Looking for Arcane Eye ? .. bad news
Posted: November 6th, 2016, 10:29 pm
Those of us who remember the glory days of Karazhan are inspired to see it getting back to what it used to be, dozens of folks milling around outside 24/7, chatting, dueling, goofing, waiting for teammates or maybe a chance at a PUG.
Unfortunately this means anytime an Arcane Eye spawns it gets noticed and mobbed quickly, either pet people who want to capture one or bored players who see something else to kill. As these pets don't seem to be on a reliable timer, plus were never all that common before, means gotta be really lucky with an alt parked there to check in at just the right time. My guy who's there just out of curiosity hasn't seen a single one yet the past week.
Unfortunately this means anytime an Arcane Eye spawns it gets noticed and mobbed quickly, either pet people who want to capture one or bored players who see something else to kill. As these pets don't seem to be on a reliable timer, plus were never all that common before, means gotta be really lucky with an alt parked there to check in at just the right time. My guy who's there just out of curiosity hasn't seen a single one yet the past week.