The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

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The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Klaital » September 8th, 2014, 4:56 am

After having just spent 6 hours in hillsbrad pet battling and trying unsuccesfully to get a rare snowshoe hare, am curious as to which wild pets have given other people lot of headache to get as a rare?

There was three pets I was missing from Hillsbrad when I started, Lofty Libram, Red-tailed Chipmunk, and the Snowshoe Hare. While I got the libram within half a dozen pet battles, it took over five hours to get a rare chipmunk (despite them being all over the place pretty much), and to add insult to injury, after I finally got that chipmunk, I got a second rare chipmunk like two battles later. After six hours I gave up for today, still not having the damn hare. :/ I must have killed at least a hundred of them without seeing a single rare, which is especially frustrating since its almost exclusively secondary pet, I only saw two as primaries during the whole six hours.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Rioriel » September 8th, 2014, 7:05 am

[pet]Cheetah Cub[/pet], spent forever zooming round the handful of spawns spots, checking, killing, waiting, waiting, WAITING. Waiting for a sandstorm in Tanaris to go and get a [pet]Silithid Hatchling[/pet] was a ballache too. Mainly as I had sod all else to do at the time.

Val'kyr wasn't taxing, found within half hour (always find 'em in the same spot: Borean Tundra near Kelthuzad's illusion thing). Minfernal took some camping but don't think it was all that bad. But that damn Cheetah. GRWARRGHH!

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Furkel » September 8th, 2014, 8:00 am

[pet]Larva[/pet], no contest. After weeks of running around Ghostlands I finally found a rare, but looking back on it now I should have just caught the first one I found and stoned it.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Wakamaru » September 8th, 2014, 8:43 am

[pet]Molten Hatchling[/pet] and [pet]Swamp Moth[/pet] were the last two wild pets I found as rare, and they took waaaaay longer than they should have! It was a chore!

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Kpb321 » September 8th, 2014, 12:16 pm

Most of that reads like a list of pets I stoned.

Baby Giraffe - Check got luck on getting one, no clue what rarity it was originally but I'm sure I stoned it to rare.
Sand Kitten - Check got luck on getting one, no clue what rarity it was originally but I'm sure I stoned it to rare.
Babe Ape - Check, Got two the first time I caught the weather up. I think it was uncommon of both breeds and stoned the P/P to rare.

Definitely stone the Snowshoe hare too. It can be a primary spawn but only in the snowy area and only when it is snowing I think. Makes it a pain to capture as a rare. As primarily a horde player the Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling was a bit of a pain to get. I had decided ahead of time I wanted a p/p and since it only came as secondaries and comes in lots of breeds I decided a head of time that I'd just get a P/P and stone it. Same thing for a Flayer Youngling. Capturing a rare wasn't too bad but once I decided I wanted a rare S/S I caught an S/S and stoned it. Wasn't about to try to win the lottery of hitting a rare and the right breed with so many available.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Vetteranger » September 8th, 2014, 1:02 pm

This weekend in Tanaris I came across three rare Sand Kittens in a pretty short span of time. However, I circled the shoreline dozens of times without seeing a rare Seagull. I think the issue in Tanaris is that only two pets show in a battle, which cuts down on your chances. When a sand storm came up, I saw five rare Silithid Hatchlings in about a half hour. I took the opportunity to farm those areas since there were innumerable spawns, and I was hoping to see a rare Seagull as a secondary. I've still never seen a rare Infinite Whelpling either ... until I stoned one when I realized I had five Dragonkin stones and only four vendor pets needing one. :-)

It took so long for me to even see ONE Baby Giraffe that I shudder at trying to farm a rare one.

Telrasil Wisp is another pet that I'm leery of farming a rare. It isn't a frequent spawn. I have the same trepidation about the air elemental pets in Aranthi.

For the most part, I have pretty good luck when I go to a zone with the intention of farming out my remaining missing rares.

