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Starting The Pebble Grind, Help Me PLEASE!

Posted: February 10th, 2015, 4:02 pm
by Kel
So I finally decided to get going on the Pebble grind. I'm getting down to those pets that you just have to grind out, so I guess I can't really put it off any longer. So I'm looking for people willing to add my battletag so I can CRZ to other realms where the daily might possibly be up.

Anyone interested in helping me keep from losing my sanity, please add - TerribleTim#1747

Thanks gang!

Re: Starting The Pebble Grind, Help Me PLEASE!

Posted: February 10th, 2015, 4:46 pm
by Opteron
Hi Kel, did this not too long ago.
So, two very easy steps to follow and you will get pebble really fast:
1) add your btag id on pebble thread at the official forums, ppl will invite you and you can invite them when quest is up!
2) join any large group using group finder, for example, daily apexis quest and keep joining till you find the quest
hope it helps!

Re: Starting The Pebble Grind, Help Me PLEASE!

Posted: February 10th, 2015, 5:11 pm
by Desi
Hi Kel, adding you as I've just started this grind too.