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Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 1:01 pm
by Siegurd333
So everyone who logs in to WoW in November will get the Molten Corgi pet as part of the 10 year anniversary! Also Molten Core is getting a bump to LFR max level content with a free corehound mount for beating it!

Check it out: [url][/url]

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 1:05 pm
by Mehetabel
Ooooh that all sounds awesome! :D

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 1:15 pm
by Kel
I was a little confused though. Will each toon that logs in get a Corgi? Or each account? Like, can I log in 7 toons and get 7 Corgis? Or will I only get the 1 no matter how many I log in?

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 2:25 pm
by Ravnhawk
It might like when you buy a store pet. It gets consumed on use, unless there's a glitch like with the dread hatching where you got multiples on each toon. I think you get only 1 to keep one like with the Onyxian whelping.

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 2:45 pm
by Graven
I'd imagine it will be like the previous anniversary pets, the Baby Blizzard Bear and Onyxian Whelpling, which are unique so although you get it on all your characters you can only learn it into the journal once.

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 3:09 pm
by Quintessence
I'm so excited! :D Less excited about the 40 man LFR version of Molten Core. If I could choose, I'd much rather assemble just my guild and do a more personalized run.

This begs the question, though, if the Molten Corgi is the anniversary gift...what was/is [url=]Hogs[/url]? A decoy pet? A pet for a future anniversary?

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 4:23 pm
by Mehetabel
Quintessence wrote:...what was/is [url=]Hogs[/url]? A decoy pet? A pet for a future anniversary?
That's a very good question! I hope we still see him in-game at some point.

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 5:15 pm
by Jazeel
If that is the case then i guess we wont be seeing WoD till december now then?

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 6th, 2014, 8:51 pm
by Digem
Jazeel wrote:If that is the case then i guess we wont be seeing WoD till december now then?

molten core is a 40 man level 100 raid for a short period of time so like 2 weeks.
if we need to be 100 they have to give us at least a month to get there.
this leads me to think wod comes out in mid oct. which would give us around 5 weeks to get to 100 to do this.

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 7th, 2014, 3:08 pm
by Rioriel
Lovely stuff. Sure I could muster the motivation to resub by then. Huzzah!

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 7th, 2014, 6:51 pm
by Simmias
It may be sooner than you think.

WoD game guide ships on the 23rd of Sept. It has always been within a few days of the release of the game..

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 7th, 2014, 10:06 pm
by Opallena
Glad the details on molten corgi were released, its so adorable! On hogs, maybe he'll be the blizzcon pet this year? They haven't offically announced one for it yet, so still possible :D

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 9th, 2014, 3:36 pm
by FuxieDK
Digem wrote:
Jazeel wrote:If that is the case then i guess we wont be seeing WoD till december now then?

molten core is a 40 man level 100 raid for a short period of time so like 2 weeks.
if we need to be 100 they have to give us at least a month to get there.
this leads me to think wod comes out in mid oct. which would give us around 5 weeks to get to 100 to do this.
NOWHERE is it stated that LFR MC will be level 100..

It says "Max Level", which means, it can be both 90 and 100 depending on when WoD is released.

Personally, I don't think WoD will be released before November, making MC a level 90 raid...

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 11th, 2014, 11:58 am
by Gilneas
FuxieDK wrote:
Digem wrote:
Jazeel wrote:If that is the case then i guess we wont be seeing WoD till december now then?

molten core is a 40 man level 100 raid for a short period of time so like 2 weeks.
if we need to be 100 they have to give us at least a month to get there.
this leads me to think wod comes out in mid oct. which would give us around 5 weeks to get to 100 to do this.
NOWHERE is it stated that LFR MC will be level 100..

It says "Max Level", which means, it can be both 90 and 100 depending on when WoD is released.

Personally, I don't think WoD will be released before November, making MC a level 90 raid...
That's why its ambiguous -- if WoD gets delayed, they can still have the event at "max level." However, I'm almost positive that WoD will be out before then and it will ultimately be a level 100 raid. They are releasing the date on Thursday when they show us the cinematic. For WotLK, Cata, and MoP, the actual release was within 2-3 days of being 2 months after the release date announcement (MoP's date of 9/25 was announced on 7/25, even). October 14 is a Tuesday. They are announcing the date on August 14. I do not think that that is a coincidence.

Re: Molten Corgi details released!

Posted: August 11th, 2014, 12:28 pm
by Paladiac
Quintessence wrote:I'm so excited! :D Less excited about the 40 man LFR version of Molten Core. If I could choose, I'd much rather assemble just my guild and do a more personalized run.

This begs the question, though, if the Molten Corgi is the anniversary gift...what was/is Hogs? A decoy pet? A pet for a future anniversary?

I am kinda betting that with the electronic collectors edition being sold for so long already, this may be an added bonus to those people who purchase the 'physical' copy of the CE. Bliz selling the CE electronically has hurt many retailers, who drastically cutting back on pre-orders - so if something like Hogs could be added to the physical CE, it gives people more reason to purchase the physical box.

For myself, i have not bought the expac yet, largely in part because I did not understand how/why Blizzard would try to screw over their retailers by selling the expac so early. I figured they would have to do something to make up for this, so I purposely have held off acquiring my CE until closer to the release date.