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Re: Breeding

Post by Aerozia » January 29th, 2014, 11:05 pm

um, when did they go back on what they said? they said no epic pets...

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Re: Breeding

Post by Rioriel » January 30th, 2014, 4:30 am

Sounds like a whole world of crap to me. But still, I'll get involved - gotta catch 'em all, etc. Even if that means duplicating what I've already got to lose one in breeding :lol: Suppose something has to keep me logging in! I just hope there's a finite number of new pets created using this method. Certainly won't be sacrificing any of the current lot just to get a different colour of what I already have.

Main worry is that they over-complicate what's a delightfully fun and simple concept.

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Re: Breeding

Post by Quintessence » January 30th, 2014, 11:24 am

Remember that they still have not officially announced pet breeding, so it's probably still very much a work in progress. Speculation and even what the devs have mentioned about pet breeding - take it all with a grain of salt for now. Things could change a little or a lot between now and WoD release. (Example: Developers mentioned epic pets from breeding, but now that's not a planned feature for the foreseeable future.)
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Re: Breeding

Post by Gwenolyn » February 1st, 2014, 5:40 pm

Luciandk wrote:
Se5s wrote:possible use for the now more or less redundant celestial coins? combine zao into xufu, keeping a super buff xufu?
Basically the keeper pet contributes the skin and abilities. Whereas the consumed pet contributes the breed.
It's just a way to change a pets breed that you don't like to a different breed. Don't know if that makes them "super".

This "random aquatic pet" would be awesome if it were s/s breed. Combine via breeding with an aquatic s/s. Voila!
Random aquatic pet is now s/s. (And the original s/s is gone). Breeding therefore changes the breed (hehe). So not too exciting as is really. Doesn't make "new" or "super" pets. But some pets that only come in one breed could be more fun in another breed??

We'll see. Like Quint said all subject to change.

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