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Re: Catch that pet
by Principa » February 15th, 2014, 2:37 pm
Beana wrote:Prrincipa....Your Pandaren Fire Spirit recently visited my farm and lit my carrots on fire.....You need to get him to 25 before he lights Halfhill on fire

Thanks, [profile]Beana[/profile]; my Fire Spirit is now a much Bigger fire, but at least he's capped!
[profile]Lakestone[/profile], your [pet]Tainted Waveling[/pet] wants to make a splash-- a big one. Help him out!

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by Beana » February 15th, 2014, 7:48 pm
My Bombay Cub is cute, rare and in the 25 Onlys Club!
Principa (we meet again) Okay so my farm isn't on fire....But now at night when I sleep, all I hear is Chirping from your Red Cricket!


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by Lexy » February 16th, 2014, 12:11 am
The not so uncommon brown hissing snake turned 25
Beana, your Rotten lil Kris screams for big things


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by Renjah » February 16th, 2014, 2:34 am
My netherwhelp is now 25. Lexy, because its so pricey on so many servers level up your spineclaw crab to show its true value.

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by Xinnara » February 16th, 2014, 6:23 am
My [pet]Magic Lamp[/pet] is all shiny and levelled :3
[profile]Renja[/profile] it's time to level your beautiful [pet]Gazelle Fawn[/pet] so she can gallop everywhere with pride!

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by Katiks » February 16th, 2014, 9:12 am
Xinnara, your Ancona Chicken wants some attention

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by Xcalber » February 16th, 2014, 11:11 am
Ganicus wrote:Xcalber, I'm sorry that your Darkmoon Turtle wasn't all that you had hoped for. I've leveled the Blighthawk to 25 as requested. I'm positive he'll be useful in some battles. How about the Gryphon Hatchling next? Mine is level 25 and I'm pretty pleased with him.
Edit: Lil Bad Wolf just hit 25 in case you were going to choose him next.
Well [profile]Ganicus[/profile] my [pet]Gryphon Hatchling[/pet] is level 25.
[profile]Katiks[/profile] I've been perusing your pet collection and your [pet]Black Tabby Cat[/pet] definitely seems like it needs to be level 25!

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by Katiks » February 16th, 2014, 2:26 pm
Xcalber, my Black Tabby Cat is 25 and ready to rumble, what about your Bombay Cat? Raise her to 25 and let's have a cat fight!


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by Principa » February 17th, 2014, 6:42 pm
Beana wrote:Principa (we meet again) Okay so my farm isn't on fire....But now at night when I sleep, all I hear is Chirping from your Red Cricket!

[profile]Beana[/profile]! We do, indeed! I almost had you once, as well, and WAS going to challenge you to level your pet named Edmonton... I'm Albertan, and this seemed fortuitous! But I someone else posted before me. Sliding doors. Instead, YOU keep getting me to level up all the dudes that seem to be insistent on ruining farm life. And hopefully my level 25 [pet]red cricket[/pet] is so big that his chirps don't
bug you anymore!
[profile]Katiks[/profile]! You have been BUSY! Not only with pet battles, but with brawler's battles, too... level up your [pet]Clock'em[/pet] and let him into the ring!

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by Katiks » February 18th, 2014, 7:42 am
Hey, Principa!
My Clock'em has been playing out in the air and is brawling with the best of them! Speaking of air, what about taking your Pandaren Air Spirit to the max?
Guest -
by Guest » February 18th, 2014, 8:22 am
Lexy wrote:
@ Haevlyn I see a green Sporeling Sprout Dude that is pouting at level 17! And then there is a Level 9 greenish looking Stone Armadillo

My Sporeling has all grown up, as has my Stone Armadillo. Yey \o/
[profile]Katiks[/profile] - Your [pet]Tainted Moth[/pet] is looking like one of the few neglected pets in your collection! Sort em out!
Next Poster: At least two pets for me please!
PS: I'm still hunting down Pebble, but so far I'm still 0/10

What the....

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by Katiks » February 18th, 2014, 10:54 am
Haevlyn! Because of you my Tainted Moth is now Blue, but not at all sad, she is both rare and lvl 25! I think you should add some colour to your cool lvl 25's collection by upgrading both the CRIMSON LASHER and the CRIMSON MOTH.
P.S. Good luck with the Pebble quests, took me ages to get it too.
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by Kaphn8d » February 18th, 2014, 1:37 pm
Katiks... with all those level 25 pets you have, that little Tainted Waveling you have is feeling so unloved. Perhaps you should pay it some attention?

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by Lakestone » February 18th, 2014, 3:05 pm
Principa wrote:
[profile]Lakestone[/profile], your [pet]Tainted Waveling[/pet] wants to make a splash-- a big one. Help him out!
My [pet]Tainted Waveling[/pet] is splashing big ones now.
[profile]Kaphn8d[/profile], your [pet]Moonkin Hatchling[/pet] wants to join the big guys.

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by Katiks » February 18th, 2014, 3:13 pm
Kaphn8d, My Tainted Waveling is splashing with the big boyz,
Lakestone, I think your Sappire Cub desires to be 25.

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by Xinnara » February 18th, 2014, 5:12 pm
My [pet]Ancona Chicken[/pet] is happily clucking away at 25 now!
[profile]Katiks[/profile] you seem to love levelling pets, but I'm disappointed you haven't picked the cute [pet]Giraffe Calf[/pet] yet, I think he deserves some TLC :>

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by Bellababy463 » February 18th, 2014, 6:05 pm
still working on getting the[pet]Singing Sunflower[/pet] stuck on the next to the last quest, ugh!!!!!
So thought I'd like to level some pets too!!!
Xinnara your beautiful [pet]Droplet of Y'Shaarj[/pet] deserves to to reach her full potential at lvl 25


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by Blackfang7 » February 18th, 2014, 8:04 pm
Love pet collecting and just barely started looking at the forums and came across this thread. Its a very interesting idea and I'm not sure which of my pets to level up so maybe this will help.
Hope I am doing this right, but looking at Bellababy463's pet collection I see your brilliant Kaliri needs some love.
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by Wharrgoul » February 18th, 2014, 8:34 pm
I too am new to this battle pet collecting and leveling and I'm loving it =) Blackfang7 I see you have a lovely Plump Turkey that could use some love'n

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by Beana » February 18th, 2014, 10:09 pm
Principa....You'll get me eventually back I promise...yes Edmonton is probably next then but I'll wait for you!! Anways Lexy.....My Rotten little helper is rotten big 25 now
Maskilen! The Adam's Family needs your Crawling Claw to be 25! They need a "thing" amongst their ranks.