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Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 12th, 2014, 6:44 am
by Mydoc
When reading the forums it seemed in WoD that we may have needed flawless battle stones to breed better quality pets. I began to save and collect flawless battle stones then. Now we know that blizzard has removed breeding and so I have no need to save flawless battle stones. I have 8 ATM but really have no pets that I can't wait for specific type battle stone. I tend to keep valuable items forever and never use them because I may have a use later. Should I just use them up or anyone know something worth saving them for?

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 12th, 2014, 5:01 pm
by Druzy
I use mine on either extremely hard to find pets in the wild (Minfernal) or uncommon only pets (list is stickied in this forum).

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 12th, 2014, 7:04 pm
by Peanutty
I assume you're talking about BoE stones? Sell them on AH or trade them here. If you're talking about BoP family specific stones, then you can stone tradeable pets and sell those. Or you can hold on to them for new pets in WoD that might be hard to get (I don't doubt there'll be another Minfernal/Val'kyr type camp).

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 1:25 am
by Worgenbait
That, and for the family specific ones, it will cut down on the hunting time for the new wild pets in WoD. You won't have to spend hours hunting that rare of the type you are looking for, just grab a common of the type you want and stone it right off. That's what I am planning on doing.

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 7:40 am
by Voskres
Worgenbait wrote:That, and for the family specific ones, it will cut down on the hunting time for the new wild pets in WoD. You won't have to spend hours hunting that rare of the type you are looking for, just grab a common of the type you want and stone it right off. That's what I am planning on doing.
This is what I started doing. However, they do pile up fast. I made the comment to a guildie that when I wanted them, seemed like I never got them. Now I am getting something like4 or 5 a day easy from a round of pet dailies.

As far as what to upgrade first, I originally started upgrading all my tradable ones that naturally occur as green pets (racials like snakes, rabbits, plus holiday pets and the like). In doing this, I was also using an addon that would tell me exactly where to find each of the wild ones I had that weren't blue.

I got to a point that I simply couldn't find a few even with some heavy camping (Twilight Iguana seems to be one I could never get one of) and the rare pop (yes, I never got a blue Mininfernal) and I used stones for those.

You will probably find that Flying, Beasts and Critters will be the last 3 stones you need, because most of the racial pets are of that ilk. Flying and Beast were my last 2 and I was suprised that Flying was the last I needed.

I am right now doing RAF, so I have set aside stones to finish those off, but otherwise I am saving all my stones for WoD, which everyone should prob start doing.

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 1:03 pm
by Peanutty
Worgenbait wrote:That, and for the family specific ones, it will cut down on the hunting time for the new wild pets in WoD. You won't have to spend hours hunting that rare of the type you are looking for, just grab a common of the type you want and stone it right off. That's what I am planning on doing.
See, I tell myself that, trying to justify why I keep a stash of over 200 stones, but I know in reality... I'm not going to do it. I'm going to end up spending days scouring each zone for rares. I must be a masochist or something!

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 1:44 pm
by Kel
It amazes me when I see "I keep a stash of 200 stones"!!! I have never had a large stash of them and find them rather hard to come by. I typically get 1-2 a day from the Pandaria round of dailies. And typically I end up using them before I can build up a stockpile like you guys talk about. :(

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 2:38 pm
by Angelwings626
Peanutty wrote:
Worgenbait wrote:That, and for the family specific ones, it will cut down on the hunting time for the new wild pets in WoD. You won't have to spend hours hunting that rare of the type you are looking for, just grab a common of the type you want and stone it right off. That's what I am planning on doing.
See, I tell myself that, trying to justify why I keep a stash of over 200 stones, but I know in reality... I'm not going to do it. I'm going to end up spending days scouring each zone for rares. I must be a masochist or something!

<3 it's because it's blue....

XD Maybe you love blue too!

I love I don't want my quantity of blue things to go down....

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 4:08 pm
by Kpb321
Kel wrote:It amazes me when I see "I keep a stash of 200 stones"!!! I have never had a large stash of them and find them rather hard to come by. I typically get 1-2 a day from the Pandaria round of dailies. And typically I end up using them before I can build up a stockpile like you guys talk about. :(
That is what happens when you keep doing pet battles after you get full blue. I've got ~110 stones currently and I haven't been full blue for that long and haven't done that many trainer dailies since getting there. I could have gotten full blue a bit sooner if I had used more stones and done more 3 for 1 trade ins which would have left me with less stones but I had a hard time using a stone when I knew it shouldn't be that hard to catch a rare in the wild. In the end I did still do some trade ins and stone some things that I just couldn't find as rares but it wasn't too many and didn't completely deplete my stock of stones.

