I love collecting pets. So far I thought I would some day have the chance of getting all the pets (yes I know pets like Murky are extremely expensive, but I still like the idea of being able to get them if I win the lottery or something). But I see that I'm missing the 5th anniversary pet, the "Onyxia Whelpling" - That currently (maybe along with Gurky?) seems to be the only pets I will never ever be able to get the chance of getting, no matter how much money or time I throw at my screen and that makes my poor OCD-genes suffer.
I guess I should just be kinda content being able to get most, but not all, of the pets in time, but it's hard for me to accept! - Have anyone ever gotten one of those pets? (I read about a person who got a gift voucher for classic CE edition pets because his account got hacked, but I guess that's not quite the same).
I don't even know what I'm asking, I guess I just want to vent that its' sad never to be able to get 100% of the pets, and see if anyone have just a tiny bit of hope for me.