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Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 11:36 am
by Buruan
In Blizz terms : What a long strange trip it has been.

Never played seriously after WOTLK, but did flip stuff on the AH for a constant money influx, started playing seriously again towards the end of Panda.

Famous last words : "Oh Pet battles sound fun, lets give that a try"

~6 months later, i break the 3000 barrier here on the site, feels more of an accomplishment than the 600 pets.
But boy did I blow through gold during this trip.
I had max gold on 2 characters, now I am broke but have a Zoo. I feel happier now :)

Anyway, just felt like sharing.

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 12:54 pm
by Rendigar
Buruan wrote:In Blizz terms : What a long strange trip it has been.

Never played seriously after WOTLK, but did flip stuff on the AH for a constant money influx, started playing seriously again towards the end of Panda.

Famous last words : "Oh Pet battles sound fun, lets give that a try"

~6 months later, i break the 3000 barrier here on the site, feels more of an accomplishment than the 600 pets.
But boy did I blow through gold during this trip.
I had max gold on 2 characters, now I am broke but have a Zoo. I feel happier now :)

Anyway, just felt like sharing.
Congratulations!! Welcome to the happy family of the insane pet collectors!!

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 3:05 pm
by Kel
Yea, congrats on the achievement. Sorry about the loss of gold. Pets can be both a blessing and a curse. :P

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 3:24 pm
by Yazhi
Gold is the price to pay if you want to build a collection fast :P

I always try avoid spending and getting as many as possible myself, even if it takes a while longer.

Big congrats on your achieve though huge milestone :DD

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 3:26 pm
by Jazeel
Gratz and well done, now get off ya butt and get 4k points :evil:

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 3:55 pm
by FuxieDK
Grats... 3K is a serious milestone :)

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: February 12th, 2015, 10:26 am
by Buruan
Jazeel wrote:Gratz and well done, now get off ya butt and get 4k points :evil:
Tough crowd :)

4k will be a long time. I set my goals in smaller increments, 3100 next.

Now I really need to get to leveling, so far my focus has been on collecting.
Gotta read up on the Pandaria tamer circuit and carry pets.

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: December 13th, 2015, 10:32 pm
by Buruan
Took 10 months, but here I am -- 4004 Points!!!

I really need to level some of these, only throwing Blue stones at pets makes this a really slow process....

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: December 14th, 2015, 3:10 am
by Katanole
Congrats! :) :)

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: December 14th, 2015, 9:59 am
by Dalandius
Buruan wrote:
Jazeel wrote:Gratz and well done, now get off ya butt and get 4k points :evil:
Tough crowd :)

4k will be a long time. I set my goals in smaller increments, 3100 next.

Now I really need to get to leveling, so far my focus has been on collecting.
Gotta read up on the Pandaria tamer circuit and carry pets.

A fast way to do the Pandaria tamer circuit is to make 10 alts on a different server and get a friend to take you to them (or do it yourself if you have two accounts), only Seeker Zusshi can not be done this way. Doing it this way mean there is no travel time between the fights.

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: September 25th, 2016, 2:43 pm
by Buruan
Next Milestone - 800 Unique Pets
Cant believe there is no achieve for that.

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: September 25th, 2016, 7:26 pm
by Quintessence
Buruan wrote:Next Milestone - 800 Unique Pets
Cant believe there is no achieve for that.
Don't worry, I'm sure Blizzard will add in an achievement for it eventually. They've been pretty good about including milestones for pet collectors so far (even if it's belated). :)

Re: Yeeee Hawww 3000 Points

Posted: September 28th, 2016, 9:30 am
by Uduwudu
Quintessence wrote:
Buruan wrote:Next Milestone - 800 Unique Pets
Cant believe there is no achieve for that.
Don't worry, I'm sure Blizzard will add in an achievement for it eventually. They've been pretty good about including milestones for pet collectors so far (even if it's belated). :)
I'm at 750 but it looks like a bunch of them are doubled up ... like one is S/S and the other B/B and such ... and I use those fairly well in various situations while leveling my pets from 21 to 25, for example.

The only thought I had was that one of these days, I will have to regularly dump some of those duplicates to be able to house something else. Me getting rid of one of my Unborn Val'kyr Babes? NO WAY!!!!!! But I suppose I could let go of one chicken, squirrel or rat ... or CAT!