Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Reapersbeast » March 29th, 2013, 1:11 pm

In the past 2 weeks I've been playing, since taking a couple months off the game. I have done Every pet battle daily almost Every day, and probably over 50 world battles, I've gotten 13 stones, 5 of which were undead(least numbers for a type, in the game I think), and I've still yet to get over half the types :(! I also haven't gotten a single pet from any of the dailies Except the panda's from BoF. I have gotten 1 of each of those 3 pets.

They call it a random drop for a reason, but that's the reason I've never liked that system! You could get 1000 undead stones and never see a beast stone. They should be able to be earned with a certain amount of wins, or with a certain type of win but oh well! As for the pets, No spirit pets and no porcupettes yet :(!

10 days of dailies x 4 spirit dailies and 7 pandaren dailies = 111 dailies with No pets yet :(! To me the BoF bags have been the best by far! And since it takes more to earn them I think that's sounds right! I just wish the rest of the bags gave better drop rates! 9 of my stones have come from BoF bags so out of those 111 other dailies I've received no pets and 4 stones :(!

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Ackbah » March 29th, 2013, 1:59 pm

The wind is officially gone from my sails !! 104 tamer bags bags opened since 3-20 and not a single stone. I did the Fabled Beast quest last night and got a panda and a flyer stone...there goes my perfect record !!

I actually opened a ticket and deleted it after I got the stone from the BoF bag, it felt kind of whiney...im not lucky please help me...yah.

Is it only a handfull of us having an incredible run of bad luck? Or is this normal and I was having really good luck before this bad patch?

It it fair to call 100+ bags with no stones a bad run? Or am I just catching up to the curve?

Ack )

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Threnody » March 29th, 2013, 2:50 pm

It feels to me like the stone drop rate was nerfed after 5.2. But maybe I only remember the good days pre-5.2, and not the bad ones. I've actually started a journal on my status to avoid having selective memory and remind myself that stones do still drop! :D

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Ryazan » March 29th, 2013, 4:22 pm

Threnody wrote:I've actually started a journal on my status to avoid having selective memory and remind myself that stones do still drop! :D
I've done the same and since then, a bit too conveniently, I haven't had any stoneless day after 12 days has passed... Of course I've gotten Ud stone only on some day but a stone is a stone nevertheless.
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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Tahsfenz » March 29th, 2013, 5:18 pm

I had fantastic luck at the start of the patch and it's dropped off pretty hard. Thought by chance they nerfed the drop rates.

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Raptorbait » March 29th, 2013, 7:31 pm

Been quite a while since I've seen any during wild battles but I have over 1000 useless Lesser Charms lol

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Tahsfenz » March 29th, 2013, 9:36 pm

Actually got 3 useable stones today! Was pretty psyched. Of course only 2 were useable by me but my wife was able to use the other.

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Ishildur » March 30th, 2013, 12:01 am

Threnody wrote:I've actually started a journal on my status to avoid having selective memory and remind myself that stones do still drop! :D
I started doing this 2 weeks ago. So far my average is 1.5 stones per day from trainer bags. I have had quite a few days with no stone, and then next day I get 3 stones. I've also taken to tracking the stones I get from pet battles, although I'm not sure if there's a way to track battles won after you hit 5000 wins - so once I hit that I'm not sure what to do. The stones from pet battles are very spiky for me, I get a few with 100 fights between them, then several within 50 fights between one another, then a long drought of over 500 battles without a stone.

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Usako » March 30th, 2013, 12:55 am

Wouldn't it be swell if we could spend the lesser charms to buy stones?

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Basti » March 30th, 2013, 2:47 am

Usako wrote:Wouldn't it be swell if we could spend the lesser charms to buy stones?
Or trade unused and unwanted stones for something else. I already stopped doing pet battle dailies. I have done these dailies every single day since January. More or less 3 hours a day to get zero to one stone is not worth the effort anymore.

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Dakaf » March 30th, 2013, 1:53 pm

I'm still doing the trainer dailies. I still hold out hope for the stone that never seems to come. However, it is one of my goals to level at least one pet to 25 every day, and the tamers help with that quite a bit. It is pretty annoying to do three days of BoF and not get a single stone/pet though.

I do have extra of the pandas if anyone wants to trade stones for them!
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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Ril » March 31st, 2013, 1:21 pm

after almost a week of full pandaria tamer daily round every day (i usually didn't have the time to do the non pandaria bosses), i gave up. my average was below 1 stone a day, normally it was the fabled bag that granted one. this is not worth 1.5h of flying around every day.

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Raptorbait » March 31st, 2013, 2:05 pm

A miracle day...3 stones! Now I dread the waste tomorrow will be lol

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Aingealwroth » April 2nd, 2013, 2:41 am

Even though RNG is RNG, some players have sort of a sting of luck tied to certain content. My mom gets rares more often than I do, but has only gotten two stones to date. I get fewer rares (great luck with uncommons or rare to find pets though) and I've gotten my 9th stone. Most of mine drop from the daily bags, when I tone down dailies, I get no stones. I even get more pet battle stone drops when I do dailies more often.

If you are doing dailies with no luck, perhaps some PvP pet battles are a good idea? Or other content that has a chance to drop them, maybe changing it up will help RNG wake back up, or just give you a break so you can try dailies again, lol. :roll:
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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Waflob » April 2nd, 2013, 4:42 am

To illustrate just how fickle RNG can be, I spent most of the afternoon levelling some lower pets in Silithus, while trying to get a rare spiky lizard. Bearing in mind that these are only lvl 16 or so, I wasn't expecting aything in the way of stones. To a large extent, I wasn't disappointed :-)

However, in the space of 5 (!) battles, here's what happened ...

1. Received a flawless beast stone
2. Nothing
3. Received a flawless stone
4. Nothing
5. Received another flawless beast stone

Got the remaining 30 minutes or so until raid start, back to nothing.
I swear I'm not making this up, but I sure do hope for more phases like that :-)

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Yarl » April 2nd, 2013, 7:51 am

I ground on the legendary cricket to get 90 tokens.
I had 56.
It took about an hour-ish. Sometimes I'd get 6 or 4. Other-times I'd get nothing. Sometimes I wouldnt get the 'a winner is you' thing, the battle would end abruptly.
I got no stones from him.

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Re: Tight-Fisted Stone Gods

Post by Elewis » April 7th, 2013, 1:56 am

I really loved the pet battles at 1st. I'm bored and frustrated with it now. Piss poor rewards have gotten ridiculous. It takes hours and hours to do all the pet dailies and I'm really not getting anything out of it except a couple of pets that don't sell on my server. I have a TON of green magic pets that need stones and I never get them from bags or from farming. In fact I only get 3 or 4 a week period if I do them ALL every day and I've only gotten a couple of stones off wild pets (ever) and I do a BUNCH of those nearly everyday. The ones I get are always humanoid or dragon.There are so few of them that even need stones. Am I jaded? A fat cat used to its cream? Blizz said the stones would be rare so maybe I can live with the RNG (with a LOT of grumbling under my breath). BUT I want something for all the time I waste running around when I could be doing the million other things that actually give me things I can use like valor or jp. OH and that AIN"T lesser charms that don't help me at all. Only heavy raiders need 10 Mogu runes at a time. My server the Alliance doesn't have ANY of the new world bosses down and I would literally rather stick a hot needle in my eye than try to raid with the jerks on my server. Give me jp. sell blue stones for valor, a spirit of harmony something besides a hairball.

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