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 5:06 pm
by Peanutty
Angelwings626 wrote:<3 it's because it's blue....

XD Maybe you love blue too!

I love I don't want my quantity of blue things to go down....
I admit, I do love my bag of blue stones! :D

And like Kpb noted, once you have all your pets stoned, if you keep doing daily tamer battles, you will end up accumulating a lot of stones. Up until very recently, I did every tamer that rewarded bags every single day (good way to level pets for sale, and get VPs and lesser coins for alts). Even at 1 stone a day it would net you 365 stones in one year. I would have more saved up but I traded some away, used some on pets for resale, and also started stoning for specific breeds, i.e. I repurchased all of the dragonhawks for breed and had to stone all of them.

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 5:07 pm
by Kel
Huh, odd. So you're saying the drop rate seems to go up once you get all your pets to rares? Is that just an evil trick they play on us? :lol:

Currently I have a very small stash of about 4 or 5 stones, one of them is a Flawless Battle-Stone that I'm saving for something very special. But I can't do the dailies every day, and I only do the Pandaria loop. Otherwise my wife starts hitting me in the back of the head. Apparently she feels neglected. And she's not fond of a game where you use a little human (Anubisath Idol) to punch bunnies till they die! :lol:

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 5:09 pm
by Peanutty
Hehe, to put it simply, you end up with a ton of stones when you don't need to use them anymore, because you don't need to use them anymore!

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 14th, 2014, 7:42 am
by Rioriel
Peanutty wrote:See, I tell myself that, trying to justify why I keep a stash of over 200 stones, but I know in reality... I'm not going to do it. I'm going to end up spending days scouring each zone for rares. I must be a masochist or something!
Exactly the same situation for me, just in the 80-100 stones range. I love the hunt, I only playu one toon and I don't raid so finding stuff is what I do :D

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 14th, 2014, 3:04 pm
by Graven
I just use my (soulbound) flawless stones as beast or flying stones. I really don't see the point in saving them for a future expansion when I have pets in my collection that can use them now. ;)

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 16th, 2014, 2:28 pm
by Treponem
Personally, I'd sell half of them but that's only because the 8k (total) I'd make on my server could be ploughed back into buying some of the more elusive pets. If the cash isn't that important to you, I'd sit on them. Whenever you sell or trash anything you think you'll never need again, you'll need it again soon. One day my 'Really Sticky Glue" mountain will save Azeroth.

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: May 18th, 2014, 10:25 pm
by Opallena
If you have any rare wild pets such as Minfernal or Unborn Valk'yr, or a pet that comes in uncommon but is uncageable non-wild pet such as the oracle hatchling or the RAF pets, use the stones on them first before using them on any vendor uncommons that can be caged. You can just trade for a stone upgrade from someone else, or buy an upgraded one on the AH

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: July 7th, 2014, 8:59 am
by Throatslit
Got quite a few ready for WoD, just in case my battle luck doesn't give me rares in a timely fashion!

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: December 16th, 2014, 7:56 am
by Jadeany
upgrade from someone else, or buy an upgraded one on the AH

Re: Flawless battle stones when to use?

Posted: December 26th, 2014, 2:02 pm
by Abbotta
I found that now I can get about 2 Battle Stones a day minimum that I have freed up time on my pet farming for rares. I've learned so much since returning back to WoW and reading much about battle pets and how they function and in the end - farming sucks sometimes especially for rare breeds or hard to get breeds.

Now I find pet farming easier.

For pets I know I want to use for Pet Battles I'll look for Breeds only and farm regardless of quality since I have stones to upgrade. If I'm buying off of AH I'll buy the cheaper quality to save on gold knowing I can upgrade it easily now.

For pets I just want to check off my list saying that I have it, if it's common I do try to get at least the uncommon version but if it's hard to get like a Minfernal, I'll take what I can find. (the day I got those it was 2 junk and 1 common and I farmed all of them since each was a different breed and what chances would I ever have again to be the only person there farming minfernals). Oh I did upgrade one of the Minfernals to rare.

BTW, I love that filter battlepets section on the website. When I do have the stones I'll use that filter system where I sort all my pets by battle rating here at this website and exclude all the pets that are rare. Then whichever one has the highest rating gets upgraded next.