Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Selka » August 23rd, 2013, 9:55 am

I named my lamb- Lambstew and someone told me it was gross lol

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Arwyn3 » August 23rd, 2013, 2:44 pm

I named my Anubiseth Idol "Bubba Ho Tep" after te ridiculous Bruce Campbell movie. I'm wierd like that :)

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Tiggindy » August 23rd, 2013, 9:55 pm

I think some of mine are good. :roll:

I've named them all, except the noncombat pets.

Sometimes I used a theme, like all the frogs are named for cities in Michigan (in reference to Michigan J Frog), all the rats are named for (or using the same logic as) rats in a Terry Pratchett novel. For the cats, I used the names of pet cats my family has owned.

For others, I used mythology, fictional names that match the creature (usually :lol: ), scientific names (or portions of), and in some cases just a repeat of the name they were given in the game so I could tell which was "mine" and which was the dupe I was leveling (for instance, Chuck is named Chuck).

I figured I'd check to see if the armory showed the names of pets so I wouldn't have to log into the game and oh my... :o

The armory has my pets listed in alphabetical order by what I have named them. And since I could look at the list like that, I identified a few duplicates, which I logged in to correct.

If you're of a mood to look through the whole list, enjoy. :D

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Pinyin » August 26th, 2013, 11:05 am

I have two Kun-Lai Runts. One is named My Blind Date and the other is named Coffee Breath.

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Furkel » August 26th, 2013, 11:56 am

I've got loads of pet names that are just some obscure pop culture reference that I can barely remember the reasoning behind anymore:

Mary Kate the Ash Lizard
Tunstall the Lil' K.T.
Bam Bam the Pebble
Ringo the Beetle
Edmund the Adder
Gallagher the Oasis Moth
Meyer the Twilight Spider

...and a lot that are just plain stupid:

Frood Wog the Wood Frog
Hooters the Great Horned Owl
Stinkerbell the Hopling
False Swipe the Terrible Turnip
Bisque the Darkmoon Turtle

The rest are mostly lazy, to be honest (i.e. twenty different snakes named Hiss, Slither, Kaa, Fang, etc etc)

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Arnithall » August 26th, 2013, 2:44 pm

I'm going to have to appropriate the Buzz Lightrear name. That is awesome.

Some of the more creative names I've got are:

Lei Gong : Thundering Serpent Hatchling (Lei Gong is the chinese thunder god)
Hildr : Unborn Valkyr (Hildr means Battle & any pet I get from Northrend tends to have a Nordic type name)
Poe : Lofty Libram
Taptap : Gilnean Raven
Murder : Crow
Ghostcrawler : Spirit Crab
Felicity : Fel Flame
Edward : Flayer Youngling
Peter : Grasslands Cottontail
Timestop & DbleTimestop : 2 different Infinite Whelplings
Sticks : Jade Crane Chick
Nightwish : Nightsaber Cub
Yuki : Snowy Owl (Yuki meaning snow in Japanese I believe)
Mindbender : Twilight Fiendling
Nelson : Wandering Festival Hatchling
Timmy : Giraffe Calf
& Bogart : Tiny Bog Beast

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Kabotage » August 27th, 2013, 12:26 am

These names are mostly from childhood memories exept for justin :lol:

Giant Sewer Rat - Splinter
Speedy - Raphael
Darkmoon Turtle - Leonardo
Emerald Turtle - Michealangelo
Still hunting a rare for Donatello

Alpine Foxling - Kyuubi
Alpine Foxling Kit - Kurama
Huge Toad - Jiraiya also a japanese folktale character
Elder Python - Orochimaru

Purple Puffer - Openbsd OpenBSD logo

Direhorn Runt - Denver the last dinosaur
Perky Pug - Frank Pug from MIB
Eye of Legion - Sauron LOTR
Sea Gull - Mine mine mine Finding Nemo
Crow - Heckle (from heckle and jeckle)
Lucky Quilen Cub - Milo The Mask
Gusting Grimoire - Super Book Superbook

Wild Gryphon Hatchling - Kfc
Moonkin Hatchling - Chicken Joy

Electrified Razortooth - Congressman
Feline Familiar - Harry Pawter
Thundertail Flapper - Justin Beaver
Tiny Snowman - Informer Snow(Musician)
Amber Moth - Tori Amoth
Silky Moth - Depeche Moth
Hopling - Charlie Chopling
Elfin Rabbit - Hugh (Hefner is flagged as a mature language)

I found these names funny and suits well for my pets, I still have a few in mind just need to level them or upgrade/catch a rare. :D

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Eekmeister » August 27th, 2013, 1:26 am

I love hearing these names, makes me miss my wonderful pets. I've been playing pokemon for years and my favorite thing about pets and pokemon is NAMING them. Here are some of my favorite, though I'm not sure how many of these are obvious.

