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Posted: July 5th, 2014, 1:10 pm
by Kendrah
Luciandk wrote:
Blessing of the Raven

3 Turn Cooldown

Blesses your team with the raven's spirit, increasing damage they do by DATA ERROR% for DATA ERROR |4round:rounds;.

While blessed, type is transformed into Flying.

I am curious if the transformed pets also gains the flying speed bonus.
Is this going to replace the Dread Hatchling hit rate buff?


Posted: July 5th, 2014, 4:59 pm
by Luciandk
Kendrah wrote:
Luciandk wrote:
Blessing of the Raven

3 Turn Cooldown

Blesses your team with the raven's spirit, increasing damage they do by DATA ERROR% for DATA ERROR |4round:rounds;.

While blessed, type is transformed into Flying.

I am curious if the transformed pets also gains the flying speed bonus.
Is this going to replace the Dread Hatchling hit rate buff?
Might be the replacement since hit isnt useful more.


Posted: July 7th, 2014, 2:14 am
by Kring
Luciandk wrote:I am curious if the transformed pets also gains the flying speed bonus.
A pet transformed to undead by [ability]Rot[/ability] doesn't get the undead racial. It would be inconsistent if this pet would get the flying speed bonus.


Posted: July 7th, 2014, 9:11 am
by Throatslit
Was lucky with a drop whilst exploring.
Stabbed a group of three mobs - a Reanimated Darktide Guardian and two Soulless Darktide Oracles, and Zomstrok dropped.


Upped to 25 and here are the spells 1-6:


Looking forward to catching more!!!


Posted: July 7th, 2014, 10:06 am
by Luciandk
Now thats a hefty damage variance on infected claw!


Posted: July 7th, 2014, 5:26 pm
by Voskres
What the hell is that pink thing in the front??!?


Posted: July 7th, 2014, 7:51 pm
by Dakender
Throatslit wrote:Was lucky with a drop whilst exploring.
Awesome, you beat me to that one :) hehehe, I could not for the life of me get him to drop, but persistence paid off ;) finally got him.



Posted: July 7th, 2014, 8:20 pm
by Kpb321
Luciandk wrote:Now thats a hefty damage variance on infected claw!
That is because it's 85% chance to hit on live. The lower the hit chance the bigger the range seems to be the way they went.


Posted: July 12th, 2014, 12:37 pm
by GilroyKilroy
Only pet I came across that I could capture was the crab. There are a couple gold paw pets that say you can't battle them when clicked on.


Posted: July 12th, 2014, 4:33 pm
by Dakender
GilroyKilroy wrote:Only pet I came across that I could capture was the crab. There are a couple gold paw pets that say you can't battle them when clicked on.
Yea, Zomstrok is a drop. Crab is only one that I have seen too.... and it's funny , havn't seen a single one to tame on horde yet except that one at your garrison. As for the Gold Paws, yea, there are 5 I have found in the Temple area, and then the one that flys around just east of your garrison.


Posted: July 22nd, 2014, 5:25 pm
by Kynthea
I haven't seen the crab battle pet nor the Zomstrok drop. I usually have pretty back luck with RNG. Where are the mobs that drop the Zomstrok?

I've seen the Elephant Plushie in the AH, but I can't make one yet since the tailoring scroll hasn't dropped for me (thus far I got a mining one which I can't use).

But I did luck out while in Taledor. I saw a Teroclaw Nest next to some Teroclaw Chicks and I opened it. I got Garrison Resources and a Grovestrider Hatchling.

It's main ability is Claw. lvl 2 is Hawk Eye, lvl 4 Ravage, lvl 10 Alpha Strike, lvl 15 Dodge, and lvl 20 Nature's Ward.

I can't submit screenshots yet since I don't have 8 posts. I'm going to try to get the 8 posts in and then post some pictures. I have them on my wowkittydps tumblr page.

Edit: Some screencaps
(click to see larger pic)

Here's the nest

And here's the pet next to the chicks.


Posted: July 22nd, 2014, 6:13 pm
by Dakender
Kynthea wrote:I haven't seen the crab battle pet nor the Zomstrok drop. I usually have pretty back luck with RNG. Where are the mobs that drop the Zomstrok?

I've seen the Elephant Plushie in the AH, but I can't make one yet since the tailoring scroll hasn't dropped for me (thus far I got a mining one which I can't use).

But I did luck out while in Taledor. I saw a Teroclaw Nest next to some Teroclaw Chicks and I opened it. I got Garrison Resources and a Grovestrider Hatchling.

It's main ability is Claw. lvl 2 is Hawk Eye, lvl 4 Ravage, lvl 10 Alpha Strike, lvl 15 Dodge, and lvl 20 Nature's Ward.

I can't submit screenshots yet since I don't have 8 posts. I'm going to try to get the 8 posts in and then post some pictures. I have them on my wowkittydps tumblr page.
Crabs you can battle on the beach, just North East of your Garrison. Get to the water and follow it East, you will see them by the 100's.
Zomstrok drops off the mobs Soulless Darktide Oracles and others in the area, at the southern most beach in the zone.
DON"T buy the Elekk Plushie from the Auction House, fly up on the hill where the flight path/pet trainer is, you can buy it CHEEP from the new guy standing by him.
And Thumbs Up on the nice screen shots


Posted: July 22nd, 2014, 6:17 pm
by Kynthea
Dakender wrote:
Kynthea wrote:I haven't seen the crab battle pet nor the Zomstrok drop. I usually have pretty back luck with RNG. Where are the mobs that drop the Zomstrok?

I've seen the Elephant Plushie in the AH, but I can't make one yet since the tailoring scroll hasn't dropped for me (thus far I got a mining one which I can't use).

But I did luck out while in Taledor. I saw a Teroclaw Nest next to some Teroclaw Chicks and I opened it. I got Garrison Resources and a Grovestrider Hatchling.

It's main ability is Claw. lvl 2 is Hawk Eye, lvl 4 Ravage, lvl 10 Alpha Strike, lvl 15 Dodge, and lvl 20 Nature's Ward.

I can't submit screenshots yet since I don't have 8 posts. I'm going to try to get the 8 posts in and then post some pictures. I have them on my wowkittydps tumblr page.
Crabs you can battle on the beach, just North East of your Garrison. Get to the water and follow it East, you will see them by the 100's.
Zomstrok drops off the mobs Soulless Darktide Oracles and others in the area, at the southern most beach in the zone.
DON"T buy the Elekk Plushie from the Auction House, fly up on the hill where the flight path/pet trainer is, you can buy it CHEEP from the new guy standing by him.
And Thumbs Up on the nice screen shots
Thank you! I'll have to go search for those pets when the server is back up. It just went down again. I realized I goofed on the links and fixed them now. I forgot the .jpg part.

my wowkittydps.tumblr page has more screenshots.

Update: I got the crab pet. No luck on the other drop though. I'll keep trying and explore some more to see if I find any more battle pets. Those scuttlers shells from Timeless Isle come in very handy.