.....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Azillero » December 2nd, 2014, 5:36 pm

I don't really see a problem with this. I think the grind for 500 to level the menagerie was a bit much. Lowering it to 150 seems a lot more reasonable. Now, if they wanted to keep the 500 mark for an achievement, that'd be fine, too. But locking the menagerie to 500, meh.

I'm a little surprised by some of the really negative reaction to this. It sounds a lot like the stuff heard from raiders that scoff at "casuals". If you already finished 500, I'm sorry you had to do so many before the nerf happened. But, it was a choice. I really don't think it's a matter of anyone being "lazy". Some people are very motivated and grind to get it done as soon as possible. Others don't go at it as hard. It's also a pretty common occurrence by now that Blizz lowers the bar for all (most) things. Maybe not this quickly, but usually it is inevitable. I think in this case, Blizz probably realized that it was going to keep a lot of people from even trying to level the menagerie because the bar was pretty high. That's not in keeping with their philosophy of making content available to more people.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Kel » December 2nd, 2014, 5:54 pm

Aurae wrote:Raiders have been saying this for years. . .
The Oakland Raiders? :lol:
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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Sedaii » December 2nd, 2014, 6:20 pm

Azillero wrote:If you already finished 500, I'm sorry you had to do so many before the nerf happened. But, it was a choice.
Yes, I chose to grind out the 500, but I never imagined that it would be irrelevant so quickly. If I had known that the nerf was happening so soon, I would have chosen to spend those hours elsewhere.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Ranok » December 2nd, 2014, 6:22 pm

Usually Blizz waits a year or two to cater to the folks who aren't willing to work for an achievement.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Badpathing » December 2nd, 2014, 7:06 pm

I admit it, I am a bit salty. I thought the 500 grind was brutal; brutal enough that I know I will never get the monument. There really isn't much incentive past garrison daily and collecting pets to do the battles (btw, garrison daily doesn't count towards the monument...) when you can use the Panda trainers to level. I personally never felt like leveling outside of trainers makes much sense, hence my lack of avg level 25 I guess...

But I will move on, I knew it would happen eventually. I am just honestly hoping that they lower the monument requirement; If you think about the current nerf, they dropped it by 70%...if they do the same for the monument that is 600 battles, which, is a nice way of appeasing those who did the grind.

For those unlucky bastards who pushed to 2k (in a post nerf situation), my heart goes out to you...

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Rendigar » December 2nd, 2014, 7:10 pm

I wonder if this is why they did it: to bring the time to get all the various Lvl 3 tertiary buildings down around the same amount? The others (Mine, Herb Garden, and Fishing Shack) took far less time. Honestly I think I spent fewer hours getting all 3 than it took to get the pet battles done. It would not be hard for them to look at the stats and see just how much time it was taking.

I doubt they will change the monument, no reason to - that's the REAL accomplishment. But getting access to all the level 3 non-essential buildings is not so much so.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Gilneas » December 2nd, 2014, 8:09 pm

I was ok with the 500 originally as I felt there was going to be plenty to do to passively work on it. After the expansion came out I realized how wrong I was about that. After you collected all the wild pets (even if you hunted for rares), you still had a lot of pointless pet battles to go. A lot. Which would be fine if it was something prestigious like 5k wins, or the 2k in Draenor for the monument. But its not anything like that -- its the achievement by which you progress your menagerie. Unlocking the level 3 buildings is supposed to be something you actively work on, but not incredibly pointless. Compared to the other 3 always-available buildings, the menagerie's was very out of line. Even the fishing one is faster than you'd think (and the fishing isn't meaningless -- you can work on it while you do your fishing daily, and doing it helps level fishing/first aid for one or more of your characters).

To those complaining that they "gave in" and some how ruined the achievement because it was "too hard," it was never hard. It was just woefully off for what it was supposed to be. 150 still requires a bit of a grind, as you don't just happen to get there on accident doing pet battles to that point. But its something that doesn't appear so out of reach, or uneven when compared to its counterparts for other buildings.

