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Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 12:11 pm
by Principa
Arrianrhod wrote: [profile]Principa[/profile] your [pet]Darkmoon Hatchling[/pet] would love to go out and play
And Play she does! Thanks [profile]Arrianrhod[/profile]!

[profile]Yumehayla[/profile], three pets, you say? By all means, make this a SUPER SUNDAY! Time to work on your [pet]Tideskipper[/pet], [pet]Moon Moon[/pet], and [pet]Kirin Tor Familiar[/pet]!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 12:27 pm
by Furkel
Once again I've been away from this post a bit too long and forgotten what I was supposed to level, but let's just assume it's 25 now!

Principa, you should level your [pet]Spirit Crab[/pet] because... well, it's a ghost crab and if you need any more reasons I just don't know what your deal is.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 9:00 pm
by Lexy
Furkel wrote:Once again I've been away from this post a bit too long and forgotten what I was supposed to level, but let's just assume it's 25 now!

Principa, you should level your [pet]Spirit Crab[/pet] because... well, it's a ghost crab and if you need any more reasons I just don't know what your deal is.
My Wind Rider Cub is 25, still diggin for that Ohhh-so-elusive THING

Furkel How about getting this Shiney Thingemabob to 25:)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 9:07 pm
by Undeadgoat
[pet]Darkmoon Monkey[/pet] is 25!

Lexy, level your [pet]Magic Lamp[/pet] and [ability]Wish[/ability] your way to good health!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 2:32 am
by Bellababy463
Bellababy463, I love that you've named your Pandaren Water Spirit "Guysier"... level him up and let him dive right into your favourite battle pet list!

Guysier, my [pet]Pandaren water spirit[/pet] has finally swam to the top of his class at lvl 25.

Undeadgoat, for no other reason than i'm jealous that you have [pet]Xu-fu, cub of Xuen[/pet] so get him up to lvl 25. :D

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 8:19 pm
by Tipperscales
Bellababy463 wrote:Tipperscales your [pet]Core Hound Pup[/pet] Want to be big and tough to help you protect the team so get him up to snuff :lol:
My Core pup is a full grown Core mastiff.

Bellababy463, it is awesome that you have a [pet]Skunky Alemental[/pet] but he is to young to drink, level him up so he is able to get into bars.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 1:39 pm
by Lexy
My Magic Lamp is 25 :)

Tipperscales : [url=]Lil Tarecgosa[/url] deserves a higher rank :)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 11:17 pm
by Principa
Furkel wrote:Principa, you should level your [pet]Spirit Crab[/pet] because... well, it's a ghost crab and if you need any more reasons I just don't know what your deal is.
That was the most passionate plea I've yet heard. I don't know what my deal was, but it is a deal no longer-- that spirit crab leveled!

[profile]Lexy[/profile], you dropped the dough on an [pet]Alterac Brew-Pup[/pet] and haven't leveled the good boy yet-- didn't you know that by the time he's 25, he starts providing you with rum?!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 11:50 pm
by Xcalber
Principa, it's shameful.... You have a Flying Jackalope and he's only level 1. Your Wolpertinger definitely needs some loving...

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 3:53 am
by Faithhealer
Lexy wrote:

and while i go back digging i challange you to upgrade your [url=]Fuzzy Twinle Toe Dragon[/url] and get it to 25 :)
I believe that Blizzard finds it funny to put 300 poor quality faerie dragons out there and 1 just 1 rare one. I found it and I leveled it. 1 rare happy [pet]nether faerie dragon[/pet] has joined my elite team.

[profile]Xcalber[/profile] you who has everything or darn near close to it I think it's high time your [pet]yellow moth[/pet] had a chance to spread it's wings.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 1:19 am
by Xcalber
Faithhealer wrote:
[profile]Xcalber[/profile] you who has everything or darn near close to it I think it's high time your [pet]yellow moth[/pet] had a chance to spread it's wings.
[profile]Faithhealer[/profile] my [pet]Yellow Moth[/pet] is flying high, but now it's time for your [pet]Murkalot[/pet] to complete his basic training so he can charge headlong into battle for you!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 2:53 pm
by Furkel
My Lunar Lantern is as ready for battle as a flimsy paper construction with a candle inside will ever be!