Adder = Mad Adder
Curious Wolvar Pup = Logan
Darkmoon Zeppelin = Darksyd Ofdamoon
Fel Flame = Gaseous Clay
Ghostly Skull = Skeletore
Harpy Youngling = Gorgonzola
Jumping Spider = Jack Flash
Jungle Grub = Oheeoheeoh
Lil' Bad Wolf = Big Bad Harv
Lofty Libram = Prydn Prejudice
Ruby Sapling = Sycamorrisey
Stormwind Rat = Reepicheep
Tiny Harvester = Sorrow
Tree Python = Montree Python
Warbot = Homie
Yellow Moth = Draculabus

But my favorite pet name joke that makes me wish we could summon two pets at once are my Dark Phoenix Hatchling and my Phoenix Hatchling which are named Guy and Phawkes respectively. I only name pets I've battled and a pet will remain nameless until it has a personality. That said, I still cannot remember why I named my Terrible Turnip Casanova, but that's what happens when you play til 3am.

Oh, and the funniest name I've seen was an Emperor Crab called Ihavecrabs. I lol'd at that.

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Pinrut » August 27th, 2013, 3:34 am

My husband has the worst names for his pets.

He has:
A Clockwork Rocket Bot called Varian Wrench
A Undercity Rat named Jimmy Cagney
A Creepy Crawly named Alistair Crawley
An Ancona Chicken named Eggs Benedict
An Electrified Razortooth called Tick Tock (Peter Pan, people!)
A Spawn of Gnathus named Jetsam (Little Mermaid)

and another million in poor taste >_>

I have:
Alvin and Simon the chipmunks
George and Lenny the rabbits, as well as Jessika (Jessica is reserved =\)
Adders called Calculator and Abacus
Phoenixes named Joaquin, River, Rain

An Undead Val'kyr named Valk Ilmer
A Perky Pug called Miss Puggy
An Anodized Robo Cub called Bearings (thatsthejoke.jpg)
Nutty the Mechanical Squirrel (as above)
An Anubiseth Idol named Set in His Ways
A Marsh Fiddler named Fiddlers Green (<3 Neil Gaiman)
A Bandicoon named Swiper
A Creepy Crate called Sapient Pearwood
Rabbot the De-Weaponised Mechanical Companion
Ribbot the Lifelike Toad
Gary Sweep the Enchanted Broom

Puck the Fiendish Imp
Huginn and Muninn (Crow and Gilnean Raven)
Cheryl Coal the Lumpy
Snappy Comeback the Magical Crawdad
Nutty the Mechanical Squirrel
Butterfree the moth
Rhydon the Stunted Shardhorn
Muk the Filthling
Ghostcrawler the ghostly skull and Zarhym the spirit crab (YES I KNOW)
Funk and Wagnall the Gusting Grimoire
Webster the Lofty Libram
Eleven the Legs
Spiny Norman the Porcupette (DINSDALE)
Menarche the Viscous Horror (please google this :P)
Triffid the Venus
Blew them off the Blue Moth (Blue the moth?)

Drambuie the Rusty Snail (my father's drink of choice)

LF new hobby PST D:

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Yalina » August 27th, 2013, 4:24 pm

Pinrut wrote:Ghostcrawler the ghostly skull and Zarhym the spirit crab (YES I KNOW)
This is amusing me quite a lot right now. Well done. :)

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Chocajules » August 31st, 2013, 6:04 pm

Each pet name is given great thought, some are so obscure I suspect only I find them funny, some are just cos and others are more obvious.

I have a Yorick the skull and a gull called Jonathon, may have to relook at my rabbits as am currently rereading Watership Down.

Some favs are:
Robert my Darkmoon ZEPPELIN (the Led kind)
Fizzy the Effervescent Glowfly
Throaty the Deepholme Cockroach :oops:
Downy my fell flame (sp intended)
Hickey the feverbite hatchling
Buzz my Infinite whelpling
McSteamy the Cheetah Cub - for the Grey's Anatomy fans ;) May have to become Don Draper
Wannabe the Lil Raggy
Lspace is my Lofty Libram, cos I wish I had some
Gallagher the Oasis Moth
Shaw the Sandy Petrel....
Brussel the sporeling sprout
Trench my coilfang stalker
Psyclo, the Tiny Twister
Turkeys called Noel and Gracias
The Arcane Eye is called Ichje

I could go on, but will have mercy ;) Suffice it to say each and every one is as preciously named as my kids were :P

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Graven » September 1st, 2013, 6:12 am

Pinrut wrote: A Creepy Crate called Sapient Pearwood
Eleven the Legs
Drambuie the Rusty Snail (my father's drink of choice)
Love these, especially the first one. Thought the same thing first time I saw the crate (what Discworld fan wouldn't?) but when it wouldn't let me name mine "The Luggage" I settled for "Carlton" (like the brand).

