Abashera's Lunker Log - Land Shark
Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 10:07 am
Abashera’s Lunker Fishing Journal
Hey guys. I just got finished fishing up the lunkers for Nat's mount (Crimson Water Strider). Next up, fish for the Land Shark pet!
Due to a lot of speculation on lunker catches per hour, and whether or not beer makes a difference, I turned my fishing adventure into an experiment—which incidentally helped me stay awake!
So here are my finds…
I noticed that a few people have said they averaged approximately three fish per hour. Other people have lamented that "the drops are dismal," pointing out that they've been at it for an hour or two with no catches.
Rather than take guesstimates of how many lunkers drop per hour, I decided to turn on my [Blizzard UI] Stopwatch and record the amount of time that had past between each lunker catch, so as to get a more accurate idea of DROPS-PER-HOUR … which I believe is what the average person wants to know… “How long is it going to take me to get my mount and/or pet?”
This is the purpose of this journal, to get an accurate idea of how long it takes to get 100 lunkers for Nat’s mount. This way, players can plan their fishing schedule accordingly. (Note: This journal is not however to figure out the drop-rate of lunkers, which is determined by the number of lunkers per cast, which percentage wowhead has already data-mined).
I also notice some debate on wowhead as to whether or not “…(beer) really brings in the big catch,” as Nat Pagle suggests in his dialogue. I have to admit that when I read that, I too thought Blizzard might have added a “beer mechanic” into the game that increases the chances. Therefor, along with logging my catch times, I also split my lunker catches in half: 50 lunkers with Rumsey’s Lager, and 50 without.
Regarding Sample Size: 100 Lunkers may look like a small sample; however, consider too that I caught 10,408 Enormous fish, along with hundreds of smaller fish, bait, lures, etcetera—so the 100 lunkers represent well over 11k casts.
If others want to perform this same experiment and add their numbers with mine to further increase the accuracy of catches per hour, and [with and without the beer buff], please do. However I’m off to fish up 75 more lunkers for Nat’s Land Shark pet, and the fishing pole, and maybe a pet to sell on AH; but I personally won’t be continuing this experiment, the grind is GRUESOME!
I applied bait, while casting, using the following macro:
/use Anglers Fishing Raft
/use Sea Scorpion Bait
/use fire Ammonite Bait
/use Jawless Skulker Bait
/use Blackwater Whiptail Bait
/use Abyssal Gulper Eel Bait
/use Blind Lake Sturgeon Bait
/use Fat Sleeper Bait
/cast Fishing
I hope you will benefit from my records.
Here’s my log of [time passed between catches]. I rounded each catch to the nearest minute (however I rounded all catches under a minute, up to one minute).
a) 13 / 13 / 28 / 1 / 65 / 12 / 64 / 47 / 12 / 6 / 43 / 7 / 2 / 4 / 119 / 26 / 26 / 4 / 8 / 66 / 33 / 77 / 18 / 9 / 15 (= 718)
b) 18 / 27 / 10 / 75 / 11 / 71 / 2 / 131 / 44 / 9 / 3 / 16 / 9 / 52 / 9 / 54 / 2 / 45 / 26 / 45 / 5 / 11 / 22 / 1 / 66 (= 764)
1482m / 50L = 29.65m per Lunker
Approximately two Lunkers per hour.
c) 72 / 32 / 61 / 47 / 9 / 1 / 36 / 1 / 12 / 1 / 1 / 8 / 27 / 138 / 34 / 4 / 24 / 30 / 21 / 26 / 47 / 46 / 1 / 5 / 13 (= 697)
d) 50 / 11 / 14 / 8 / 49 / 15 / 1 / 24 / 6 / 12 / 5 / 4 / 28 / 90 / 15 / 51 / 55 / 1 / 61 / 6 / 28 / 23 / 46 / 38 / 39 (= 680)
1377 min. / 50L = 27.54m per. Lunker
Approximately two Lunkers per hour.
— 2859min / 100 = 28.59 min. per Lunker
— Approximately two Lunkers per hour = Plan approximately 50 fishing-hours to catch 100 Lunkers
Captain Rumsey’s Lager didn’t make any difference. In fact the drops were better without it, though marginally, likely due to RNG.