And its very doubtful they'll change the monument. That one IS a long-term prestige type achievement. There's nothing wrong with it being 2k. Almost positive it'll stay that way.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Ishildur » December 2nd, 2014, 8:43 pm

I'm pretty happy with this. That level of grind, it would have worked in Pandaria as that place had a lot more wild pets. I mean to capture even 1 of each took a lot longer. I went out and captured all of the wild pets really quickly in WoD, like several days faster than I could do the pandaria ones once I decided to get them done with. Sure, I didn't get them all rare, but y'know, I have excess of every pet battle stone and am coming up on 200 pet charms. The need to catch everything rare is not so much a need for me any more. Not with being able to get a battlestone every two days. So yeah, even leveling up all the new pets to lvl 25 with wild pet battles would most likely have taken less than 500 fights based on progress so far.

Yeah, I think I'm as happy with this as I was with the raid nerfs in the past. They didn't really affect me since I was past those points most content, but no point in being one of those bitter people crying that wah, lazy casuals welfare epics ruining the game bring back the old vanilla EQ difficulty that WoW never had but I clearly remember in my nostalgia. I was just happy other people got to have the same fun I did, even if it meant they didn't have to put in as many hours for it as I did I still didn't think 'omg lazy' - I guess maybe I'm weird for not being like the average person in trade but I'm cool with that. It makes sense to me, the monument should be the grind and the monuments were intended to be the major grinds for their respective playoptions (pvp, casual pve, pet battles, raiding and so on). The monuments all seem to require a lot more effort than anything else.

The lvl 3 buildings on the other hand require some effort but most of them, not a whole lot to be honest. I'm at a point where there's three buildings I'm using on my characters I haven't unlocked lvl 3... stables that are simply time-locked to the quests, storehouse that requires looting 10k gold and pet menagerie. When even fishing takes a fraction of the time and leaves you with great rewards for it's grind (sooo much fish, and it didn't even take long) clearly something wasn't thought out very well.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Girandzim » December 3rd, 2014, 2:56 am

Adorabella_x wrote:BEST news ever!!!! I hit 215 today and wanted to cry - Squeeel! :D :D :D
Right? I ground out about 120 last night and wanted to just fade into non-existence. I did get my Weebomination/Puddle Terror tonight as well since the level 3 Menagerie just got unlocked for me. \o/

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Peanutty » December 3rd, 2014, 4:47 am

Gilneas wrote:I was ok with the 500 originally as I felt there was going to be plenty to do to passively work on it. After the expansion came out I realized how wrong I was about that. After you collected all the wild pets (even if you hunted for rares), you still had a lot of pointless pet battles to go.
Oh gosh, I was in the same boat. I thought 500 battles would be no problem, but then ended up camping 2 alts out in different zones and pet battling 25 - 40 battles at a time. It was so mindnumbing. I got to just under 400 before the change went in, so I would've finished this week anyhow.

I'll still grind for the monument but I don't mind taking my time with that. I just didn't want to wait for rank 3 menagerie!

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Mehetabel » December 3rd, 2014, 5:47 am

I don't really know what I feel about this to be honest. I am only at about 120/500 so this does mean I will get my level 3 menagerie much much sooner, which is nice.

On the other hand, I didn't have an issue with the 500 requirement. I had plenty of motivation as I was using it as a reason to level lots more of my pets and work towards the monument as well as the level 3 menagerie. Now I feel like a lot of that motivation has been taken away.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Girandzim » December 3rd, 2014, 5:55 am

Mehetabel wrote:I don't really know what I feel about this to be honest. I am only at about 120/500 so this does mean I will get my level 3 menagerie much much sooner, which is nice.

On the other hand, I didn't have an issue with the 500 requirement. I had plenty of motivation as I was using it as a reason to level lots more of my pets and work towards the monument as well as the level 3 menagerie. Now I feel like a lot of that motivation has been taken away.
Except that it was a rather large restriction on people who do other things besides pet battle. My guild was #68 US in SoO and they want to push even further with this tier so they were giving me shit just for the 150. 500 and I wouldn't have heard the end of it. I am glad the restriction for the level 3 Menagerie was lifted and now I can grind in peace without feeling the need to rush to 500 pet battles just grinding in Frostfire for hours at a time.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Dolz » December 3rd, 2014, 8:36 am

They change things all the time in the game, sometimes for the better sometimes worse. However; when they change a requirement this drastically less than three weeks into the expec, they should do something for the people who put the effort in. I'm not talking about anything major, perhaps an achievement (I did it the hard way) or a title (the Masochist) would be nice.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Shiining » December 3rd, 2014, 10:44 am

Is this actuallyfixed mine still reads 500 required

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Kring » December 3rd, 2014, 12:00 pm

Nothing in the Garrison is grindy. Everything just happens and everyone can build every building. There are no raid only buildings or something like that. Which is good for the Garisson. The 500 pet battle thing was an exception and I think 150 is still to much.

