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Spirit Of Competition, What happened Blizz???

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 1:01 am
by Goldash
2008 Blizz quote...
Every two years, the Spirits of Competition grow especially fervent and draw close to the mortal realm. During such times, members of both the Alliance and Horde can honour the spirits and earn Competitor's Tabards by seeking to defeat one another in the battlegrounds. This new event runs from August 8 to August 24. Refer to our Spirit of Competition page for more details, including the event's in-game rewards.

Wryxian - 08 Aug 2008 ... mpetition/ (link out of date) ... mpetition/

2012 Blizz quote...
"There's no Spirit of Competition reward this year. The expansion's kept us busy and contains MANY pets (handle them). ;) RE"

Zarhym - 26 Jul 2012

I handled all that I could afford Zarhym.... Am waiting in anticipation of WoD, however there is still a void in regard to Spirit of Competition ...

Re: Spirit Of Competition, What happened Blizz???

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 3:34 am
by Huntingforfun
Ask a dev on twitter? Ask on the wow forums? IDK

Re: Spirit Of Competition, What happened Blizz???

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 2:52 pm
by Graven
Alas, things like this promotion and the holiday events are pretty low on their priority list. In the past they've been similarly slack with even basic stuff like resetting holiday quests that are supposed to be repeatable each year (curious orphans comes to mind). :(

Re: Spirit Of Competition, What happened Blizz???

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 11:50 pm
by Ranok
Guessing their whole programming staff working frantically trying to get WoD working in time for launch. Don't expect much happening with the Seasonal Events for a while.

Re: Spirit Of Competition, What happened Blizz???

Posted: September 15th, 2014, 10:28 pm
by Goldash
Aren't they adding more pets to seasonal events such as the 2 cats to hallows end and the alemental to brewfest? Blizzard publicly stated this event would return and it's either been put on the back burner or the spirits haven't drawn close enough to mortal reality for us to honor them.

Re: Spirit Of Competition, What happened Blizz???

Posted: September 15th, 2014, 10:37 pm
by Swarlie
I think the spirit came about because of a perfect storm of sorts. The 2008 summer Olympics was held in Beijing and wow was and emerging market. So to tie into Olympic fervor in china the pvp event was created and was just easily brought over to the us and eu. Since then there has not been a need to do it again and thus blizzard wont.