Because Captain Rumsey’s Lager didn’t make a difference, I recommend not using it for the simple reason that 1) obviously, it makes no difference, and 2) you have to stop every three minutes to drink, and that only interrupts your fishing rhythm. For the same reason, I also didn’t apply lures, hooks, or Worm Supreme, it makes you have to stop fishing to apply them, and lures and bait have a [cast time] to apply. The less time you spend applying buffs that don’t increase your lunker chances, the more times you can Cast & Catch, and the more catches you can pull in per hour… the faster you’ll get your booty! (mount/pet/etc)
So what about Nat’s mention of drinking beer to bring in the big catch?
Nat also says “Don’t EVER go fishing without a cooler.” Are we to conclude that we need to have a Portable Refrigerator in addition to drinking Captain Rumsey’s Lager? And what about the Discarded Lucky Coin, which bears more than a remarkable resemblance to Nat’s Lucky Coin? …I mean, it’s the same icon, and the name is only one word off.
But I would expect a lush to recommend beer and a cooler. Truth is, I don’t think Nat’s a good fisherman (or he’s just too drunk to fish), which is why I have to catch his food for him.
But go ahead and drink the lager if the placebo effect makes you feel good… or for the actual +10 fishing bonus.
3 Tentacle Hat
6 Highfish Cap
20 Grieffish
31 Ephemeral Fishing Pole
100 Lunkers
157 Sharpened Hooks
174 Worm Surprime
193 “Fragrant” Pheromone Fish
204 Awesomefish
10,408 Enormous Fish
(These are spots where you won’t be interrupted by hostile NPCs. Although it also helps to have the Anglers Fishing Raft.)
Frostfire Ridge
36, 38 (Jump to island in middle of lava)
61, 55 (I prefer darker places)
40, 76 (This spot is the quickest to access for Horde)
72:15 (on raft, under rock overhang)
Shadowmoon Valley - Blind Lake Lunker
36, 48 (BEAUTIFUL ZONE! Path entrance @ 41:53)
33, 36 (Deep, clear pool)
53, 77 (Drop down waterfall from lvl 100 zone)
Shadowmoon Valley - Sea Scorpion Lunker
68, 33 (Just offshore on the boat with the Draenei Fishers. They won't attack Horde)
Spires of Arak
60, 13 (Note: seems to be the greatest chance for fishing pole and hat - easy to catch 5 poles in one session.)
72, 63 (By waterfall)
57, 41 (Under bridge by waterfall)
— The Nat Pagle Follower must be assigned to your Fishing Shack to catch Lunkers.
— Lunkers are unique, and only 5 can be caught and owned of each species before needing to return to base and turn them in. Therefor you should figure some garrison trips into your fishing schedule, and whatever else you get caught up doing while you’re there.
— The addon Fishing Buddy is nice, and helps pass the time.
— I fished up between one and six Ephemeral poles per day, and just kept equipping the newest pole.
— My fastest lunker catch was 3 seconds after the first cast; and my longest time between catches was 2 hours and 18 minutes (eternity). If you go over two hours without catching a lunker, it’s just bad RNG. It evens out when you catch two or three within a few minutes or seconds.
— I alternated fishing spots (zones), catching equal amounts of all “enormous” fish types, mainly so I could send them to alts to level fishing through the Fishing Shack dailies.
— Saberfish are the best way to level cooking, I leveled up the cooking skill on four toons, and have more than enough Enormous Crescent Saberfish for the rest of my toons (if they were all lvl 100). I’m even sending some to friends so they can level cooking.
— I did the Pandaria Nat Pagle dailies at the same time, and got my rep from buddy to to Best Friend (exalted) in just four days! I highly recommend doing this first if you don't already have the fishing raft.
— Nat Pagle is a real putz. Oh, and “GET THE HELL OFF MY RAFT NAT!” If you ever fish in the 1st person view, Nat WILL make you lose a few fish! They should have named him Gnat.
