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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 10th, 2015, 11:44 pm
by Kellamknight
Living Sandling - Son of a Beach

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 2:05 am
by Ranok
My Emperor Crab is Sandyclaws.

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 4:51 am
by Yaki
Saw a few months back a darkmoon eye - sauron

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 4:26 pm
by Rannegirl
These are mine, some are more creative than others:

Alpine Chipmunk – Chip
Amethyst Shale Hatchling – Charlotte
Anubisath Idol – Yinepu
Aqua Strider – Jethro
Argi – Jason
Baby Ape – Cheetah
Bandicoon – Rocky
Black Lamb – Conrad
Chrominus – Fluffy and Huggles
Clefthoof Runt – Snuffy
Darkmoon Monkey – Bubbles
Elwynn Lamb – Mary Little
Emerald Turtle – Yertle
Emerald Whelpling – Ozzy (Wizard of Oz)
Eye of Legion – Ishbanar
Frigid Frostling – Freezer Burn
Giraffe Calf – Zarafa
Hyacinth Macaw – Bouquet
Legs – planning on naming him Z Z Topp
Little Fawn – Marisa
Marsh Fiddler – Jiminy
Mechanopeep – Twitchy
Mouse – Anatole
Nightsaber Cub –Rawr
Perky Pug – Princess Priscilla
Qiraji Hatchling – Qu
Rabid Nut Varmint 500 – Zipper
Red-tailed Chipmunk – Dale
Servant of Demidos – Filxhan (all I could think of was demitasse when I saw Demidos, and Filxhan is another word for it)
Shadow Sporebat – Mourning Glory (my last wild pet, caught the day we heard about MG)
Skunk – Flower
Stunted Shardhorn – Amalthea (another name for unicorn)
Tiny Snowman – Jack Frost
Toad – Redeep
Toothy – Ruthie (my mom called me Toothy Ruthie when I was little)

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 8:58 pm
by Abashera
I've named all my favorite pets (and some that aren't favorites), so I have a lot of names. But I'll just name a few.

I named my Shardhorn Runt - "Ben Dover." I think people can guess why. But I got the name from one of the Fletch movies with Chevy Chase where they throw him into the jail cell. He asks the guy in the cell what his name is, and the guy answers "bend over," to which Fletch replies "Nice to meet you Ben!"

And I named my Stormwind Rat "Alliance Suks." I always have him out when I'm playing my Alliance toons. I'm not sure people know what to people think (I'd probably get reported having him out on Horde). 8-)

The one you'll see me with on my Rogue, all of the time, unless I'm in PVP, is my Disgusting Oozeling named "Dark Matter." He makes my rogue look dark and sinister. MUAHAHAHA! :twisted:

Here are some others. I know they're not all funny. And some of them you may not get the reference to unless you google them. Lon Chaney Jr comes to mind. If you understand the reference it makes perfect sense.

