[Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Looks like Blizzard API got fixed today, it's up and running again!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
In my realms it still bugged.
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Hello everyone, I did a small update. I swapped the add and the clear button on the watcher (it was a bit off to have the add button on the left, usually people do things from left to right and clicking the add button is the last thing you do). I also added a "buy by bid" switch on the trade section, it will show the best trades by bid instead of by buyout.
As always feedback is appreciated, I'm not actively working on it right now but I'm still mantaining it
As always feedback is appreciated, I'm not actively working on it right now but I'm still mantaining it

Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
First off, thank you tons for this brilliant work, it is awesome!Morazor wrote:Hello everyone, I did a small update. I swapped the add and the clear button on the watcher (it was a bit off to have the add button on the left, usually people do things from left to right and clicking the add button is the last thing you do). I also added a "buy by bid" switch on the trade section, it will show the best trades by bid instead of by buyout.
As always feedback is appreciated, I'm not actively working on it right now but I'm still mantaining it
I thought I'd make two suggestions regarding trade:
1) it would be great if you had the option to exclude vendor obtained pets - because on some realms (Argent Dawn - EU selling to Silvermoon for example) the AH is flooded with common vendor pets being sold for thousands so the top results all show several thousand percent profit on those items since most realms value them for pennies.
2) That brings me to the second suggestion/request - it would be awesome if we could see more than 5 results for trading hits

Really, this is a fantastic job thanks!!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Sorry for the late answer, I'm kinda busy lately...
First of all: thanks for the kind words and for the feedback
Yes, the trade section should definitely show more results. I will see how to do it as soon as I have time!
First of all: thanks for the kind words and for the feedback

Yes, the trade section should definitely show more results. I will see how to do it as soon as I have time!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
"Legion Prepatch" Pet Magpie Patch!
- Added proper icons instead of ugly text used as icons
- Trades section now has more pages
- Added Wowhead tooltip and linkss: they should help in general, above all when the pet item is sold and has a different name from the pet (ie: Mana Fiend - Arcane Crystal)
- Added link to seller page on TUJ in auctions details
- Some UI improvements, above all in the Watch section
- More animations!
- Added cageable Bonkers
- Fixed a post-patch issue: in some cases only the Trades section was shown, now it's working again
- Fixed an issue with auctions data: every now and then data didn't load correctly and there was no auction listed, it shouldn't happen anymore
Also, the upcoming patches and expansion will probably mess things up and weird stuff may happen. Please be patient and report any bug you find, I'll fix it ASAP!
- Added proper icons instead of ugly text used as icons
- Trades section now has more pages
- Added Wowhead tooltip and linkss: they should help in general, above all when the pet item is sold and has a different name from the pet (ie: Mana Fiend - Arcane Crystal)
- Added link to seller page on TUJ in auctions details
- Some UI improvements, above all in the Watch section
- More animations!
- Added cageable Bonkers
- Fixed a post-patch issue: in some cases only the Trades section was shown, now it's working again
- Fixed an issue with auctions data: every now and then data didn't load correctly and there was no auction listed, it shouldn't happen anymore
Also, the upcoming patches and expansion will probably mess things up and weird stuff may happen. Please be patient and report any bug you find, I'll fix it ASAP!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Thanks Morazor for all the hard work. In your last Update you forgot to add the new pets like the allready [pet]Nursery Spider[/pet] 

Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Uh, thanks! Gonna fix that tomorrow!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
New update online! Nothing shocking, but anyway:
I fixed pet teaching items, they weren't listed anymore because an evil version of myself broke them in the past. Now they are fine. Good always wins, but evil always comes back... we will see!
I added a nice timer instead of the "Next check in..." stuff. If you mouse over it, it will also show some info about how old is actually the data you are seeing.
After the first load, data will be refreshed in background and the UI will be locked only when it's actually refreshed. That means you should get shorter loading screens for data refresh.
I fixed pet teaching items, they weren't listed anymore because an evil version of myself broke them in the past. Now they are fine. Good always wins, but evil always comes back... we will see!
I added a nice timer instead of the "Next check in..." stuff. If you mouse over it, it will also show some info about how old is actually the data you are seeing.
After the first load, data will be refreshed in background and the UI will be locked only when it's actually refreshed. That means you should get shorter loading screens for data refresh.
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Hello in the time of Legion!
When you compare prices of duplicates between the realms, if there's no given pet at the realm's market, the realm is skipped completely.

When you compare prices of duplicates between the realms, if there's no given pet at the realm's market, the realm is skipped completely.
I'm not claiming that playing an opening lead is easy or profitable, just the current situation doesn't seem to give a full picture.Realm 1 has 3 auctions
Realm 2 has 0 auctions
Realm 1 is suggested.

I have compiled community knowledge & data about pet battle abilities!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Hello dear! 
True, I should show them at the beginning of the list... I'll have a look at it as I can, I'm kinda busy these days.
Also, I'll probably quit playing for a while but I'll keep the website up to date anyway, I won't let down my 15 users!