— If you like your friends calling you nuts, this will be very good for you.
http://s1315.photobucket.com/user/Abash ... sort=9&o=0
Hey guys. I just got finished fishing up the lunkers for Nat's mount (Crimson Water Strider). Next up, fish for the Land Shark pet!
Due to a lot of speculation on lunker catches per hour, and whether or not beer makes a difference, I turned my fishing adventure into an experiment—which incidentally helped me stay awake!
So here are my finds…
I noticed that a few people have said they averaged approximately three fish per hour. Other people have lamented that "the drops are dismal," pointing out that they've been at it for an hour or two with no catches.
Rather than take guesstimates of how many lunkers drop per hour, I decided to turn on my [Blizzard UI] Stopwatch and record the amount of time that had past between each lunker catch, so as to get a more accurate idea of DROPS-PER-HOUR … which I believe is what the average person wants to know… “How long is it going to take me to get my mount and/or pet?”
This is the purpose of this journal, to get an accurate idea of how long it takes to get 100 lunkers for Nat’s mount. This way, players can plan their fishing schedule accordingly. (Note: This journal is not however to figure out the drop-rate of lunkers, which is determined by the number of lunkers per cast, which percentage wowhead has already data-mined).
I also notice some debate on wowhead as to whether or not “…(beer) really brings in the big catch,” as Nat Pagle suggests in his dialogue. I have to admit that when I read that, I too thought Blizzard might have added a “beer mechanic” into the game that increases the chances. Therefor, along with logging my catch times, I also split my lunker catches in half: 50 lunkers with Rumsey’s Lager, and 50 without.
Regarding Sample Size: 100 Lunkers may look like a small sample; however, consider too that I caught 10,408 Enormous fish, along with hundreds of smaller fish, bait, lures, etcetera—so the 100 lunkers represent well over 11k casts.
If others want to perform this same experiment and add their numbers with mine to further increase the accuracy of catches per hour, and [with and without the beer buff], please do. However I’m off to fish up 75 more lunkers for Nat’s Land Shark pet, and the fishing pole, and maybe a pet to sell on AH; but I personally won’t be continuing this experiment, the grind is GRUESOME!
I applied bait, while casting, using the following macro:
/use Anglers Fishing Raft
/use Sea Scorpion Bait
/use fire Ammonite Bait
/use Jawless Skulker Bait
/use Blackwater Whiptail Bait
/use Abyssal Gulper Eel Bait
/use Blind Lake Sturgeon Bait
/use Fat Sleeper Bait
/cast Fishing
I hope you will benefit from my records.
Here’s my log of [time passed between catches]. I rounded each catch to the nearest minute (however I rounded all catches under a minute, up to one minute).
a) 13 / 13 / 28 / 1 / 65 / 12 / 64 / 47 / 12 / 6 / 43 / 7 / 2 / 4 / 119 / 26 / 26 / 4 / 8 / 66 / 33 / 77 / 18 / 9 / 15 (= 718)
b) 18 / 27 / 10 / 75 / 11 / 71 / 2 / 131 / 44 / 9 / 3 / 16 / 9 / 52 / 9 / 54 / 2 / 45 / 26 / 45 / 5 / 11 / 22 / 1 / 66 (= 764)
1482m / 50L = 29.65m per Lunker
Approximately two Lunkers per hour.
c) 72 / 32 / 61 / 47 / 9 / 1 / 36 / 1 / 12 / 1 / 1 / 8 / 27 / 138 / 34 / 4 / 24 / 30 / 21 / 26 / 47 / 46 / 1 / 5 / 13 (= 697)
d) 50 / 11 / 14 / 8 / 49 / 15 / 1 / 24 / 6 / 12 / 5 / 4 / 28 / 90 / 15 / 51 / 55 / 1 / 61 / 6 / 28 / 23 / 46 / 38 / 39 (= 680)
1377 min. / 50L = 27.54m per. Lunker
Approximately two Lunkers per hour.
— 2859min / 100 = 28.59 min. per Lunker
— Approximately two Lunkers per hour = Plan approximately 50 fishing-hours to catch 100 Lunkers
Captain Rumsey’s Lager didn’t make any difference. In fact the drops were better without it, though marginally, likely due to RNG.
