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Tricorne and Foe Reaper 0.9

Posted: August 29th, 2018, 12:09 pm
by Lolfixheal
Still not release-able and thus locked for us who wants the perfect breed of each with no duplicates in collection? Any word, I've reported it multiple times as bug and made suggestion, but writing now in 2018 you don't hear back from Blizzard as per usual.

Anyone got any information or input?

Re: Tricorne and Foe Reaper 0.9

Posted: January 6th, 2019, 5:59 am
by Lolfixheal
Bumping this one, anyone knows anything on the subject?

With Gnomeregan being released now, pets are cageable and releaseable. Yet these from Deadmines seems to be a normal case of Blizzard lazyness to go back and fix simple things?

Re: Tricorne and Foe Reaper 0.9

Posted: August 18th, 2019, 8:25 am
by Lolfixheal
Bumping again, anyone heard anything, or gotten any information from GMs? I remember people being upset by this back when it launched originally, and despite bug reports and suggestions from my part, haven't seen any change.