Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

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Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Bramble » August 20th, 2014, 1:11 pm

How can we find something resembling the average AH price of a battle pet?

Wowhead only gives the average selling price of items, not the battle pets, unless I'm just not looking in the right place.

I think the WoWuction site does prof mats, not pets. But again, it may be that I'm not turning on or off the right filter.

I truly miss the Undermine for its little graphs of all current AH pricing on a pet. Nothing helped me feel more secure in spending gold for a pet or pricing one, especially when another isn't up for sale.

Is there anything like UJ now? It could be just for the Battle Pets section, the most important part of the AH, hee.

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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Ravnhawk » August 20th, 2014, 1:53 pm

As of now I have no clue how to see pets on other servers other then making a toon and checking. I used to use undermine journal a lot but never really the way most did. There were a lot of people who would say well Undermine has it for "X" on a particular server. But the reality is if I don't have gold on a sever that has a pet up at a cheaper then my server, I most likely won't be getting that pet at that price either in gold or pets I am trading for it. Yes I could get a better deal then maybe on my server especially for pets that never showed on my servers.

As for pricing the pets. I check the AH I am selling them on and if no pet is up I tend to go a bit high until I find the sweet spot for selling a pet. I don't check other servers because many times I'd be under pricing a pet on my server. Example. I can but some level 25 pets for as little as 2 to 3k on illidan and sell them for 7 to 9k on another several servers I am on. If I used undermine as a base I wouldn't make any profit to buy more pets to either give away or sell to buy more LOL. Besides I totally love making a toon on a sever when I see someone I know whine about not getting a pet or being unable to find them. I do a few quests to get the coppers to mail a pet to them. Then I delete my toon. Koori gave me that idea and it's been so fun to do.

Many times people will say oh you can get it on Illidan for "X" and "x" is all they are willing to go whether in gold or trading pets. One guy told me when I first started trading. "If you want to get pets at Illidan or Stormrage prices then make a toon and gold on those servers then you can buy them yourself." He was right and so I did.

I used UJ mostly to see what pets were available on my server and the prices. UJ was faster then remote ah as remote ah only lets you see 200 pets. And on many servers there are more then 200 pets on the ah at one time.

I hope UJ comes back it was very useful for a lot of things but it did confuse the pet market on a specific servers because people sometimes expect to get pets at Illidan and Stormrage prices that don't actually have toons on those server to buy the pets.

It's going to be really interesting to see what pets go for when the expac first hits and the new pets start hitting the AH's and trades here. I really can't wait.
Last edited by Ravnhawk on August 20th, 2014, 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Kel » August 20th, 2014, 1:54 pm

Yea, that was a huge blow. That site was so important. Hopefully they return upon the release of WoD. I'm dying without them!
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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Bramble » August 20th, 2014, 2:29 pm

You raise some very good points, Ravnhawk. I had completely forgotten about the very existence of the mobile AH. To the point that I had to look up how to access it on the web. >.< That will be quite helpful in and of itself. Thanks for the reminder!

I never relied on UJ to be definitive in pricing, but a crutch for guidelines at times and interesting info all the time. ;)

One of my favorite uses was to spot some pet I didn't have going for low prices and quickly making a character and hastily gathering copper to sell and possibly scoop it up. That worked more times than it should, perhaps! Often the low price was due to several people putting the same pet up on a small server without much demand and continually undercutting one another, ensuring that there'd be several up for the couple of days needed to scrape together the buyout.

I also have characters on multiple servers whose sole raison d'être is to gather herbs & ore and watch for affordable pets I haven't acquired. The baby alts marooned in their separate realms is a truly fun side hobby. Death knights sure make it easier; bags included!

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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Graven » August 20th, 2014, 2:53 pm

Kel wrote:Yea, that was a huge blow. That site was so important. Hopefully they return upon the release of WoD. I'm dying without them!
I think all the AHs are going to be linked in WoD, which would make UJ obsolete?

Not sure though, I haven't really looked into it so I don't know how it works. Will the AH just have one enormous list, or will you be able to filter by realm and stuff? I'm just thinking that browsing might become a bit impossible - currently there are often 25 or more pages of pets for sale on Silvermoon alliance, and that is just one server. It takes forever to scroll through, and there is even a noticeable lag of a second or two when sorting or refreshing the list. I can't imagine it would work to have a list that's, say, 2500+ pages long.

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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Bramble » August 20th, 2014, 3:02 pm

I heard something about AH merges, as well, and don't remember if it was from the recent live stream or not. But what I understood was that the horde and alliance of each particular server was what would be combined, not all servers.

One mega-AH, though...I'd be okay with that! :mrgreen:

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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Graven » August 20th, 2014, 3:08 pm

Aw I hope not. The alliance side of my home server is nearly as dead as horde side. I think even combined it wouldn't be a very lively AH.

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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Kel » August 20th, 2014, 6:09 pm

Graven wrote:I think all the AHs are going to be linked in WoD, which would make UJ obsolete? . . .
But there were other things I used TUJ for. Like tracking prices over a given time frame. And here's one you may not have known about. When using the website for doing AH stuff, you could also use TUJ to figure out pet breeds of a given pet before you bid on it. Because even though the website AH didn't show breeds, TUJ would! This was handy when I'm buying pets while at work. ;)
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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Bramble » August 21st, 2014, 9:48 am

Kel, good news! As I was searching for some alternatives, I happened across the blog of UJ's creator. He's (fuzzily) planning for a beta of the new verison in mid-September. I hope it's not too hard to get into the beta, whee! :ugeek:

In the meantime, I found Kathroman who is making an AH watcher. To enter the beta, you have to retweet the blurb for it. I did so and now see behind the veil. It's a complex, configurable alert system to email you if certain conditions are met, such as a Spineclaw Crab on Mal'Ganis Horde being listed for under 5 gold. (Like you'd be able to log in fast enough for that! =)

I still have so many pets I'm looking for and keeping an eye out for helping my hubby's collection along as well that I can't bring myself to add in all the things I'd be potentially interested in. But for those with fewer pets left to get or more patience for setting up the alerts, it might be something handy to consider. It will be a paid service eventually, but free while it's in beta.

p.s. I had helpful links to these things but I've been an underachiever in posting, so I'm not allowed to share. :oops: However, they're easily found by going to the Twitter profiles of Erorus for UJ and wowgps for Kathroman. Those share info and linkage.

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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Aalea » August 23rd, 2014, 6:12 am

To answer the question about the AH's merging. They are only merging horde and allied per server. Not per battlegroup or god forbid ALL AH's. Thus taking out the need for people to transfer gold through the neutral AH when they want to buy something from the opposing factions AH.


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Re: Now that Undermine Journal is no more...

Post by Gendou » August 26th, 2014, 6:05 pm

I've known Erorus for years from the Ars Technica forums - I was a beta-tester for the original flavor of TUJ.

He's decided to give TUJ another go, but he's re-writing the entire thing from scratch.
No more XML, and no personalization/customization - it'll be pretty much straight information compilation, and that's all.
So no market notification e-mails or anything like that. I expect he'll release an API to allow other sites that want to do that sort of thing to read from his data compilations, however, so expect that niche to be filled pretty quickly if that's what floats your boat.

If you want to keep up with the latest developments, he has a [url=]dev blog right here[/url] with an overview of his plans.

So don't worry, fellow pet hunters.
The Undermine Journal isn't gone forever... it's just being revamped while Erorus switches server providers.

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