She's all tarted up now & ready to find a mate. To kill.Jathal wrote:Hermy, your Widow Spiderling needs a little practice for when she finds a mate. Level her up to 25.

Pyrephoenix, I have chosen a significant number for me, for you. My daughter, the Hermling, turns FIVE next week, so in her honour, I've chosen five of her favourite pets for you to level!
[pet]Tiny Snowman[/pet]
[pet]Baby Blizzard Bear[/pet]
[pet]Armadillo Pup[/pet] (I'm always puzzled by this one, she had an obsession with it for ages, always asked me to get my "armadeeyo' out.

[pet]Gu'chi Swarmling[/pet]
[pet]Pandaren Fire Spirit[/pet]