Anubisath Idol: "Sandman"
Ashleaf Spritling: "Sweatleaf"
Arcane Eye: "Big Brother"
Baby Ape: "Dinky Kong" (dinky as in small)
Black Ram: "Baa Ram You" (From the movie Babe)
Blackfuse Bombling: "Ka BOOM"
Chetah Cub: "Poker Face" (get it? Cheeter - poker)
Chuck: "Up Chuck" (slang for vomit)
Clockwork Gnome: "Steampunk"
Cornish Rex: "Casiodorus Rex" (the king from the movie Dragonslayer)
Crawling Claw: "Theo Switcheroo"
Creepy Crate: "Suggestion Box"
Dancing Water Strider: "Joan Jett"
Dandelion Frolicker: "Trippy"
De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion: "Costa Battlestone"
Death Adder Hatchling: "Mad Adder"
Disgusting Oozeling: "Dark Matter"
Emerald Proto-Welp 1: "Smaug"
Emerald Proto-Welp 2: "Vermithrax" (from Dragonslayer)
Emerald Turtle: "Turd"
Enchanted Lantern: "Bug Zapper"
Dung Beatle: "Dung Nomm Nomm"
Eye of the Observer: "Eye See You"
Flayer Youngling 1: "Slice And Dice"
Flayer Youngling 2 "Mince Meat"
Flux Feline: "Flux Capacitor" (Back to the Future)
Fossilized Hatchling: "Boner" (this one was really funny when he would gain levels)
Fungal Abomination: "Amanita" (Destroying Angel and Death Cap are of the Amanita genus, and are the two most poisonous mushrooms in the world.)
Gahz'rookie: "Lary Moe Curly"
Giant Sewer Rat: "Rous"
Gregarious Grell: "Mischief"
Highlands Turkey: "Eat Pork"
Hydraling: "Aarrgghh"
Infected Squirrel: "STD"
Infected Bear Cub: "Anti Dote" (meaning #2 below)
Jade Oozeling 1 & 2 "Gleak and Bleak" (from some old cartoon in the 70s)
Jade Owl: "Flying Stoned" (he's a stone owl)
Lil' Bad Wolf: "Lon Chaney Jr" ... &FORM=AWIR
Lil' Taregosa: "Justa Guild Perk"
Lofty Libram: "War And Peace"
Lost of Lordaeron: "GPS"
Macabre Marionette: "RANX" ... &sp=-1&sk=
Menagerie Custodian: "Marvin On Roids"
Masked Tanuki: "Dumpster Diver"
Mirror Strider: "Rorrim" (it's mirror backwards)
Moths (several moths): "Son of Mothra"
Netherspace Abyssal: "Balrog"
Pandaren Monk: "Bolo Yeung"
Perkey Pug: "POOPIE"
Pet Bombling: "Short Fuse"
Plump Turkey: "Tasteslikechicken"
Pocket Reaver: "The Great Og"
Pterrordax Hatchling: "Im Not Extinct"
Rapana Whelk: "Lawrence"
Resiliant Roach: "Invincible"
Restless Shadeling: "Shadow"
Roach: "RAAAAID"
Ruby Droplet: "Redrum" (ref to The Shining)
Ruby Sapling 1: "Treebeard"
Ruby Sapling 2: "Old Man Willow"
Scooter The Snail: "Down Under"
Sea Pony: "Son of Poseidus"
Searing Scorchling: "Flame On"
Sen'Jin Fetish: "Woodie"
Shardhorn Runt: "Ben Dover"
Shimmershell Snail: "Escargot"
Silent Hedgehog: "Loud Mouthed"
Singing Sunflower: "Megadeath"
Spider: "Boris"
Spirit of Summer: "Flatus" (because let's face it, he looks like a fart)
Stitched Pup: "Frankenweenie"
Stormwind Rat: "Alliance Suks"
Stunted Yeti: "Little Foot"
Sunreaver Micro-Sentry: "Gort" (From: The Day the Earth Stood Still)
Terrible Turnip 1: "Eat Yer Veggies"
Terrible Turnip 2: "Vegging Out"
Tiny Harvester: "Im With Dorthy"
Tiny White Carp: "Carpe Diem"
Tirisfal Batling: "Vamperic Wannabe" (because I'll never have a Vamperic Batling)
Toxic Wasteling: "Flubber"
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti: "RAWR"
Tree Python: "Monty"
Turkey: "Blackjack"
Twilight Fiendling: "Lil Fiend"
Unborn Val'kyr 1: "Helgakvioa"
Unborn Val'kyr 2: "Volundarkvioa"
Viscidus Globule: "JELLO"
Voodoo Figurine: "Doug" (get it? I dug him up. :mrgreen: )
Wildhammer Gryphon: "Alliance Defector"


Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 10:23 pm
by Gracies
Alterac Brew Pup = Brewtus

Blossoming Ancient = Seasons

Crawling Claw = Creepy Crawly

Elekk Plushie = So Fluffy

Rascal-Bot = Bad Robot

Lil' Bling = Show Me Da Money

Qiraji Guardling = Matahari

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 12th, 2015, 2:28 am
by FuxieDK
Not many of my pets have names, but two was kinda obvious:
- Horde Moonkin Hatchling: MiniMe
- Alliance Moonkin Hatchling: EvilTwin

Much to YOUR surprice, I play a Moonkin :roll: :shock:

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 12th, 2015, 6:09 am
by Razielix
I only named a few, but a few favourite ones I named are also among my favourite pets so I felt I had to name them:

Anubisath Idol - Nasus (Obvious, but Leage of Legends reference there for his resemblance)
Sen'jin Fetish - Aku Aku (Idol mask from Crash Bandicoot also for the obvious resemblance)
Fetish Shaman - Rakanishu (Named after the named mob from the Diablo series, another obvious one I guess)
Macabre Marionette - Raul Tejada (Fallout: New Vegas - Ghoul companion of the same name, though he doesn't dance as much lol)

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 12th, 2015, 8:19 am
by Kendrah
I named [pet]Nuts[/pet] bully because he throws nuts at people, my Unborn Aerith, and tend to name my other pets the names of ... well, other pets in their family. So my Son of Animus is Clockwork Gnome.