Similarly, I named my coilfang stalker "Noodles" because of what his legs look like, but "Eleven" is awesome for the bingo players. :)

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Luciandk » September 1st, 2013, 9:05 am

A few choice names of mine:

Darkmoon Zeppelin - Goodyear. Had considered Hindenburg due to the explode ability, but I thought it was a bit tasteless.
Crawling Claw - Manu Mortis
Zandalari Kneebiter - Chompy
Unborn Val'kyr - Freya
Gilnean Raven - Poe
Creepy Crate - Nommer

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Shikon01 » September 1st, 2013, 7:54 pm

Female in red santa suit _ Betty bop
DM tank- Tonka toy
shore crab - crab cakes ( its a southern thing )
ghostly skull- Me kill you ( from comedian w/ his undead puppet) and death eater
sprout-bean sprout
direhorn - bully
Raven - edgar poe
polar bear-frosty
wisp- willow
toad- weasley

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Jdf1977 » September 4th, 2013, 11:31 pm

Think my best/favs are

Oily Slimeling named Valdez
Little Black Ram -Shub Niggurath
Core Hound Pup -Harvey Dent
Infested Bear Cub -Uncle Fester
Scourged Whelpling -Motorbreath (metallica song & since he has a breath attack)
Tundra Penguin- Tennesee Tuxedo
Cinder Kitten - Backdraft

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Zephira777 » September 4th, 2013, 11:45 pm

I named my four carp's after the characters from the anime Free!
Red carp is Rin Matsuoka, Blue Will be (when i get it) Haruka nanase. white is Nagisa hazuki and green is Makoto tachibana
Also for Naturo, named the Sandling Gaara
Named some of my foxes Tod (fox and the hound) and Tomoe (anime called Kamisama hajimemashita
Cinder kitten: Natsu (Anime Reborn!)
Proto drake whelp: Igneel
Fossilized hatchling: Brook (from one peice) and the Searing scortchling Ace
The pandaren spirits are, Aang, Korra, and Toph (while the fire one is Kannagi from Arata the legend: toss up between that a zuko >.<)

Nightsaber cub: Kishan and my snow cub is Dhiren (from a book called tiger's curse
Panther cub: Bagheera
Wind rider cub: Henneko
Pygmy direhorn: Sarah
Sea pony: Sedra

Named my Celestial dragon Seriyuu, a turtle Genbu, Pheonix hatchling Suzaku, and the winterspring cub Byakko (chinese gods)
Named my wild golden hatchling: Glaedr (eragon) while the crimson one is Smaug (the hobbit)
grove viper: Nagii (harry potter)

Zandalari dinos are Godzila, Reptar, Toothless, and Rexy
and so on :)

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Graven » September 5th, 2013, 2:55 pm

Luciandk wrote:Darkmoon Zeppelin - Goodyear. Had considered Hindenburg due to the explode ability, but I thought it was a bit tasteless.
Hah yea, it might be poor taste but that didn't stop Blizzard. There's a goblin on one of the Horde zep towers called Hin Denburg.

Oh, the humanity...

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Saasan » September 5th, 2013, 3:43 pm

I named my zep Hindel...pretending that's different enough to be more tasteful. >_<

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Shakesbeard » September 6th, 2013, 12:00 pm

named some more

Jase Unborn val'kir
Joshua Tree blossoming ancient, found what i'm looking for
Minordomo Cathat cinder kitten, shoutout to Majordomo Staghelm
Hand Of A Doll crawling claw, now i have the title, sort of
Reth Reth Reth fel flame, now with more Kalimag
Kara Wash menagerie custodian, workin at the
Little Dog Too tito, my pretty
There Is No Maze willy, pet biscuit this when i do ToT part 3 boss 1
Ice Stone frigid frostling, and no it has not melted
MADORAN__ <WCP> Shakesbeard
___________<LPL> Factotem
___________<PP> Orcane, Shrecksar, Remoo

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Re: Best / Funniest / Most creative names for pets?

Post by Graven » September 6th, 2013, 1:57 pm

Shakesbeard wrote:Reth Reth Reth fel flame, now with more Kalimag
Love it. I called my Searing Scorchling "Reth" too (it was actually the first pet I named iirc).

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