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Other hidden pets - Terky

Posted: June 17th, 2016, 11:04 pm
by Vapid
The Terky surprise was very cool, but I have recently heard a rumor that Terky was the hidden WotLK pet and that there are two more hiddern pets in WoW; one in Vanilla area and one in a BC area.

Back when everyone was going bananas over finding Terky ingame, Muffins (the lead battle pet guy at blizzard posted) about more being added.
and ... cAW7CvrGQk

Has anyone else heard of anything similar to these other two hidden pets in Vanilla and BC?

Re: Other hidden pets - Terky

Posted: June 18th, 2016, 8:44 am
by Yazhi
I've never heard of that you posted from Twitter I thought it was a little over a month

I wouldn't have thought that there were pets sitting there since that haven't been discovered, there are quite a few people that love exploring every inch of the game.

I also remember someone on the site noticed Terky had changed it's origin on the PTR/database and there haven't been any discoveries of others that I know of.

Would be really cool though if they did something like that though, we can only hope!

Re: Other hidden pets - Terky

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 6:09 pm
by Madja
Azaelia wrote:I also remember someone on the site noticed Terky had changed it's origin on the PTR/database and there haven't been any discoveries of others that I know of.
That's true. I noticed that Terky changed categories in the pet journal and went from "Promotions" to "Drop" and then a week or so after someone discovered the pet in-game. I would imagine that something similar would happen when/if they do this again, though they might be aware of that now and not make the change in order to keep the pet hidden :)