I've seen some that have some kind of message like U for the first pet, Gunna for the next, and Die for the third or some such. My favorite so far as been the [pet]Frigid Frostling[/pet] that was named EverybodyFreeze.

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 12th, 2015, 9:10 am
by Mordal
Snowy Owl - Owl Pacino
Unborn Valk - Invitro
Arcane Eye - Twenty Twenty
Armadillo Pup - Road kill
Hopling - Cassidy
Tiny Sporebat - Ozzy
Feline Familiar - Cat Stevens
Darkmoon Tonk - Abrams
Flayer Youngling - Henny
Ruby Droplet - Jack Ruby
Magic Lamp - Genie
Crawling Claw - My Left Foot

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 13th, 2015, 4:53 am
by Matthias
my Raven is called "Quoth".

So far, only one person I've talked to in game has got the joke so far lol

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 13th, 2015, 10:21 am
by Graven
Matthias wrote:my Raven is called "Quoth".

So far, only one person I've talked to in game has got the joke so far lol
Would have thought it more well-known than that. The pet's in-game journal description even references it; "Quoth the raven: the last word you said. It gets old." I don't know the whole poem, but I thought most people knew that line. :)

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 13th, 2015, 1:22 pm
by Azarna
I love naming my pets, here are my favourite names:

Terrible Turnip = Baldrick (from Blackadder)
Clockwork Gnome = Alan Grant (archaeologist from Jurassic Park)
Infected Fawn = Dambi
Mirror Strider = Fairest of All
Oasis Moth = Gallagher
Fossalized Hatchling = McCoy (because he is Bones)
Mana Wyrmling = Richard DeVere (from classic British comedy "To The Manor Born")
Arctic Hare = Shakleton
Creepy Crate = This Way Up
Tiny Bog Beast = WC
Voodoo Figure = WhoDo (from Labyrinth)
Masked Tanuki - Who Is He
Giant Sewer Rat - Tony Smelly Paws
Lost of Lordaeron = Canterville
Darkmoon Eye = Occulus Prime
Giraffe Calf = Avina Laugh
Sunfur Panda = Gibson (as in guitar)
Mountain Skunk = High Notes (I am proud of this one)
Son of Sethe = Kurt Heinrich (Kurt Heinrich Seth was a famous Egyptologist)

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: February 13th, 2015, 2:09 pm
by Ravnhawk
My 2 dancing water skimmers are Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. That might give a hint to my age. LOL

The own farmer Nishi

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: March 1st, 2015, 5:28 pm
by Sugarlilly02
I had my friend name the elek plushie he gave me. Irelephant.

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: March 2nd, 2015, 7:59 am
by Abbotta
I think I might have posted this but I named my Rapana Whelk - Lawrence Whelk, after the Music Director/TV Host my parents made me watch as a kid.

Then I discovered on Warcraftpets that both my whelks are girls (the second one is Larry Whelk jr.)

So the other day when discussing pet names with a newbie pet collector - I said this of my Whelk - Lawrence Whelk was the name of my transgender whelk. That's why the whelk that is a 'girl' has a boy name.

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: March 2nd, 2015, 11:41 am
by Birkie
I have a bunch of rats/mice named after cheese such as:

Reggie Romano (Giant Sewer Rat)
Monty Jack (Black Rat)

some others are Gorgonzola, Mozzarella, etc

and my szechuan chicken is named Sweetnsour

Vanilla (Baby Blizzard Bear)
Spanky (Darkmoon Tonk)

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: March 3rd, 2015, 9:21 am
by Ranophan
Whenever my hunter runs around with his Marsh Walker hunter pet (Orson) he always brings along his little buddy Legs (Welles)

Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Posted: July 16th, 2015, 10:13 pm
by Teabag
my lil bling is called vanilla ice