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Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 12:14 am
by Doobjanka
Doobjanka and WarcraftPets is now on Madoran. Whisper for an invite.

Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 1:03 pm
by Lysi
Doobjanka wrote:Doobjanka and WarcraftPets is now on Madoran. Whisper for an invite.
It was fun to meet people in guild chat last night. I've added a couple more people already today! We're really up and rolling. :0)

Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 2:05 pm
by Talmar
OK Then, thanks for the answers. I'll be transferring my Hordie over as soon as all my auctions are complete and I can empty my mailbox.

Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 2:43 pm
by Thralla
I have a lvl 5 Belf hunter just waiting to join at the earliest chance when I'm off work!

Hoping this turns out to be a great experience. As I play my alts through MoP, I'm contemplating transferring my "main" horde characters over.

Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 5:43 pm
by Guest
Hrmm, what class/race to roll... blargh, curse my indecisiveness!

Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 21st, 2012, 5:58 am
by Doobjanka
Dark Phoenix Hatchling has been unlocked. Less than 5k critters left until the Armadillo is also unlocked.

Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 22nd, 2012, 2:02 pm
by NathKnave
I have to say that this guild has been a really great time for me. Since most of my friends quit over a year ago, WoW has mostly been a solitary thing for me. Having folks to talk to and having actual conversations in guild chat has been a real treat. You might not see me for a bit once Mists actually launches as I will be leveling my toons on my home realm, but I plan on hanging out for the next couple days. And I most certainly plan being here long term.

Thanks for this, it's been a blast!


Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 22nd, 2012, 8:40 pm
by Kaellan
Just joined today (Zirrana) :D Wanted to thank Doobjanka for making the promises to be fun :mrgreen:

Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 22nd, 2012, 8:53 pm
by Lysi
NathKnave wrote:I have to say that this guild has been a really great time for me. Since most of my friends quit over a year ago, WoW has mostly been a solitary thing for me. Having folks to talk to and having actual conversations in guild chat has been a real treat. You might not see me for a bit once Mists actually launches as I will be leveling my toons on my home realm, but I plan on hanging out for the next couple days. And I most certainly plan being here long term.

Thanks for this, it's been a blast!

I will also be playing a lot on another server when MoP hits, I'm sure this will be true of quite a few people. But I've decided I'll make my first panda on Madoran, so I'll definitely be around long term. :)

Re: WarcraftPets guild

Posted: September 24th, 2012, 10:33 am
by Arji
Wish you lots of fun.

I would love to join, but can't 'cause I got an European Client and there's no way *sniff*

Anyone doing the same on an European Server?
German, English even French would just be fine with me. :)
Alliance or Horde don't matter ... but I don't really know my way around in Alliance Cities :D