Any pet's you would like to see?

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Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Morlis » December 11th, 2014, 1:29 pm

I thought of a Green Alemental called Paddy for Saint Patrick's Day. :)

He would have abilities like:
(Slot 1,1) Shamrock Smack - Smacks the opponent with a large Shamrock
(Slot 2,1) Feast of St. Patrick - throws food to all his teammates to heal them
(Slot 3,1) Blarney Stone - 2 rounds, 1st sets up and kisses a slab of stone, 2nd pushes it over on opponent
(Slot 1,2) Green Beer - splashes all opponents with green beer, hic
(Slot 2,2) Luck of the Irish - randomly increases hit, damage, speed for 2 rounds, or heals himself
(Slot 3,2) Don't Call me Patty* - Rage attack for big damage and stuns the opponent for 1 round

*Note for those not aware, don't ever call it "St Patty's day", Patty in Ireland is a female name so it should never be used, hence the big damage and stun. :x

What are your ideas?
  • Morlis Alliance Kael'Thus 60 Shadow Priest (main account)
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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Graven » December 11th, 2014, 2:17 pm

Interesting idea. A bit religious though, Catholic-specific even. Also, I don't even know if anyone outside of the US and Ireland really even celebrates St. Paddy's (it's a thing here in UK too, but I don't know many people who actively bother with it. We certainly don't do anything big like dye rivers green). I wouldn't think they would put such a pet in the game because it has no meaning for some, but I just remembered they have a Thanksgiving event, which is similarly meaningless to those outside North America, so I guess that's not a good reason to rule it out. :lol: Funny idea for a pet though, and some interesting abilities. :)

My own "pet I would like to see" is a miniature Arakkoa, which I have wanted since I started collecting pets, way back at the end of TBC. Thought the WoD expansion would be the best chance of seeing such a pet, but sadly it wasn't to be.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Morlis » December 11th, 2014, 2:59 pm

I see your point, but to be honest I am not all religious or even Irish, but I have drank my share of green beer over the years. On St. Paddy's Day everyone is Irish. Always a fun night and never went out without my green underwear on. :lol:
  • Morlis Alliance Kael'Thus 60 Shadow Priest (main account)
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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Rendigar » December 11th, 2014, 3:27 pm

Additionally the holidays in WoW are based on real holidays but always 1 step removed. It's not Thanksgiving, it's Pilgrim's Bounty. It's not Christmas, it's Feast of Winter Veil. They could easily do something based on St Patrick's Day if they really wanted to (all it would take is one prominent Blizzard employee being Irish and *BAMF* you've got it). Heck, most of the holidays in WoW are based on some religious holiday or another (or ones invented out of whole cloth by Hallmark).

I'm not sure what I'd like to see most - though I think I would love to see a set of pets that work something like this (all mechanicals, because I love engineering and want to build them): Pets A, B, C each have their own abilities, but all 3 of them have the same option for their 2nd choice of their 1st (or 2nd) ability "Merge/Combine". Using that ability "kills" the pet aka Haunt and the next pet you bring in combines with the previous one - gaining power/speed or some other perk for a couple rounds. Using the "Merge/Combine" again repeats the process and you end up with this big battle-bot for a couple rounds - if it gets killed then it's game over for you, but if it lives you can dish out some serious damage.

Of course I have no CLUE how such a thing could be balanced, but I'd just like to see it and be able to build it.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Cahlyn » December 11th, 2014, 3:38 pm

Morlis wrote:I'm not sure what I'd like to see most - though I think I would love to see a set of pets that work something like this (all mechanicals, because I love engineering and want to build them): Pets A, B, C each have their own abilities, but all 3 of them have the same option for their 2nd choice of their 1st (or 2nd) ability "Merge/Combine". Using that ability "kills" the pet aka Haunt and the next pet you bring in combines with the previous one - gaining power/speed or some other perk for a couple rounds. Using the "Merge/Combine" again repeats the process and you end up with this big battle-bot for a couple rounds - if it gets killed then it's game over for you, but if it lives you can dish out some serious damage.
So, essentially, you want the Power Rangers? :D Sounds pretty cool to me!

I too would like to get an Arakkoa pet, and it would certainly have to have the 'Squawk' ability.

I was also hoping (in MoP) for a Jinyu and Hozen pet for the Children's week...perhaps we will get to adopt an Arakkoa in WoD? :D They are outcasts after all.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Valianya » December 11th, 2014, 4:17 pm

Cahlyn wrote:
Morlis wrote:Using the "Merge/Combine" again repeats the process and you end up with this big battle-bot for a couple rounds - if it gets killed then it's game over for you, but if it lives you can dish out some serious damage.
So, essentially, you want the Power Rangers?

I think Voltron did it first.

But that's a pretty good idea. It would probably use similar mechanics to the Unborn Val'kyr's death-and-haunt ability (I forget the name off the top of my head). Though each of the three merge-capable pets should probably provide a different buff upon merging, so it doesn't stack to ridiculous levels for pure damage buff. Like one gives a damage, one a defense or health, and one a speed buff to the next merge pet.

