I think in some cases like the fawn the ammount of poor to uncommon types outweighs the those of other pet's
I've seen this with Darter Hatchlings, Bat's, the Lost of Lordoran and a few of the Moth species. Roaches on the other hand I've seen more Rare's than uncommons and nothing under common.
Not sure if it's RNG at work but I'll see if I can put together a list of type percentage if Bre would like.
Rare Fawn really Rare
Re: Rare Fawn really Rare
I think whatever I am working on currently is out to get me. I have seen so many poor and common little black rams, but I know as soon as I get a rare one they will be everywhere
Re: Rare Fawn really Rare
Vystal wrote:If you are still having bad luck hope is on the horizon! Patch 5.1 you'll be able to use a Flawless Battle-stone to upgrade any pet to rare quality.
I dislike the idea to be able to upgrade to rare. Takes away the hunt for rares imho.
Re: Rare Fawn really Rare
I got it after three days of camping the little jerks on elwyn forests, i leveld a few of my pets to level 6 while at that... yeh... u gotta be patient, but it will drop 

Re: Rare Fawn really Rare
There's a macro to see if a pet is rare before you capture it as well. You do have to engage in a fight to use the macro and you should have it keybound.
/run for i=1,C_PetBattles.GetNumPets(2) do SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(C_PetBattles.GetName(2,i).." - ".._G["BATTLE_PET_BREED_QUALITY"..C_PetBattles.GetBreedQuality(2,i)]) end
/run for i=1,C_PetBattles.GetNumPets(2) do SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(C_PetBattles.GetName(2,i).." - ".._G["BATTLE_PET_BREED_QUALITY"..C_PetBattles.GetBreedQuality(2,i)]) end
Re: Rare Fawn really Rare
is that the macro from the guide?
i am 14 captures in and it has yet to be correct.
i am 14 captures in and it has yet to be correct.
Re: Rare Fawn really Rare
Tonight I found about 8 rare fawns and 4 or 5 rare rabbits in about 45m outside Stormwind where everyone duels. It was crazy. And some of the pets were even getting killed by the aoe from the duelers. I've never seen so many pets respawn so fast and so many rares. Anyone having issues with fawns might want to check there!
And I found my rare #5 rabbit!! Elmo's gettin' an upgrade!
And I found my rare #5 rabbit!! Elmo's gettin' an upgrade!

- Legolasgirl
- Posts:14
- Joined:December 22nd, 2007
- Pet Score:3444
- Realm:Kilrogg-us
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Re: Rare Fawn really Rare
The fawn took me awhile to get as well but with a little patience you will get it. If you're interested in knowing rarity before capturing to save time go get the mod "Battle pet quality notifier" from curse. It tells you all pets rarity at the start of battle and will tell you upon mouseover of a wild pet whether you have it and what rarity and lvl it is. It should tide you over until 5.1 when blizz adds these features into the game.