Down To The Serious Ones

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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Kel » July 16th, 2014, 3:47 pm

Graven wrote:. . . and there are plenty of tips on here for ways to raise the gold. . .
Where is that link? 8-)
Graven wrote:. . . Remember most people did those grinds over the course of months and years. Trying to bang them out in weeks is gonna be painful. . .
Yea, that's probably the biggest problem I have is that I only started playing about 8 months ago. I think "the community" has a several year jump on me! :shock:
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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Worgenbait » July 17th, 2014, 12:49 am

If you have a level 90, just do a run of Naxx, Karazhan, and Black Temple. Just those 3, vendoring everything but the cloth, should net you 4-5K upon finishing all 3 even without a pet dropping. It's a great source for convenient gold-farming, and doesn't take that long at level 90.

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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Kel » July 17th, 2014, 11:32 am

Worgenbait wrote:If you have a level 90, just do a run of Naxx, Karazhan, and Black Temple. Just those 3, vendoring everything but the cloth, should net you 4-5K upon finishing all 3 even without a pet dropping. It's a great source for convenient gold-farming, and doesn't take that long at level 90.
Thanks for the tip! 8-)
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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Kpb321 » July 17th, 2014, 12:53 pm

My question would be the opposite.

What are you doing that you aren't making gold in WoW or what are you spending it on so that you don't have much gold?

Pretty much anything you do in WoW generates gold. Grinding reps, doing dailies, dungeon runs, transmog runs of old raids, buying and selling on the AH, etc. If you don't have a lot of gold the simple answer might just be that you don't have much play time. Alternatively, you might be making the gold and spending it and might need to consider your priorities.

As far as the best way to make gold to buy battle pets my first question would be how does your AH look? If you are on a higher pop server and it's just a matter of having the money to buy the pets then doing old raid runs can work well. If you are on a lower pop server with a poor AH having the money isn't doing to do much good if the pets simply aren't there to buy. If you are on a lower pop server the answer seems simple. You need to get money on another server to be able to buy the pets anyway so why not make your money buying and selling pets on AH's. I'd recommend starting with some medium pop type servers as it is going to be hard to make much money going straight to a high pop server, especially a popular one like Illadian. I'd recommend a couple servers as that gives you more chances to find deals and more places to sell for a profit.

To get started you'll need two things.

1) A small amount of money on your new server to get your banker started on selling pets. The listing fee for pets is only 1 silver but for a new level 1 banker that has just run to the AH it's still more than you have. Once you have a starting amount it's pretty much impossible to not have enough for listing fees. There are a couple options.
a) A blingtron. The gift package almost always has something in it worth at least a couple silver so you should only need to find one up to get your starting gold.
b) Mail a BoA item to vendor. Either a BoA piece of gear or something like one of the armor drops from the Timeless Isle or even a stack of pet bandages.
c) Sell a pet in trade chat. I'd aim for a cheap pet sold really cheap. The goal isn't to make a lot of gold or get a good deal for the pet. Just to get some gold to start listing pets on the AH.
2) A few starting pets to sell on the AH. This could be duplicates you've farmed yourself, good deals from your home ah, pets you can craft. Just need some pets.

Once you've started to get some gold on other servers then you can start buying low and selling high using the differences in pricing to make money on all your servers. Resist the initial temptation to start buying pets you are missing as soon as you can afford them because you'll limit your ability to make more gold if you can't afford to buy good deals on your other servers. Once you've built up some profit and have gold on several servers then you can consider adding a high pop server to your mix. The advantage is that you'll have access to pretty much any pet you want and the pets will be cheaper but it will also be harder to make gold there.

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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Hermy » July 18th, 2014, 8:13 am

[profile]Kel[/profile], hit me up with a Btag request - Hermy#1783 - and I'll give you the [pet]White Tickbird Hatchling[/pet]. :D

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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Kel » July 18th, 2014, 1:42 pm

Hermy wrote:[profile]Kel[/profile], hit me up with a Btag request - Hermy#1783 - and I'll give you the [pet]White Tickbird Hatchling[/pet]. :D
Thank you, but I found him on my AH for a decent price. SO I now have him. 8-)
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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Hermy » July 19th, 2014, 2:04 am

I remembered another rep-based pet, but they are wild. The dragonkin hatchlings that are linked to the Cloud Serpent rep.

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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Corah » July 22nd, 2014, 1:20 pm

If you need to make money on another server, I suggest starting a DK. By the time you get out of the starter area you have some money and you can ride a mount as well.

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Re: Down To The Serious Ones

Post by Kynthea » July 22nd, 2014, 5:56 pm

I farmed the Tiny Shale Spider and leveled a few of them up to 5 to sell on the AH. Unfortunately they didn't sell well. I still don't have the fox from Tol Barad and a few others. I lucked out on the vengeful porcupette because someone was selling it for 5k. I only had 1k and told them that-- I was willing to pay that amount and give the person a lvl 5 tiny shale spider. The person said he/she would take 500 gold and the spider. I got lazy and just bought the other porcupettes on the AH (although I did collect the bones for one of them).

I tried getting Raiding With Leashes II but Lady Vashj would not drop the pet. Finally a guildy let me memorize the pet temporarily to get the achievement and I handed it back afterward. Then the guildy ended up finding it for me inexpensively on another server so I was able to keep one.

I still haven't had enough gold for Darkmoon Eye and Darkmoon Rabbit.

I have crap luck for RNG so I still don't have Ruby Droplet, the pet from Spirit of Jadefire, and such.

I did luck out and get the Grovestrider Hatchling on Beta (I've looted about 20 Teroclaw nests and it was only in one). I'm still trying to farm from that right now. Knowing my luck I won't see that pet for a looooong time on live. LOL.

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