Something I would like to see is a horse or mule (or similar) pet that sticks around instead of only having the temporary Keg Pony.

Also a duck or goose. Are there no ducks or geese or waterfowl in all of Azeroth and Draenor? We need waterfowl dangit, that swim on top of the water when you go swimming with them. Some can be flying or aquatic types, and can have a combo of flying/aquatic moves with some other things tossed in for variety.

A little off topic, but I'd also like to see either some of the older rat/beetle/roach pets given some revamped moves, or new ones like the frostfur rat that have move-sets that stand out from the mass of beetle/roach/rat pets that all share the exact same move-sets. Like the fire-proof roach given an elemental fire ability, or the wharf rat given a water ability. Something that reflects the pet better than just 'oh another rat/roach/beetle' that we already have tons of copies of with the same move-sets. The same could apply to quite a few of the other older pets like snakes, rabbits, moths, etc that have many types of pet with exact same move-sets. Variety is the spice of life, and it would give people more reason to use the neglected pets if they were different from the six other pets that are exactly like it except in name.

I would also like to see them implement underwater battling, with more swimming/fish pets. I can't tell you how many times I found a pet in water just far enough from the shore that the battlefield is always obstructed. And oddly there are a bunch of wharf rats and cockroaches way out in the middle of the Barrier Sea off the coast of Gorgrond, underwater. I was very disappointed, though it proves rats and roaches can survive anywhere.

I think it would be very fun and challenging to battle underwater, and be restricted only to pets that are either aquatic type, or are creatures known to be able to swim well (the seal-like calf, the hippo babies, croc babies, beavers, etc.). This would naturally require more pets that are water types, like maybe a baby orca, or a sea serpent hatchling. Same goes for mid-air battles, for those parrots you just can't reach no matter where you stand, and flying/hovering only pets.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Wezmerelda » December 11th, 2014, 6:18 pm

I would love to see a sloth. You'd summon it and it would just sort of... lie there... Let's see, what could the moveset be?

1- Chill - maybe acts like a freeze but instead just makes the opponents super lazy
2- Algae Attack - Picks some algae off his mossy fur and throws it at opponent, making them take DOT dmg for 5 rounds
3- Hangtime - 2-round move: summons a tree that the sloth hangs from to avoid opponent attack. on second round drops the sloth onto the opponent, causing both to take damage.

...that's all I've got time to think of at work right now :) I love sloths and would love an in-game version! Feel free to add your ideas.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Rendigar » December 11th, 2014, 6:42 pm

Voltron was a great show back in it's day, right along with Starblazers, and yes that's exactly what I'd love to see. There were several animated spin-offs similar to Voltron before the Power Rangers showed up and ruined the whole genre.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Beastlyserenity » December 11th, 2014, 6:56 pm

I would like to see a Nautillus.
And more Undead pets & big pets!
Also actual epic quality pets would be awesome.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Valianya » December 11th, 2014, 8:34 pm

Well, if they ever implement breeding, that could be how to get epic quality pets, though we'd probably need to be allowed more than just 3 of a kind for that. But if they don't implement breeding we should still have some other way to get epic quality pets eventually, but that might have to wait one or two expansions.

A Nautilus would be pretty neat. There aren't enough ancient/dinosaur types. (A tiny Devilsaur, little threshadon, or a baby stegosaur-thing would be awesome too. I confess I've always wanted a threshadon either as a hunter pet or a battle pet.)

And I thought of another pet I would like to see. In Draenor I've seen at least one (full size) beast and at least one type of critter that use the pincher bug model from that one larvae-centipede-thing boss in the old AQ raid in Silithus. I think that would make a neat new pet, and I don't know why they didn't make that critter type catchable in WoD.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Opallena » December 11th, 2014, 8:53 pm

The top three on my list are:

Tiger Cub

Also, not a single pet but more real-life dog models would be fun too.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Awq » December 11th, 2014, 10:01 pm
I want an alternative to the Elekk Plushie. It's not my style. I suggest the pet rock.

Pet Rock
Slot 1: Nap Time (Take a short nap.)
Slot 2: Who's The Best Rock in the Whole World (Relish in your dominance as the greatest rock ever.)
Slot 3: I Just Want To Cuddle You (Bring your rock in for a hug.)
Slot 4: Polish (Become the shiniest rock of all.)
Slot 5: The Care and Training of Your Pet Rock (Eat some Generic Rock Food and fall asleep for 2 rounds.)
Slot 6: Glare (Does absolutely nothing.)

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Soulerous » December 12th, 2014, 1:04 am

I want a tiny Illidan. There are a great many possibilities for his moveset. A Lil' Ragnaros 'Sons of the Flame'-style ability where Lil' Illidan flies up high, becomes unattackable, and summons Two Flames of Azzinoth to deal damage for two rounds would be awesome. Of course, he'd have to have a fire ability like Fel Immolate or Shadowflame. Blast of Hatred also seems natural, as he's always talking about his hatred.

