What happened to the prices of pets?

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What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Yamum » October 15th, 2014, 3:57 am


I've been away for 6 months but was previously an active pet trader.

Coming back today I noticed several pets are much cheaper now than they were 6 months ago. Dragon Kite and Rocket Chicken are now ~15k each, and I even saw the once coveted Viscous Horror for a measly 15k.

What changed in 6 months?

Also, which pet is now the most expensive?


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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Wakamaru » October 15th, 2014, 4:07 am

Pet duping from spammers has run rampant the last few months, but in the last month it has been especially crazy. Ethereal Soul-Trader, Spectral Tiger Cub, Rocket Chicken, Tuskarr Kite, Hippogryph Hatchling, Bananas, Dragon Kite, and Vicious Horror have all been hit.

The most expensive pet is probably the Darkmoon Rabbit right now.

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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Kel » October 15th, 2014, 10:50 am

But here's my question:
Are any of those pets actually useful in either PvP or PvE? Or is it just for collector value?
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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Yamum » October 15th, 2014, 11:53 am

I make gold buying and selling so I need to be aware of prices. Pet Battles aren't my concern, I just go where there's gold to be had.

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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Wowpetbattler » October 15th, 2014, 2:00 pm

Kel wrote:But here's my question:
Are any of those pets actually useful in either PvP or PvE? Or is it just for collector value?
Yes. There are several pets that are useful for either PvP or PvE. All pets can be used for either, but some are more useful than others. For example, find the healing pets for PvP - either to keep your team going or to become an annoying "delay" team until your opponent quits in frustration. For example, having three Mr. Pinchy's. Another good PvP pet is the Unborn Valkyre (try to get two or three on your team).

Obviously for PvE you'll use pets that are strong against the type of battle pets you're facing. That is: Flyers against Aquatics...etc.

Do your research and you'll find a lot of pets that are better for PvE or PvP.

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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Nagini » October 15th, 2014, 3:20 pm

I believe the question was more 'are any of the =duped= pets usefull in PvE/PvP?', and to that i have to say, probebly not. For most of them, there are cheaper alternatives whit the same or better breeds, and while very unique, are not nearly as powerfull as other options. The etheral soultrader doubles as a vendor, which makes it usefull.

The darkmoon rabbit(not duped, most expensive pet atm) is usefull in PvE and PvP, as a very fast rabbit. However, an S/S breed would be preferable here, and finding a specific breed for this pet if you dont get the right one is not practical due to its price and rarity.

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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Klaital » October 15th, 2014, 6:11 pm

Nagini wrote:I believe the question was more 'are any of the =duped= pets usefull in PvE/PvP?', and to that i have to say, probebly not. For most of them, there are cheaper alternatives whit the same or better breeds, and while very unique, are not nearly as powerfull as other options. The etheral soultrader doubles as a vendor, which makes it usefull.

The darkmoon rabbit(not duped, most expensive pet atm) is usefull in PvE and PvP, as a very fast rabbit. However, an S/S breed would be preferable here, and finding a specific breed for this pet if you dont get the right one is not practical due to its price and rarity.
Personally I think the darkmoon rabbit is absolutely terrible in pet battles because it does not have Flurry.

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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Poofah » October 15th, 2014, 7:07 pm

Huge Sharp Teeth was a decent alternative to Flurry, but it got nerfed along with a few other DoTs that didn't deserve it (Rip, Poison Fang, etc.). DMR is very bad now.

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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Iibis » October 16th, 2014, 6:03 am

Nagini wrote:The etheral soultrader doubles as a vendor, which makes it usefull.
Unfortunately you can't sell items to the Soultrader :(

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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Moonflame » October 17th, 2014, 5:25 pm

Wakamaru wrote:Pet duping from spammers has run rampant the last few months, but in the last month it has been especially crazy. Ethereal Soul-Trader, Spectral Tiger Cub, Rocket Chicken, Tuskarr Kite, Hippogryph Hatchling, Bananas, Dragon Kite, and Vicious Horror have all been hit.

The most expensive pet is probably the Darkmoon Rabbit right now.
I have a theory, which may be right, or it may be wrong.

I don't think there is any actual pet 'duping' as such, but I do think there is a problem with TCG pets. The Vicious Horror I think it's just be farmed in specific instances by Bots and such.

As far as I understand it, the TCG codes are worldwide, so if you have a card, regardless of region, it will work on any other region, which means a card used in China would have been valid in the US or EU.

I think that what has been happening is, instead of these codes being used just once, they are being used on multiple regions, so a code someone once used in the US has now also been used in China and the EU. Therefore a pile of code which have been redeemed in China are suddenly also redeemed in the US and EU ... so in effect each card code is used in triplicate.

For most it would go unnoticed, as you are only interested in one region, but for the worldwide gold sellers, it's a different story.

Would also explain why the Darkmoon Rabbit seems unaffected by it all.

Anyway, just a theory.

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Re: What happened to the prices of pets?

Post by Kel » October 17th, 2014, 6:25 pm

Nagini wrote:I believe the question was more 'are any of the =duped= pets usefull in PvE/PvP?', . . .
Yea, I was just thinking of these -
Wakamaru wrote:...Ethereal Soul-Trader, Spectral Tiger Cub, Rocket Chicken, Tuskarr Kite, Hippogryph Hatchling, Bananas, Dragon Kite, and Vicious Horror...
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