But I guess none of that is really on topic. My impression of the rare I farmed which (so far) proved the biggest nightmare was my Undercity Rat. I still have approximately 75 uncommon wilds that I need to upgrade to rare, so that opinion has plenty of room to change as I continue to farm. LOL

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by GrosBonda » September 8th, 2014, 1:25 pm

readind all the answer show one thing.
RNG is doiing his job :)

everybody seems to have different one :D
I personnally did not stone a single wild except minfernal....

but i am still trying to get a PP Infinite whelp :( i have 2 rare already and a green PP but i want a PP blue :)

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Matib » September 8th, 2014, 2:30 pm

Snowshoe Hare was aggravating for me as well just picked my rare up two days ago. Still cant find a rare Scarab Hatchling to this day. Farmed hours on end for one, and still have not seen it :( There are a few more that gave me issues, and still hunting for some, but I was more surprised at wild pet rare spawns, than I was for some of the "better" pets

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Dagris » September 8th, 2014, 3:15 pm

Well there are the specific seasonal or environmental pets which were irritating (Snowy Owl, Silithid hatchling, etc.) but those were more just irritation over the wait for the scheduled time to come around. The one that got me most annoyed I think was the Minfernal before they bumped up it's spawn rate. Spent a lot of time floating around Felwood for that one :)

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Opallena » September 8th, 2014, 3:29 pm

Larva gave me some trouble, so did a scorpion from blasted lands... most of the really rare pets like Minfernal and Unborn Val'kyr I just used a stone on and never bothered hunting for a rare.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Sibi » September 8th, 2014, 3:31 pm

The baby ape for sure...not even as rare but finding one period. I parked 3 characters on 3 servers logging in and out randomly hoping for rain. A good friend parked himself on the island for a few days on a 4th server waiting for a rainy period. lol Seemed like everytime it rained the island was suddenly full of people beating me to the apes.
The Larva in Ghostlands was also a pain. The silithid hatchling sandstorm spawn was kind of a pain. Scorpion in Blasted Lands gave me fits.
I lucked out on the Giraffe, Valkyr (logged out in a spawn area prepared to camp all the next day, logged in to find her sitting there waiting for me the next morning), minfernal. Lucked in to my DMF Rabbit joined a group at the very last second before the pull out rolled 17 or so people on my second kill, saving not only time but a ton of gold.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Jazeel » September 8th, 2014, 6:11 pm

without a doubt the sand kitten was my worst wild pet rare hunt. I spent three weekends in tanaris, 6-8 hours a day endlessly circling battling and moving on to the next spawn and ended up using a beast stone. there were others that were painful but none on that scale, a lot like minifernal i just stoned first one i found.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Aalea » September 14th, 2014, 10:50 pm

Ghostlands larva. Worst pet ever to get.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Rioriel » September 15th, 2014, 3:16 am

It's funny that early-MoP we were probably collecting everything we could as rare, discarding/killing uncommons and worse, then find ourselves swimming in battle stones come the end of the expansion. I wonder how, as we progress through Draenor whether we'll use the stones early or save 'em for those ones we just can't seem to get after the first month, etc.

I'll probably try The Hunt™ again, camp and farm and camp and farm, trying to find THAT rare. Keeps me playing at max level, y'know. I don't play any alts, so pottering about slowly ticking things off a To Do List on Rioriel is what I enjoy most.

Oh, right, the OP... err. Already answered but shoutout to Monstrous Spineclaw / Spineclaw Crab for evading me at every step, and for the Darkmoon Rabbit for SEEMINGLY NOT ACTUALLY EXISTING.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Moonflame » September 15th, 2014, 9:20 am

Minfernal - Actually, I gave up and stoned this one!

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Merana » September 15th, 2014, 9:27 am

Coral Adder of all things. The phasing in that area really didn't help either.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Khorah » September 15th, 2014, 9:39 am

Hmm.. so many to choose from.. Sand Kitten... Minfernal... Larva from Ghostlands.. It is a long and distinguished list.. :oops:

And of course, now I am in the boat [profile=Rioriel]Rioriel[/profile] was talking about.. spent hours trying to track down rares early on and am swimming in stones.. ah well.. guess I will be in good shape for WoD launch..

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Gendou » September 17th, 2014, 4:15 pm

Furkel wrote:[pet]Larva[/pet], no contest. After weeks of running around Ghostlands I finally found a rare, but looking back on it now I should have just caught the first one I found and stoned it.
Merana wrote:Coral Adder of all things. The phasing in that area really didn't help either.

I still have nightmares where I'm roaming up and down the coast of the Ghostlands, battling ghost crabs while trying desperately to find a rare Larva, and finding nothing but Maggots.

Runner up would have to be trying to find a rare Molten Hatchling.

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Re: The wild pet that gave you most trouble to find as rare?

Post by Echinacea » September 18th, 2014, 9:44 am

Merana wrote:Coral Adder of all things. The phasing in that area really didn't help either.
those are hard to find? i tamed a rare last night, first one i saw so i tamed it. its an S/S

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