anyone at this point of time, so i'll skip this.


Razorgore - Pretty much went resto for this fight. Main idea is to get the adds on you instead of Razorgore. This can be done by moving the boss to your toon, so the adds will just jump over. Have earth shield on you/healing stream/healing tide whenever you break control so you can survive the damage.

Broodlord Lashlayer- Glyph spirit wolf for this one to run through all the slows at normal speed, just reach the end and burst him down. try to face your back against somewhere where you won't fall down to the first level

Chromaggus: Remember to dispel yourself when you get the curse. Pray it gets weak to nature/fire damage so you can burst it down quicker.


Maexnna: No pets for this one or she'll web? Still need to test out this one, but pretty much just full burn.

Loatheb: Remember to break spores to boost your dps for this one.

Patchwerk: Included this since you need to clear it before gluth. Remember to clear all the adds before engaging the boss or they'll all aggro onto you when you engage Patchwerk. It still does a lot of damage so prepare to pop some heals/stone bulwark totem in order to mitigate some dmg. Bloodlust and burn hard as usual.

Gluth: Watch out for decimate where it brings your health down to 1, pop stone bulwark totem to give yourself a shield beforehand. If you have the dps to burn it down, decimate shouldn't even happen anyway but just incase.


Prophet Skeram: Just use instant spells for this one, don't use pets or he'll mind control you. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Viscidus: Probably the biggest headache but with the nerf it shouldn't be too difficult. What i did was use frostbrand weapons for the fight, use normal DPS rotations (FS, LvB, LB) but frost shock instead of earth shock to get him freezing. Make sure his health is below 5% before freezing him so the fight will end when you break him. Before he is frozen, summon earth elemental, and BL when he is frozen and stab him until he dies. Best to use a fast weapon like daggers for this one. With the nerf (30 seconds freeze and 30 hits to break him), shouldn't be too much of a problem as i did it easily even before the nerf.

Twin Emperor: Make sure to clear all the adds before this area as well or they'll aggro on pull. If you have enough dps, could just burn down without much problem since they nerfed it (2 seconds to 3 seconds heal). If not, spec into Primal elementalist and use earth elemental to tank Emperor Vek'nilash (The one immune to caster damage on the right), while you burst down Emperor Vek'lor (Immune to physical damage on the left).

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Quintessence » December 1st, 2012, 1:15 pm

Tips for solo'ing Razorgore:
  • - When you first control the boss, begin making your way to the far platform. Pop eggs as you go, but make the eggs furthest away your priority.

    - Use the platform and other objects as kiting obstacles. If a bunch of adds are on the boss, jump him off the platform and pop some eggs down below before kiting the NPCs around the other side of the platform.

    - Once you lose control over Razorgore, clean up some of the adds on you or near you. You don't need to travel away from the orb, most of the adds will come to you.

    - If you have any self-heals, use it as that will also generate agro and pull adds towards you instead of the boss.

    - Don't make killing the adds a priority. Since Razorgore will be making his way from the opposite side of the room, you can use that travel time to kill as many adds as possible, but you should control the boss again shortly after he reaches your platform. Continue to pop eggs while kiting around any NPCs on the boss.
Obviously this encounter will be easier for a level 90 than a level 85, but good luck to all willing to give it a try!
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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by NathKnave » December 1st, 2012, 8:48 pm

Hellomynameis wrote:If my memory serves me right, the number is closer to 200, not 20, right? Probably just a typo, but useful for others to know that its not only 20. :D
The number of Frost hits needed to freeze him was lowered from 200 to 20 in the initial 5.1 patch. I verified this by using my damage meter, I had used Frost Oil on some BC daggers and the count on my Frost Bolt was exactly 20 (19 hits, 1 crit) after the fight.
Thelandira wrote:I did read somewhere that the "nerf" to Viscidus is that it used to take 75 melee hits to shatter him once he is frozen, but now it's only supposed to take 50 melee hits.
The initial 5.1 patch lowered the number of times you needed to hit him from 75 in 15 seconds to 50 in 15 seconds. A hotfix on November 29 made it a much easier 30 hits in 30 seconds. I've only done this on my rogue, but my guess is any class that is able to dual-wield should be able to pull this off easily (make sure you're using the fastest weapon you can access, damage doesn't matter, only number of hits). If you can't dual-wield, you might need some help, although I've heard that trinkets like the Barov Peasant Caller can help. (Ooh, looks like they took this out in 5.0. Hope you already have one. I have two, the Barov Servant Caller from Vanilla and the Barov Peasant Caller from Cataclysm.)

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Re: Guide for the Raid Bosses for pets

Post by Gilneas » December 2nd, 2012, 4:40 am

NathKnave wrote: The initial 5.1 patch lowered the number of times you needed to hit him from 75 in 15 seconds to 50 in 15 seconds. A hotfix on November 29 made it a much easier 30 hits in 30 seconds. I've only done this on my rogue, but my guess is any class that is able to dual-wield should be able to pull this off easily (make sure you're using the fastest weapon you can access, damage doesn't matter, only number of hits). If you can't dual-wield, you might need some help, although I've heard that trinkets like the Barov Peasant Caller can help. (Ooh, looks like they took this out in 5.0. Hope you already have one. I have two, the Barov Servant Caller from Vanilla and the Barov Peasant Caller from Cataclysm.)
Also any kind of melee pets/guardians from class abilities.

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