Explain this to me, Community.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Graven » November 3rd, 2014, 4:07 pm

Sul0kana wrote:Hello.

Regardless the former topic -congrats, people, the comment was deleted because of b*hurt-downvote.

Seriously, I don't get how the pet collector community works- it is similiar to how the mount farmer community works on the official forums!
Isn't anyone ashamed of how the comment section on pets just explode with crappy comments like "wiwiwi, I got this pet yaaay?", most times containing no other information or anything else that's of any use for others?

Once again. Look at this: http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/ma ... 3#comments

Are you SERIOUS? There's a comment from someone posting about his team. It got's downvoted with -2. Why?

Another thing that annoys me SO SO hard is this:
Comments like...
"wheeeeee I got this pet yeah yeah yeah look at me!"
"yaaaay, first bag, its mine now ,yeeeeeeah pls tell everyone i got this pet okeh".
Seriously. Nobody cares if they got it from the bag. Nice to know it can drop from it though, BUT, seriously, that whimsical "wiwiwiwiwi i gots dis:))))))))"-stuff is annoying. You wanna get some attention for having luck, right? You wanna have people type you with "congaaaaaaaaaaaaas", like zombies and upvote your nonsens-attention-gathering comments, right?
This is just sad. No. Really. Why are they doing that? I really don't get it.

Isn't there anyone that can delete such awful comments of nonsens? :(
No offence, but it seems to me that you might be the "b*hurt" one here? You wrote this whole thread with a negative tone, just as your original comment was also negative. Even the title is accusatory ("Explain this to me, Community!"). Now you've come back, over a year later, and resurrected this thread to tell us all how you've deleted your comment.

What's your deal? If you don't like the pet, just don't spend your time to collect it - problem solved. A comment like the one you wrote, despite what you might think, is no more constructive than the "Wiwiwiwi I just got it!" posts that you decry, and by posting it here you leave it open to be up- or down-voted as people see fit. I don't think a few downvotes on what is basically a whine-post show anything negative about the community here at all.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Ishildur » November 3rd, 2014, 5:49 pm

As much as it can get annoying wading through endless "just got it" when you're trying to find info on where, how and so on... there is a use for those posts. Sometimes you just have such bad luck you're not sure if it's bugged or not. Because that does happen, sometimes new patches bug things and you can't be sure if things are working right. Being able to go "oh, this person got it 4 days ago, so it can't be bugged, I'm just unlucky" at least lets you know you're not wasting your time on something that doesn't even drop/spawn right. So I don't mind the 'yay, just got it!' posts and comments, they let me know that OK, yeah, things are still working.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Jazeel » November 4th, 2014, 4:10 pm

It seems to me you need to take a chill pill mate, stop calling people liars, get off your high horse and get over yourself.

So you got a post you thought was valid downvoted, big deal.

They yay for me posts are an emotional outlet of joy and ego that is associated with any type of endeavor and a perfectly normal on a forum of most types, especially one dedicated to the collecting of cute conglomerations of pixels.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Graven » November 4th, 2014, 4:12 pm

I think we need to come up with a word that means "the same as b*hurt, only more so..."

:roll: ;)

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Quintessence » November 4th, 2014, 4:47 pm

We're all for sharing and expressing different opinions here on WarcraftPets, as long as the dialogue remains mature and open.

Unfortunately, it seems this thread has taken a more negative turn so it will be locked. Please remember to keep posts friendly, and avoid using combative and accusatory tones. Thanks!
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