Because Captain Rumsey’s Lager didn’t make a difference, I recommend not using it for the simple reason that 1) obviously, it makes no difference, and 2) you have to stop every three minutes to drink, and that only interrupts your fishing rhythm. For the same reason, I also didn’t apply lures, hooks, or Worm Supreme, it makes you have to stop fishing to apply them, and lures and bait have a [cast time] to apply. The less time you spend applying buffs that don’t increase your lunker chances, the more times you can Cast & Catch, and the more catches you can pull in per hour… the faster you’ll get your booty! (mount/pet/etc)
So what about Nat’s mention of drinking beer to bring in the big catch?
Nat also says “Don’t EVER go fishing without a cooler.” Are we to conclude that we need to have a Portable Refrigerator in addition to drinking Captain Rumsey’s Lager? And what about the Discarded Lucky Coin, which bears more than a remarkable resemblance to Nat’s Lucky Coin? …I mean, it’s the same icon, and the name is only one word off.
But I would expect a lush to recommend beer and a cooler. Truth is, I don’t think Nat’s a good fisherman (or he’s just too drunk to fish), which is why I have to catch his food for him.
But go ahead and drink the lager if the placebo effect makes you feel good… or for the actual +10 fishing bonus.
3 Tentacle Hat
6 Highfish Cap
20 Grieffish
31 Ephemeral Fishing Pole
100 Lunkers
157 Sharpened Hooks
174 Worm Surprime
193 “Fragrant” Pheromone Fish
204 Awesomefish
10,408 Enormous Fish
(These are spots where you won’t be interrupted by hostile NPCs. Although it also helps to have the Anglers Fishing Raft.)
Frostfire Ridge
36, 38 (Jump to island in middle of lava)
61, 55 (I prefer darker places)
40, 76 (This spot is the quickest to access for Horde)
72:15 (on raft, under rock overhang)
Shadowmoon Valley - Blind Lake Lunker
36, 48 (BEAUTIFUL ZONE! Path entrance @ 41:53)
33, 36 (Deep, clear pool)
53, 77 (Drop down waterfall from lvl 100 zone)
Shadowmoon Valley - Sea Scorpion Lunker
68, 33 (Just offshore on the boat with the Draenei Fishers. They won't attack Horde)
Spires of Arak
60, 13 (Note: seems to be the greatest chance for fishing pole and hat - easy to catch 5 poles in one session.)
72, 63 (By waterfall)
57, 41 (Under bridge by waterfall)
— The Nat Pagle Follower must be assigned to your Fishing Shack to catch Lunkers.
— Lunkers are unique, and only 5 can be caught and owned of each species before needing to return to base and turn them in. Therefor you should figure some garrison trips into your fishing schedule, and whatever else you get caught up doing while you’re there.
— The addon Fishing Buddy is nice, and helps pass the time.
— I fished up between one and six Ephemeral poles per day, and just kept equipping the newest pole.
— My fastest lunker catch was 3 seconds after the first cast; and my longest time between catches was 2 hours and 18 minutes (eternity). If you go over two hours without catching a lunker, it’s just bad RNG. It evens out when you catch two or three within a few minutes or seconds.
— I alternated fishing spots (zones), catching equal amounts of all “enormous” fish types, mainly so I could send them to alts to level fishing through the Fishing Shack dailies.
— Saberfish are the best way to level cooking, I leveled up the cooking skill on four toons, and have more than enough Enormous Crescent Saberfish for the rest of my toons (if they were all lvl 100). I’m even sending some to friends so they can level cooking.
— I did the Pandaria Nat Pagle dailies at the same time, and got my rep from buddy to to Best Friend (exalted) in just four days! I highly recommend doing this first if you don't already have the fishing raft.
— Nat Pagle is a real putz. Oh, and “GET THE HELL OFF MY RAFT NAT!” If you ever fish in the 1st person view, Nat WILL make you lose a few fish! They should have named him Gnat.
— If you like your friends calling you nuts, this will be very good for you.
http://s1315.photobucket.com/user/Abash ... sort=9&o=0