I'm fine with grindy pet battle things, as long as it's related to pet battles. I'm not ok with grindy pet battle things that are related to Garisson.

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Linaomine » December 3rd, 2014, 12:15 pm

I'm really not that salty about this. I got like 200 or so of the 500 using the super quick strat from one of the dailies last weekend (I can't remember the specific daily) I also leveled up a ton of pets from it. Although I would have been getting the bags within the first few days of release had it been 150 from the start :(

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Morlis » December 3rd, 2014, 5:01 pm

Shiining wrote:Is this actuallyfixed mine still reads 500 required
According to [url=http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12178&p=97595&hilit=+150#p97595]Quintessence's post[/url], a thread in the Pet Battles section, the "tool tip" will be fixed in the next patch. The count needed is indeed 150 now though.

I know a lot of pets come from having the level 3 opened, but I have been messing around with other things so far and haven't really tried for 500 yet. I have about 110 done so for me this isn't such a bad thing... sorry :oops:

Now if they nerf the level 3 fishing shack achievement then I will feel jipped because I have already fished all 700 enormous fish. :P (I did this first because it seemed like the lesser of 2 evils)

I am still in the process of fishing for the Lunkers though. Stuff like this that make me think of auto-fishing, I won't give into temptation though. :roll:
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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Awq » December 3rd, 2014, 5:54 pm

I have not bothered with the Garrison, the concept does not really appeal to me. I've caught some pets, I tried out multiple ways to quickly power level and I did a handful of PvP battles while questing (I did most of my PvP matches in Outlands because I like the scenery). I was at 3xx/500.

This change does not affect me in any way. My main bottle neck will the be Garrison Resources.

I am surprised to see people upset about the 500 achievement. I assumed that people would eventually get it from doing pet battles. What made this achievement so difficult?

Are there any negative long-term (pet battle related) consequences if I do not invest more time in my Garrison?

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Re: .....are you kidding me? draenic pet battler 150 now?!

Post by Iibis » December 3rd, 2014, 6:04 pm

As I said in the other thread, and as some others have in this thread said, I don't mind that this got nerfed just a day after I farmed my 500 kills. Nor do I really understand all the anger about nerfing something because it caters to ""casuals"" or ""lazy"". The whole point of the achievement is to unlock lvl 3 menagerie. The main goal isn't to get the achievement points, it's to unlock the menagerie. As has been pointed out, none of the other 3 buildings (fishing/mining/herbalism) require as much grinding as 500 pet battles would have. Not even the main buildings require that much grinding (with a couple of exceptions). Of course it should've been thought of before launch, but it seems that most of the beta testing was actually done during these first 1-2 weeks of launch, despite beta bug reports etc...

Getting the menagerie in the first place is a pretty big leap for the majority of players, as it actually requires you to have multiple lvl 25 pets. Keeping the requirement at 500 pet battles would pretty much ensure that only very small minority would ever get the lvl 3 menagerie. I don't see what the issue is if more people will try pet battling via the menagerie with this change? I just don't know how it would hurt me personally if more people would do the same thing I'm doing, if they like it. I think the lvl 3 fishing shack was quite fast too. It was pretty much 45-60 min/100 enormous fish, and you could simultaneously increase your skill to 700. If you had to fish lunkers to get your fishing shack to lvl 3, now that would be more in line with the old lvl 3 menagerie requirement. It's just not meant to be that difficult or time-consuming to get your garrison buildings upgraded to their full glory...

I suppose it has got something to do with the quite narrow perspective players have when it comes to content they do. Blizzard can see the whole picture a lot better. If 99% of players never do pet battles, wouldn't you want to make it a bit less daunting for them to start now that they can do pet battles in their garrison as well? Ah well, I have no clue what Blizzard's goal and intentions were when it comes down to pet battles.

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