How does one get a minfernal?

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Kantrill » November 18th, 2013, 2:51 am

Got mine after looking every day for what seems like months about a month ago. Killed all the random pets around whether they were battle pets or not. Waited about 20 to 30 minutes. Later that same day went with a guildmate to get hers for her. We flew around killing all the battle pets regardless of what they were same way, only this time, if I saw the pet I was just going to engage it and then surrender when she got in the area to tag it....That's what I did....another 30 minutes or so......As soon as I knew she caught hers, I took off flying again..and found ANOTHER one.

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Ylzmir » November 19th, 2013, 10:12 am

Woohoo! I finally got my minfernal at 5AM this morning (EST). I want to thank everyone on this board who gave advice. Making a deathknight on a server with few people ultimately worked. I was on Ravencrest which was a normal server for new players. It took about a week checking in every two hours when possible (i.e. not at work or sleeping). On only one occasion did I see someone actually camping for the minfernal. So I would highly recommend this technique to someone who wants to get the Zookeeper title.

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Nikkip » November 19th, 2013, 10:42 am

I took an alt- (druid) camped it out there, checked every 30-60min. took 2 weeks. like some hunter pets you HAVE to camp it unless your stupid lucky like my husband- flys out gets one, damn him :)

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Zveck » November 19th, 2013, 2:30 pm

I have killed in excess of 100 of these simply because they were not rare, enter battle, see quality not rare, forfit, mele delete, just like any other rare hunt. Some of you cry a little. Wake up CRZ is not your friend here. CRZ is the enemy.

After looking for weeks on my normal server for the Unborn, the Mini, and a couple more, I tran$fered an unused lvl 85 bank mule from an old server to a NON CRZ RPPVP server. After a few hours, the pets I had never seen were mine. After a couple weeks my lvl 85 was 90 my rare pets are now rare quality.

Cost = $25
Times ganked = 0
Value for the peace and quiet world = PRICELESS

I travel that server now and many times while farming ore, I see 3 rares below me on the minimap am now thinking of moving a more powerful toon to this nice quiet server to not have to compete with this CRZ nonsense.

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Abashera » November 23rd, 2013, 6:28 pm

Gwenolyn wrote:Your Brazilian DK will come in handy for other pets too. I used mine when Qiraji first spawned.
Ahhhh, very useful information there. I've used my Latin American PVP/RP DK to get the H/H Minfernal, and two P/P Jade Oozelings, and you may run into me as soon as the Snowy Owl begins to spawn. :D

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Abashera » November 23rd, 2013, 6:50 pm

Elende wrote:Good luck to the hunters! Camping a toon is what finally worked for me. : > I have a question-- how do you find out which realms are CRZ or not?
First off, a "server" is a physical thing, so it works best to link servers via CRZ if the servers are in the same building. Therefor an american server will not be linked to a Japanese server, or a Latin server, etcetera.

Second, a RP server will never be linked with a non-RP server for obvious reasons (just imagine the mass influx of name reporting!). And a PVE server will never be linked to a PVP server for obvious reasons. Now that also means that a straight RP server can not be linked to a RP/PVP server because you would be either forcing PVP onto PVE players, or they would have to deny PVP to the PVP server.

Because there are so few RP/PVP servers, and they are so far apart physically, they can not at this time be CRZ linked.

And when it comes to something like the Latin American servers, there are only three of them total. The PVP one will never be linked to the RP/PVP server and the PVE server will never be linked to either of the other two. So in this case either of these three servers are safe. I chose the one with the overall lowest population. Just be prepared to get whispers in Spanish. I never know what to say. lol

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Eyeofra » July 14th, 2016, 4:19 pm

Hi all. So, I have to weigh in on the whole minfernal thing here. After a month and change of doing the log-in and out on multiple U.S. realms thing, I decided to try a Brazil server. So I rolled a DK on the Brazil server. As soon as I finished with DK scenario, I went to Stormwind, Boarded the boat to Darnassus, hopped the Griffon to Felwood, and Bam! not even one pass of the area and there he was! Maybe I was lucky. All I know is I took the advice on this forum and it paid off. Thanks to all who posted advice!

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Ranok » July 15th, 2016, 1:00 am

Over a year ago the DK-on-a-Brazilian-server trick got me my Minfernal. Still some competition, all of whom chatted in English not Portuguese and all seemed to be 58-60 level DK's, go suspect I wasn't only one just there for the pet.

A month ago revisited Gallywix realm over several days out of curiosity. Still had the DK there and he had since leveled to 60 and learned to fly. Seems like Brazilian players not as into Pokémon as U.S. and EU players and DK-on-a-Brazilian-server not being used that much nowadays. Never failed to find a Minfernal within half-hour and only saw the spawning area camped once. One visit even got both a Minfernal and Giraffe Calf within 40 minutes, travel time included.

CRZ is a bit complicated between Brazilian and U.S. servers. For example, my toon on Gallywix can invite a U.S. player to a group. Problem is that U.S. player remains on U.S. server and we can't see each other or interact directly. Unless, that is, we meet up inside an Instance, then we can run a dungeon together just as if we were from same realm.

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Mehetabel » July 15th, 2016, 11:10 am

As did lots of others here, I took extreme measures to get my Minfernal. I found the MOST unpopulated realm I possibly could . . . which turned out to be a Spanish RP PVP realm, then rolled the trusty DK and got him to Felwood. The stars must have been aligned for me that day though as there was a Minfernal there waiting for me when I arrived. That was after MONTHS of camping on my regular realm. :roll:

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Rioriel » July 16th, 2016, 5:45 am

OMG remember those days. That and the bloody Silithid Scarab (?). Just sat there for HOURS waiting for one to pop / it to rain.

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Uduwudu » July 17th, 2016, 9:24 pm


Any updates on this?

It has not exactly been frustrating, but it has been ... disappointing, with not a single pet of any kind around the 5 (X-rated?) craters where they supposedly pop. I have a character in there and check at night when I am up that late. Once or twice per week, and so far ... nothing!


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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Yarl » July 18th, 2016, 9:21 am

Uduwudu wrote:Hi,

Any updates on this?

It has not exactly been frustrating, but it has been ... disappointing, with not a single pet of any kind around the 5 (X-rated?) craters where they supposedly pop. I have a character in there and check at night when I am up that late. Once or twice per week, and so far ... nothing!

What I did to get mine was to make 3 dk's on various 'clusters' of servers.
I'd park them near the spawn point and check them periodically.

You can also use that realm hopper addon now to save some time.

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Re: How does one get a minfernal?

Post by Uduwudu » July 21st, 2016, 9:20 am

Dolz wrote: ...
I guess you either get a Minfernal or Giraffe Calf easy, but not both. I just stumbled on my Giraffe Calf shortly after I started Battle Pets and it was rare. I had NO idea how lucky I was at the time.
Scary thought. I had an easy time getting a Giraffe Calf, as I was at the time cleaning up the Poor/Common pets I had in my listings. I think most folks always look for the Calf on their own, but they usually are in a bunch of adult Giraffe's and sometimes it is even hard to find them in the middle of the bunch, since they are running so much! But in the mean time, I was able to blue about 3 or 4 pets in the whole Southern area.

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