Equip prompt for BoU pets & mounts

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Re: Equip prompt for BoU pets & mounts

Post by Quintessence » March 21st, 2012, 12:28 am

I like the idea of implementing an optional prompt feature that you can turn on and off at your own discretion. Since people can't seem to fully agree on what needs a prompt and what doesn't, why not give everyone the power to decide for themselves? Perhaps something in the interface options that allows you to choose the item quality or type of item in which you receive an equip or on use prompt.
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Re: Equip prompt for BoU pets & mounts

Post by Aislinge » March 25th, 2012, 7:01 am

Actually, I quite like that idea of it being self determined. Seeing from Blizzard's point of view, it could have the potential cut out a lot of GM tickets - if you learnt something and didnt have the prompts enabled, too bad (or, at best, a once off fix and an educational email). If you had it on and learnt it anyway, you're a bigger fool and you still don't get it back :P

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