True, I should show them at the beginning of the list... I'll have a look at it as I can, I'm kinda busy these days.
Also, I'll probably quit playing for a while but I'll keep the website up to date anyway, I won't let down my 15 users!

Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Hah, it isn't like I play very actively myself
I wonder…
When you sell something, your real income isn't a price you asked for, but 95% of that.
Messing with that could change some calculations, especially the x-realm gold circulation and you'd still stick to the classic result for the sake of clarity. But what about an availability to show the 95% value when one mouseovers a price value? (only for the selling modes ofc :p)
Also, 7.1 will boost the AH interface. That may be an interesting chunk of info if you plan an addon of some sort.

I wonder…
When you sell something, your real income isn't a price you asked for, but 95% of that.
Messing with that could change some calculations, especially the x-realm gold circulation and you'd still stick to the classic result for the sake of clarity. But what about an availability to show the 95% value when one mouseovers a price value? (only for the selling modes ofc :p)
Also, 7.1 will boost the AH interface. That may be an interesting chunk of info if you plan an addon of some sort.
I have compiled community knowledge & data about pet battle abilities!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
That's a pretty cool tool. I haven't had the chance to play around with it much, but will later.
Thanks for sharing it!
Thanks for sharing it!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Not sure about the AH interface anymore, but I'd like to ask for an update!
Even though you already know this.

I have compiled community knowledge & data about pet battle abilities!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
I don't know anything about the in-game AH interface changes, I'm not currently playing. The web API seems to be the same as always anyway (or at least compatible with the function I'm using). I'm having some issues with my PC right now, but I'm going to add the new 7.1 pets in an hour or so 
7.1 pets should be in! If you don't see them, try clearing your browser cache!

7.1 pets should be in! If you don't see them, try clearing your browser cache!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
Now updated with 7.2 pets! Scraps and Wailing Caverns pets (Cavern Moccasin, Everliving Spore, Young Venomfang)
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
The armory upgrade has made your tool unable to fetch the data. As other websites have problems too, perhaps there's something on the API level?
Could you take a look, please?
Could you take a look, please?
I have compiled community knowledge & data about pet battle abilities!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
I'll look into it ASAP, thanks for the warning!
Looks like the API servers are on "Scheduled Maintenance", nothing that I can fix
Looks like the API servers are on "Scheduled Maintenance", nothing that I can fix

Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
That's a long-term suggestion. Maybe even for another year because I imagine it could require the UI rebuild. 
Some custom options to filter pets, including the cross-realm viewer.
Like these ones: "Hide generic vendor pets" (e.g. [pet]Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Albino Snake[/pet] or [pet]Ancona Chicken[/pet]), "Hide guaranteed drops" (e.g. [pet]Teroclaw Hatchling[/pet] or [pet]Cinder Pup[/pet], possibly also quest rewards such as [pet]Emmigosa[/pet])
Or more complex and exclusive ones with tickboxes or subpages (think TUJ Blood of Sargeras): Mists of Pandaria raids, Darkmoon Faire, Timeless Isle drops, Pet Charms, Apexis Crystals, Zone world drops (Cata, [pet]Gundrak Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Bronze Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Zomstrok[/pet], etc.), Legion reputation, Legion scenarios (Caverns + Chromie), Raiding with Leashes, Archaeology, Trading Card Game and so on.
(Spectral/Harmonious/Vengeful Porcupette/Bonkers = MoP currencies? And where to fit Scraps or Buzzard?)
Also: An option to use cross-realm viewer without fetching collection data what would save some bandwidth and time.

Some custom options to filter pets, including the cross-realm viewer.
Like these ones: "Hide generic vendor pets" (e.g. [pet]Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Albino Snake[/pet] or [pet]Ancona Chicken[/pet]), "Hide guaranteed drops" (e.g. [pet]Teroclaw Hatchling[/pet] or [pet]Cinder Pup[/pet], possibly also quest rewards such as [pet]Emmigosa[/pet])
Or more complex and exclusive ones with tickboxes or subpages (think TUJ Blood of Sargeras): Mists of Pandaria raids, Darkmoon Faire, Timeless Isle drops, Pet Charms, Apexis Crystals, Zone world drops (Cata, [pet]Gundrak Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Bronze Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Zomstrok[/pet], etc.), Legion reputation, Legion scenarios (Caverns + Chromie), Raiding with Leashes, Archaeology, Trading Card Game and so on.
(Spectral/Harmonious/Vengeful Porcupette/Bonkers = MoP currencies? And where to fit Scraps or Buzzard?)
Also: An option to use cross-realm viewer without fetching collection data what would save some bandwidth and time.

I have compiled community knowledge & data about pet battle abilities!
Re: [Web AH Tool] Pet Magpie
One thing that may also be useful is to choose on which realm to sell duplicate pets. Now it just gets the server on which prices are higher.
Also: I have to add 7.2.5 pets
I'm a bit messed up with work, I'll do it ASAP
Also: I have to add 7.2.5 pets

I'm a bit messed up with work, I'll do it ASAP