Armory Weirdness with Zeradar
Posted: September 2nd, 2015, 1:25 am
So, I was comparing the person #1 on my server with the person who is #1 on WowProgress trying to figure out how they're below them. So, when I was looking at their missing pets, I noticed something strange.
A Murkimus Recolor called "Zeradar". I immediately clicked on it, and it linked me to Murkimus' Tyrannical Spear. I immediately groaned, and opened up my pet journal in WoW to confirm that I'll be forced to do the arena stuff again. However, in there, it's showing the unreleased SCII CE pet.
Even going to Wowhead, it seems that they changed the tooltip for whatever this pet was originally going to be, into Zeradar.
I'm not sure if it means that it's incorrectly linking in the armory, or if it means they decided to drop the recolored Murkimus and just haven't finished correcting the tooltips yet. Figured I'd share it though.
A Murkimus Recolor called "Zeradar". I immediately clicked on it, and it linked me to Murkimus' Tyrannical Spear. I immediately groaned, and opened up my pet journal in WoW to confirm that I'll be forced to do the arena stuff again. However, in there, it's showing the unreleased SCII CE pet.
Even going to Wowhead, it seems that they changed the tooltip for whatever this pet was originally going to be, into Zeradar.
I'm not sure if it means that it's incorrectly linking in the armory, or if it means they decided to drop the recolored Murkimus and just haven't finished correcting the tooltips yet. Figured I'd share it though.