Qiraji Guardling is here

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Gendou » June 21st, 2013, 10:48 am

Managed to get an uncommon H/H this morning thanks to a friend on a non-CRZ server.

I definitely want a P/P breed, but I'll wait to farm one until they aren't so camped.

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Cdeveau » June 21st, 2013, 11:02 am

Ugh. Got ganked twice this morning looking for a Guardling before work. Plenty of toons around as well, horde and ally. This might be a fall back and wait type capture.

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by KittyKat » June 21st, 2013, 12:55 pm

I have some questions, maybe someone out there has experience and answers. :mrgreen:

Firstly, does the Guardling only spawn at or near the Scarab Wall section, or can it spawn in the rest of the "AQ" zone? I ask because as you fly around, over the "instance portal' wall, you can enter empty rooms and there are dozens of Scarab and Sidewinder battle pets in there. So it seems logical that a guardling might also spawn back in that area.

Second, the map on his page here says it can spawn as a secondary pet add. This is contrary to what most people are saying, that like other rare/seasonal pets he only spawns as the primary. has anyone seen a secondary Qiraji Guardling join a pet battle?

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Gruhm » June 21st, 2013, 1:05 pm

KittyKat wrote:I have some questions, maybe someone out there has experience and answers. :mrgreen:

Firstly, does the Guardling only spawn at or near the Scarab Wall section, or can it spawn in the rest of the "AQ" zone? I ask because as you fly around, over the "instance portal' wall, you can enter empty rooms and there are dozens of Scarab and Sidewinder battle pets in there. So it seems logical that a guardling might also spawn back in that area.

Second, the map on his page here says it can spawn as a secondary pet add. This is contrary to what most people are saying, that like other rare/seasonal pets he only spawns as the primary. has anyone seen a secondary Qiraji Guardling join a pet battle?
I can't answer about the empty instance area other than to say every report I've seen and my own experience put them outside the empty instance area (not sure what else to call it). That said, many people including myself have caught them near the entrance to the instances. Mine was literally feet from the AQ40 entrance portal.

As to the second question I've not heard any being found as secondary pets. This may be because most people in the zone where killing every non-guardling critter that popped :P

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Ravnhawk » June 21st, 2013, 1:12 pm

I made a dk on a Oceanic realm and parked there but there were so many people it was a zoo. Will try again tonight but if anyone on an Oceanic realm wants to crz with me that would rock.

Maybe with more info we all won't have to take so much time camping. I am thinking this one might be harder thent he unborn the way it's looking LOL.

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Silverthorn » June 21st, 2013, 1:55 pm

See http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/hu ... guardling/ for the coordinates that I spotted.

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Ishildur » June 21st, 2013, 5:15 pm

Silverthorn wrote:See http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/hu ... guardling/ for the coordinates that I spotted.
Thank you so much for this! Because of having these I decided to pick one coordinate set where no one seemed to be actively camping out on... just a lot of people making flying passes. It ended up taking less than an hour to get my guardling since moment it spawned I was the closest one to it. Those coordinates really helped a lot :-)

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Quintessence » June 21st, 2013, 5:48 pm

KittyKat wrote:I have some questions, maybe someone out there has experience and answers. :mrgreen:

Firstly, does the Guardling only spawn at or near the Scarab Wall section, or can it spawn in the rest of the "AQ" zone? I ask because as you fly around, over the "instance portal' wall, you can enter empty rooms and there are dozens of Scarab and Sidewinder battle pets in there. So it seems logical that a guardling might also spawn back in that area.

Second, the map on his page here says it can spawn as a secondary pet add. This is contrary to what most people are saying, that like other rare/seasonal pets he only spawns as the primary. has anyone seen a secondary Qiraji Guardling join a pet battle?
I'm pretty sure it doesn't spawn within the AQ zone(s). The best areas to check: from the portal entrances to the summoning stone, and then from the stone to the wall.

The map was incorrect and has been updated. If there aren't any spawn points, the map will automatically list it as a secondary pet. The map now shows the area in which the pet can spawn (but not specific spawn coords). The guardling is purely a primary pet.
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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Nomadking » June 22nd, 2013, 3:34 am

Got mine this morning (Common H/P breed) on the platform area half way up to the AQ40 entrance. Used a DK on Moonglade EU (RP server) - was only 2 other people around, so much better than the CRZ nightmare that I saw when I went there on my main's realm! Many happy now :)

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Jorit » June 23rd, 2013, 5:52 pm

Any idea of what the spawn rate is like?

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Jadax » June 23rd, 2013, 6:55 pm

Jorit wrote:Any idea of what the spawn rate is like?
It seems to vary wildly. I've read posts where people report seeing three spawn in the space of a half hour, and then I've sat in the zone for three hours without seeing any.

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Re: Qiraji Guardling is here

Post by Aislinge » June 24th, 2013, 1:20 am

I'm just waiting until the rush is over. While everyone is camped out there, no one seems to be giving a toss about the other rare spots :)

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