On the idea of epic pets

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On the idea of epic pets

Post by Jazeel » March 5th, 2016, 11:02 pm

Firstly. i wish to thank all those who told blizzard their idea of epics was a pointless grind we collectors do not need.

Secondly, the perfect time to introduce an epic pet was missed by blizz completely, collecting all 4 pets from the timeless isle tourney would have been the perfect opportunity to add an epic reward, as that was truly the first epic struggle pet collectors have faced so far, in its own way much a grind as any wrath epic weapon was, the safari hat was a great reward for collecting, but the tourney was and is still in many ways the bee' knee's of challenges pet collectors have faced so far, the legendary wilds of pandaria and the tanaan dailies are mostly howlbomb fodder, and not worthy of an epic bonus.

So what should an epic pet be?, I am sure many voices have spoken before me, but here's my idea, an epic pet should be non combat, but one that doe's something cool or cute, i like the idea of a bowless peddlefoot who throws rose petals wherever you step, a val'kyr who throws a glowing/fel visual shield around you, a minion who makes rude comments/gestures against pvp opponents, i am sure smarter minds than mine can come up with even better idea's, a baby unicorn that poops rainbows etc . Such a pet truly should be epic to get a good half an xpac worth of work for a slacker, 6 months for a hardcore collecter, effort equals reward where i grew up(old fashioned i know), but i agree there should be epic pets for epic effort, and anyone who has 600 plus pets, hell 400 plus has done a damn lot of work in anyones book.

And my last idea to share, a legendary pet reward, there is truly one holy grail yet to be achieved, or for that matter even instituted ingame, the reward for 1000 unique pets, probably still an xpac or two away, but i wish to propose that the first and only legendary pet reward be a l'il Breanni, who once earn't randomly summons herself and applies a random pet buff to your current summonned pet. OK thats my 5 mins on a soapbox, if nothing else i hope theres some brainfood in my proposals.
may your drops be epic
Jazeel the very very crazy cat bloke .

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Re: On the idea of epic pets

Post by Deviantelf » March 6th, 2016, 12:54 am

Jazeel wrote: i wish to propose that the first and only legendary pet reward be a l'il Breanni, who once earn't randomly summons herself and applies a random pet buff to your current summonned pet.
Well said! I especially would like to see the quoted bit happen. This site is invaluable!

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Re: On the idea of epic pets

Post by Paladance » March 6th, 2016, 5:11 am

Jazeel wrote:the tourney was and is still in many ways the bee' knee's of challenges pet collectors have faced so far, the legendary wilds of pandaria and the tanaan dailies are mostly howlbomb fodder, and not worthy of an epic bonus.
Call me a heretic, but while CT has indeed a lot of background, Lil' Celestials were howlbomb fodders too…

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Re: On the idea of epic pets

Post by Jazeel » March 12th, 2016, 7:05 am

you cannot howlbomb the whole CT, also it takes patience and effort over time to get all 4 pets, still i think the toughest challenge we have faced so far as collectors. that and farming the whelplings :)

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Re: On the idea of epic pets

Post by Darolyn » March 12th, 2016, 1:34 pm

Jazeel wrote:you cannot howlbomb the whole CT, also it takes patience and effort over time to get all 4 pets, still i think the toughest challenge we have faced so far as collectors. that and farming the whelplings :)
You said it. I think what the above poster meant was the actual CT pets, Xu-Fu, Yu-La, etc, can all be howl-bombed or modified howl bombed. Not that all the trainers can be, but that the "bosses" at the end of the raid can be.

Farming the whelplings....I tried to farm a Crimson one for a friend the other week. 15000 kills in Wetlands and nothing more than stacks and stacks of leather.
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Re: On the idea of epic pets

Post by Neolarva » March 12th, 2016, 3:21 pm

Jazeel wrote:Secondly, the perfect time to introduce an epic pet was missed by blizz completely, collecting all 4 pets from the timeless isle tourney would have been the perfect opportunity to add an epic reward, as that was truly the first epic struggle pet collectors have faced so far, in its own way much a grind as any wrath epic weapon was, the safari hat was a great reward for collecting, but the tourney was and is still in many ways the bee' knee's of challenges pet collectors have faced so far, the legendary wilds of pandaria and the tanaan dailies are mostly howlbomb fodder, and not worthy of an epic bonus.
For me, the CT wasn't an end game content in battle pet. It was something to do for 10-12 week, once a week. And later when you are bored. It was usefull only during ONE patch (and for one achievement later). It was still more usefull than Tanaan's pets, I agree, but still isn't something I can call end game for pet.

I didn't found it hard at the time, I had several hundred of pets already lvl 25 and blue. It was hard, "the destroyer...etc" only to the collectors who only had a few lvl 25, lvled for the skin / tamer, didn't have the rights pets / didn't want to search the teams... (I think it was scarier than it really was for a lot of pet collectors). But collectors with a lot of pets didn't have any troubles. In 3 weeks we had our teams for all CT and it was just farming, like any tamer, but with a weekly lockout.

The biggest goal / end game I ever had in battle pet, was to get all pets, upgrade them blue, and lvl them 25. Since the latest patch in MoP, I don't have any end game in battle pet. At the moment, it's just, get the new "random number" pets, use a blue stone, use a few lvling stones (or do a few tamers). They add tamers / dailies in WoD, great, but because of them, the MoP's tamers are useless, (except if you still have pets to lvl). WoD dailies are way more rewarding, you can get blue stones / lvling stones. If you have enought toons (I have 26 lvl 100), you don't even need to get out your garrison.

So when they announced epic stones, for me it was great, another end game for pets, nice ! I can understand why so many persons were against it, it was scary for them. But... to be against adding content... I don't really get it. Epics stones had their flaws, but they could have been overcome. Now... what will we get in legion?? A mini CT like (*hope*), few tamers, a chain quest for the val'kyr, more pets... and?? probably nothing more.. And when more and more persons will have their pets lvl 25, blue... They'll look their collection and say... what now? => afk battle pet until the next patch, to add *random number* of pets, and afk again.

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