Xcal, I'm sorry to assign you another moth but just look into your [pet]Imperial Moth[/pet]'s giant freaky eyes and try telling it it has to stay unleveled any longer.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 4:31 pm
by Undeadgoat
[pet]Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen[/pet] is max level and raking your face off!

Furkel, I'm going to tell you to level your [pet]Tiny White Carp[/pet] just because it's your only level 1 pet! (And you should never feel bad about telling someone to level more moths. Moths are SO OP in PvE, everyone should have at least 3 at level 25!)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 10:26 pm
by Beana
My Cenarion Hatchling flies high at 25!

Undeadgoat.... Your Sapphire cub wishes to sparkle like a level one can only shine! Get him to 25!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 4:18 am
by Bellababy463
Bellababy463, it is awesome that you have a Skunky Alemental but he is to young to drink, level him up so he is able to get into bars.

My [pet]skunky alemental[/pet] is all ready for a night on the town now that he's 25! :D

Beana with a face that cute I think your[pet]guardian cub[/pet] deserves to be flying strong at 25! :lol:

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 12:38 pm
by Xcalber
Furkel wrote:Xcal, I'm sorry to assign you another moth but just look into your [pet]Imperial Moth[/pet]'s giant freaky eyes and try telling it it has to stay unleveled any longer.
Well [profile]Furkel[/profile] my [pet]Imperial Moth[/pet]'s "giant freaky eyes" need not worry any longer. He's level 25 like 12 of his fellow moths.

As for [profile]Bellababy463[/profile], neither of your [pet]Moonkin Hatchling[/pet]'s are level 25! I hate to say it, but one or BOTH could stand to see a little leveling!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 3:42 pm
by Lakestone
Lexy wrote: Ok [url=]Lakestone[/url] you should get that Terrible Turnip up to 25, he is terribly sad that he is only level 1
My Terrible Turnip has turned into a Monstrous Turnip :)

[profile]Xcalber[/profile] it seems that you have started to level a lot of pets but stopped mid way ;) so why don't you continue with your [pet]Curious Oracle Hatchling[/pet] so he can be stopp be so curious.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 10:56 pm
by Wakamaru
Lakestone - you have a beautiful [pet]Celestial Dragon[/pet]. Get him to level 25 so he can reach the stars!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 8th, 2014, 11:48 am
by Xcalber
Lakestone wrote:[profile]Xcalber[/profile] it seems that you have started to level a lot of pets but stopped mid way ;) so why don't you continue with your [pet]Curious Oracle Hatchling[/pet] so he can be stopp be so curious.
Well my [pet]Curious Oracle Hatchling[/pet] is level 25 so he need not be so curious anymore. For good measure I leveled my [pet]Curious Wolvar Pup[/pet] as well. Curiosity killed the cat you know... (And apparently the Wolvar and the Oracle)

[profile]Wakamaru[/profile] maybe your [pet]Filthling[/pet] wouldn't be so filthy if he was level 25? Level him up and find out!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 8th, 2014, 3:24 pm
by Principa
Xcalber wrote:Principa, it's shameful.... You have a Flying Jackalope and he's only level 1. Your Wolpertinger definitely needs some loving...
No more shame! My [pet]Wolpertinger[/pet] was a treat to level, thanks [profile]Xcalbe[/profile]r.

Now right back atcha; the first pet I ever levelled was my [pet]Worg Pup[/pet]. Treat yours to joining the club!

ALSO, since you seem to be quite the keen pet leveller, I'd also like to see you add these guys to the mix: [pet]Jade Oozling[/pet] and [pet]Mr. Wiggles[/pet].