Other than that, a "miniaturized gronn" pet would be cool. Even more so, I want an Ouro-style worm. I'm nostalgic about AQ40. A mindslayer qiraji with a better move pool would be great, too.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Wezmerelda » December 12th, 2014, 7:40 pm

Following the tiny Illidan - every time I run the new Auchindoun I mention to my instance-mates that I'd love a companion pet version of Azzakel. What a cool model!

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Lokisbuddy » December 12th, 2014, 8:33 pm

I would love to see a few new pets
1: Lil' Garrosh
2: Lil' Lich King
3: tameable baby murloc
4: undead rogue pet with mohawk
5: Gnome mage pet with pink hair
6: Lil' Nat (nat pagle) have him fish when near water.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Dolz » December 14th, 2014, 11:22 am

“Day of the Dead”, has it’s own pet so why not “Talk Like a Pirate Day”? I present Monty - Undead Parrot.

!) Silly Walk - Kicks the enemy where it counts, if Monty goes first he gets a second whack.

2) You have a stinking cracker - Tosses crackers up into the air dealing damage four times, and then single damage at the end of the next three rounds

3) Spam, spam, spam, spam - Produces copies of the user, causing damage. Opponents struck by the copies take double damage for 2 rounds. Spam continues for 3 rounds.

4) Bring out your dead - *only works if your enemy has one of their pets dead* kills the active pet and restores to life the most recently killed enemy pet at 80% max health.

5) I want a shrubbery - Turns the enemy into a shrubbery stunning them for one round. Two rounds if the user goes first.

6) I’m not dead yet, oh wait I am - Instantly kills the user, causing 20% of their health as Undead damage to the enemy.

On a side note I’d really like the Tol Barad Prison Rat to be a capturable pet. They could put it in a little fluorescent orange jump suit.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Faerdin » December 15th, 2014, 2:40 am

What I'd like to see would send shivers down the spines of all Pet Tamers, old and new.

I speak, of course, of Algalittle the Team Destroyer.

His moveset would probably be something like this.

1) Quantum Strike: 80% hit chance. Tear reality asunder, dealing 556 Humanoid damage. Always hits when the weather is Darkness.
2) Ascend to the Heavens: 100% hit chance, 50 turn cooldown. Analyzes the field for systemic pet corruption, resulting in re-origination of all pets in 45 turns, killing them instantly. Cockroaches, beetles, and Algalittle always survive this attack.
4) Phase Punch: 100% hit chance. Deals 197 Humanoid damage and places one stack of the Phase Punch debuff. When Phase Punch reaches three stacks, the target is stunned for two rounds. The Phase Punch debuff lasts four rounds. Damage increases by 98 each time Phase Punch is used. Max 492 Humanoid damage.
10) Cosmic Smash: 100% hit chance. Deals 304 to 564 Magic damage.
15) Big Bang: 100% hit chance. 3 round cooldown. First use: Places Rapid Expansion buff on Algalittle. Rapid Expansion increases damage dealt by 30% and lasts 4 turns. Second use: Deals 652 Elemental damage split evenly across the enemy team, then consumes Rapid Expansion.
20) Collapsing Stars: 100% hit chance. 5 round cooldown. Creates stars around the enemy team and collapses them, dealing 591 Magic damage split evenly across the enemy team and turning the weather to Darkness for five rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.

And I would kill for this to be his description:

"Beware this bite-sized servant of the Titans! Algalittle enjoys calling the stars to his aid, destroying a million, million lives, and long naps. Tools of creation sold separately."

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Stella3 » December 16th, 2014, 12:02 am

I want a cute little Goblin female pet. I mean there are 3 Gnomes and only 1 Goblin.

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by FuxieDK » January 12th, 2015, 2:59 pm

Still waiting for a Lil' Marrowgar... Ofc a Boooooonestorm ability is a must..

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Re: Any pet's you would like to see?

Post by Abbotta » January 12th, 2015, 3:22 pm

Ok I'm just going to have fun with this and not work all the exact spells but here goes.

Wouldn't it be neat to have a 'Baby Hellscream' who is basically a 'mini Grommash Hellscream'. We could have unique abilities like 'Tantrum' where it gets down on the ground and starts screaming like a baby having a tantrum (increases it's attack power for a few rounds). Another could be spit-up where it spews some sort of poison/vomit type spray that does DoT on it's opponent. It would be a humanoid pet.

Weebomination is one of my favorite pets appearance wise. Last night when I was doing a run in Ice Crown and saw a regular size version of Weebomination, I started to look at some of the other bosses in ICC and thought it would be great to have mini versions of them as pets. Probably my top two I would pick from ICC would be Rotface (would make a great undead) and Professor Putricide (a great humanoid).

I was never a pokemon player but I like battle pets because they have such creative animation to them. WoW puts alot of thought into these higher end battle pets which makes them fun to collect.

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