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Where is Sea Calf??

Posted: December 10th, 2014, 12:30 pm
by Ash
I was under the impression Sea Calf was to be sold by Nat Pagle in your Garrison... but I only see the Land Shark. I also seem to be missing the Draenic Fishing Pole, but I have the Savage one...? Are those supposed to show up later? Or..?
Am I missing something painfully obvious here?

Re: Where is Sea Calf??

Posted: December 10th, 2014, 12:39 pm
by Luciandk
Bugs is bugs. Today blizzard fixed the missing sky fry pet from the shatari defense vendor.

Re: Where is Sea Calf??

Posted: December 11th, 2014, 8:01 am
by Abashera
Give in... to your anger.

THEN, they will know the TRUE power... of the dark side!

(Translation: submitting a ticket will remind them that the bug is still unresolved.)

Re: Where is Sea Calf??

Posted: December 11th, 2014, 10:23 am
by Rendigar
Abashera wrote:Give in... to your anger.

THEN, they will know the TRUE power... of the dark side!

(Translation: submitting a ticket will remind them that the bug is still unresolved.)
LOLOLOLOL sorry that just made me laugh too much. Submitting a ticket may be an annoying process, but if enough people do it, maybe it will get the attention it needs.

Has this been mentioned to @Crafticus (or whatever the name is of the pet-related person w/the tweet stream)? I only believe in woofers and mid-range ("It's all about the bass, no treble?"), tweeters are for wussy sound systems so I don't do the lingo. :twisted:

Re: Where is Sea Calf??

Posted: December 12th, 2014, 10:06 am
by Ash
I tossed in a ticket, in-game bug report, and mentioned it on the bug section of the Blizz Forums as an Amber Alert. lol. Haven't said anything on twitter yet, but I found out (after posting here) that others have. I'm sure they know.. they just seem to have other "priorities" such as silly raid tuning and silly pvp stuff. Psh. Everyone knows battle pets are endgame!

Also... I found the Draenic Fishing Pole... its over on Alliance side. Horde gets the Savage Fishing Pole. But both sides only have Land Shark. I've got nearly 70 coins now, was hoping to get Sea Calf first... but my inner addict keeps saying "get Land Shark now and save up more for Calf later.."
Have a feeling it wont be in game anytime too soon, knowing the track record of Blizz. :cry: