Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

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Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Docmesa » January 13th, 2015, 5:31 pm

Hello. My is Doc Mesa and I'm a petaholic.

I suspect that I am in likeminded company on here and that we've all done less than noble or sensible things for that one really shiny pet. My own worst moment (aside from needing 3 separate people to talk me out of buying Tyrael on ebay :oops: ) was at the end of MoP and the guild was getting ready to hit Garrosh. I saw a Viscous Horror on the AH and I could juuuuuuust afford it by selling a few odds and ends.

My raid leader then asked me why I had turned up to SoO heroic in green ilvl 372 gear, as opposed to the fully gemmed and enchanted raid armour I had the day before. >.>

So, what's your tale of shame?

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Abbotta » January 13th, 2015, 5:47 pm

Didn't research the price on Syd the Squid before selling my extra one on AH. Someone over in Area 52 got a real bargin for my 2nd Syd I scored during this past Darkmoon Faire. It's the first time I ever bothered doing the faire since I started to do serious pet collecting and wouldn't you know it - Syd dropped for me twice this past week. Obviously I kept the one and decided to sell the second one. Since there were no others on the board I sold him for 6500g. I think I could have gotten 3 times that amount.

I'd like to thinks someone gave my Syd a good home but I suspect the person who bought Syd probably turned it around and relisted it for a higher price.

As fo getting a pet - probably buidling the a Death Knight on the Oceanic server just to get a Minfernal. Wasn't sure if that was an Urban Battle Pet Legend but figured camping out hours on end in Felwood on Area 52 wasn't working either. BTW - it did work and I was able to get 3 minny's but I really didn't like my death knight character.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Darolyn » January 13th, 2015, 6:24 pm

I borrowed the money for an expensive pet that was listed a little lower than usual from my guild bank. But it was a few hours before I could log in on a different toon to pay it back, because I got called away right after buying it.. I only borrowed the money because I didn't have enough on my main at the time, but it drained the gbank.

I spent those few hours SO worried that another guild member would have a fit...

Does creating a worgen on Ysera to get the Hatchling from Check Please and a gilnean raven count as shameful?
Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Abbotta » January 13th, 2015, 11:18 pm

Darolyn wrote:
Does creating a worgen on Ysera to get the Hatchling from Check Please and a gilnean raven count as shameful?
I just finished my Death Knight on on Darolon (sp?) in the same guild to work on my Hatchling. I found a Gilnean Raven in my old guild's bank, and that was on the horde's side but I was nice enough to put some gold in the bank for it (leader knew I took it). Thank goodness. I didn't think to start a Worgen Death Knight but instead started it from level 1 and that is the most painful quest line in WoW. I got to level 8 and said 'Screw it I don't need that damn Raven bad enough'.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Darolyn » January 14th, 2015, 10:30 am

I'm doing the quest chain with a friend who is new to WoW. She hasn't become jaded by questing incessantly yet, so I'm doing it with her, even though you're right, it's one of the most painful grinds in the game. Also, there are several places where, if you don't finish the quest in an allotted time, you're pretty much stuck. I managed to make use of the refer a friend summon thingie to get us back on track, but she had trouble getting through the killing while on the back of someone's mount.

Another slightly embarrassing thing I did, my local dollar store had TCG packs for $2 apiece, including the series with Spectral Tiger Cub and a few others.

I probably spent close to $100 on cards, and only got one sandbox tiger to show for it. That's embarrassing.
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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Annieb » January 14th, 2015, 11:22 am

Darolyn wrote:

Another slightly embarrassing thing I did, my local dollar store had TCG packs for $2 apiece, including the series with Spectral Tiger Cub and a few others.

I probably spent close to $100 on cards, and only got one sandbox tiger to show for it. That's embarrassing.
Ouch! Not embarrassing so much as painful :( Sounds like JUST my luck.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Peanutty » January 14th, 2015, 12:54 pm

Darolyn wrote:Does creating a worgen on Ysera to get the Hatchling from Check Please and a gilnean raven count as shameful?
I wouldn't count that as shameful. Mine is probably a slight bit shameful as I *ahem* sort of snuck a toon into a higher end guild for their Deathwatch Hatching (and other pets/mounts). They must know I'm there, since I do talk in guild once in a while, but they just don't care enough to boot me I guess. :oops:


Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Guest » January 14th, 2015, 1:41 pm

Darolyn wrote:Does creating a worgen on Ysera to get the Hatchling from Check Please and a gilnean raven count as shameful?
Not unless you were one of the many trolls they let in. I am telling you Check Please has the nicest members, and a group of just want the redacted pet level 55-61 DKs in existence. There were some other great DKs I ran into in the starting area, but every time I saw a troll comment, something just rude or completely still redacted up in gchat you could be certain it was one of we pet collectors getting the hatchling.

TL;DR version...
Seeing the behaviour of some of we Pet people, I am shocked Check Please kept the open invite as long as they did.
Check Please, however, is by everything I saw, an outstanding and generous group of individuals.
They have my thanks over and over.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Darolyn » January 14th, 2015, 1:56 pm

Thralkhar wrote:
Darolyn wrote:Does creating a worgen on Ysera to get the Hatchling from Check Please and a gilnean raven count as shameful?
Not unless you were one of the many trolls they let in. I am telling you Check Please has the nicest members, and a group of just want the redacted pet level 55-61 DKs in existence. There were some other great DKs I ran into in the starting area, but every time I saw a troll comment, something just rude or completely still redacted up in gchat you could be certain it was one of we pet collectors getting the hatchling.

TL;DR version...
Seeing the behaviour of some of we Pet people, I am shocked Check Please kept the open invite as long as they did.
Check Please, however, is by everything I saw, an outstanding and generous group of individuals.
They have my thanks over and over.
No, Lily and I are about as far from trolls as you can get, though we are both female, and got a little attention from that...
Considering ginvites on my main server for that pet are going at >1K gold, I'm very happy to have to level a toon on Ysera. :) I was kinda joking about the shamefulness of it, and was more referring to the shamefulness of going through that horrible Gilneas quest grind in order to get two pets instead of one. Also, I have to grind ~120 Timeless Tokens to get the gold for both myself and Lily to buy the Hatchling, it's turned into quite the production, lol!
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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Saasan » January 14th, 2015, 2:01 pm

Well, this topic brought up an awkward (repressed?) memory. Back in BC, when wee lil Saasan was new to the game, she rolled a druid and discovered that there were HAWK OWLS. These unbareably cute creatures would follow you around! But, alas, they were locked away behind the exorbant price of some 40 odd silver. Having, perhaps, a total of 4 silver (and no knowledge of how to obtain more) to my name, I was crushed. However, Trade Chat delivered unexpected wisdom: people will pay you to dance "naked" on mailboxes. I made my silver.

I still love using Hawk Owls on my various nelf toons, but I have since discovered the Auction House and self respect.


Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Guest » January 14th, 2015, 2:08 pm

Darolyn wrote:Also, I have to grind ~120 Timeless Tokens to get the gold for both myself and Lily to buy the Hatchling, it's turned into quite the production, lol!
Did you get the pet yet? I have extra gold on the server still and have not yet removed my toon. I am thinking I am going to donate a couple thousand to Check Please, but if you need topping off for the pet for you and your friend I can help with that. I still do the Spirit Dailies to level pets and got 4 spirit drops the day I ground out rep for Check Please so I dumped them on the Durotan AH. Certainly easier than 120 tokens
Saasan said:
I still love using Hawk Owls on my various nelf toons, but I have since discovered the Auction House and self respect.
You may have won.
Sadly, I moved toons to Moon Guard, I am routinely disturbed by /trade and /general but not so much that I am willing to pay $300 for a server transfer.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Darolyn » January 14th, 2015, 3:40 pm

Thralkhar wrote:
Darolyn wrote:Also, I have to grind ~120 Timeless Tokens to get the gold for both myself and Lily to buy the Hatchling, it's turned into quite the production, lol!
Did you get the pet yet? I have extra gold on the server still and have not yet removed my toon. I am thinking I am going to donate a couple thousand to Check Please, but if you need topping off for the pet for you and your friend I can help with that. I still do the Spirit Dailies to level pets and got 4 spirit drops the day I ground out rep for Check Please so I dumped them on the Durotan AH. Certainly easier than 120 tokens.
If you wanted to donate a few hundred gold to the cause, Enid and Katrillen (toon names on Ysera) would NOT complain. Since I'm grinding for both of us, as Lily's highest level toon is 51, it's a bit exhausting, what with everything else I have going on. I think I have about 100g of the 600 required so far.

Is begging considered shameful? Cause I will....
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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Furkel » January 14th, 2015, 4:16 pm

Nothing TOO degrading - spent way too much gold and real money on TCG pets and whatnot, but haven't we all? Only thing I've ever been vaguely ashamed at was writing something like "I'm trying to get [insert pet here] but uuuuggggh it won't ever drop why must life be so harrrrd omg" in my profile status here, which apparently looked so pitiful that another collector on my realm just mailed the pet in question to me.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Kpb321 » January 14th, 2015, 4:38 pm

Darolyn wrote:Also, I have to grind ~120 Timeless Tokens to get the gold for both myself and Lily to buy the Hatchling, it's turned into quite the production, lol!

I don't know how much gold you have on you main server but there are a lot easier way to get some gold there to buy the pets if you have the rep but not the gold on that server.

1) sell a pet there. It doesn't have to be a good one and you don't have to necessarily even get a good price for it. You just need 1 silver to list the pet for sale on the AH. You might even be able to sell it in trade chat quickly if you go low enough.

2) Buy something BoA, mail it over and sell it. I'm not sure if the heirloom gear is available but you could just do the rep tabard. The Renowned Guild Tabard is sold for 250 g and sells to a vendor for 62 g. Not a great exchange rate but an option as opposed to grinding BoA tokens to mail over at 5g a pop or trying to grind gold on a lowbie character.

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Darolyn » January 14th, 2015, 5:03 pm

Furkel wrote:Nothing TOO degrading - spent way too much gold and real money on TCG pets and whatnot, but haven't we all? Only thing I've ever been vaguely ashamed at was writing something like "I'm trying to get [insert pet here] but uuuuggggh it won't ever drop why must life be so harrrrd omg" in my profile status here, which apparently looked so pitiful that another collector on my realm just mailed the pet in question to me.
Oh, yes. That's how I got my Emerald Whelpling, collectors taking pity. Yeah...okay, that is pretty degrading, for both of us, lol. Making the lvl 1 toon to go GET said whelpling...that was probably moreso.
Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3


Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Guest » January 14th, 2015, 5:44 pm

Darolyn wrote: If you wanted to donate a few hundred gold to the cause, Enid and Katrillen (toon names on Ysera) would NOT complain. Since I'm grinding for both of us, as Lily's highest level toon is 51, it's a bit exhausting, what with everything else I have going on. I think I have about 100g of the 600 required so far.

Is begging considered shameful? Cause I will....
No need to beg. In fact I hate to see people have to resort to begging. I begged for 3 years to try and get my medical issues resolved, finally just gave up.

Anyway I sent you 620ish gold and the rest (about 2k plus 2 items that should sell well on the AH) to Check Please. That should cover some of the grief they got from some of the less desirables.

AND you do not have to beg!

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Darolyn » January 14th, 2015, 5:59 pm

Thralkhar wrote:
Darolyn wrote: If you wanted to donate a few hundred gold to the cause, Enid and Katrillen (toon names on Ysera) would NOT complain. Since I'm grinding for both of us, as Lily's highest level toon is 51, it's a bit exhausting, what with everything else I have going on. I think I have about 100g of the 600 required so far.

Is begging considered shameful? Cause I will....
No need to beg. In fact I hate to see people have to resort to begging. I begged for 3 years to try and get my medical issues resolved, finally just gave up.

Anyway I sent you 620ish gold and the rest (about 2k plus 2 items that should sell well on the AH) to Check Please. That should cover some of the grief they got from some of the less desirables.

AND you do not have to beg!
Wow. Thank you. So very, very much.

Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Saasan » January 14th, 2015, 6:14 pm

Thralkhar wrote:
Saasan said:
I still love using Hawk Owls on my various nelf toons, but I have since discovered the Auction House and self respect.
You may have won.
Yay! I win! *covers face in shame* Not to degrade other people's emotions/experiencing, but yeah.... feeling like I might have hit WoW rock bottom. :lol: :oops:

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Kendrah » January 14th, 2015, 7:37 pm

Docmesa wrote:So, what's your tale of shame?
Does the little squeal I made at reading the Raiding with Leashes III count? I NEED THE K'UTE! The name is just so damn CUTE! I did make quite the scene when I found a really cheap Syd on the AH. X :lol:

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Re: Most shameful/embarassing thing you've done for a pet?

Post by Buruan » January 14th, 2015, 9:48 pm

I played the AH game for years, was pretty successful at it. Before Carrotus Maximus pissed me off enough to start leveling pets, and me subsequently getting addicted, i was maxed out on Gold on one character. Now I am broke, but have a ton of pets :)

So blowing through my digital savings would be #2.

Creating a toon on a Brazilian server to game the system for a Valk / Minfernal etc hunt is #1.
It paid off, in one incredible weekend I got the Valk, Minfernal, Scourged Whelp, Snowy Owl, Silithid Hatchling, Baby Ape and Arctic Fox kid. But it felt a bit dirty....

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