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List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 3:05 pm
by Somanypets
So far I have:

Fozling : H/H H/P H/S B/B

Squawkling : S/S B/B S/B

Teeny Titan Orb : B/B and maybe H/H? Thought I saw one, but now I can't find it again.

Aldrussian Sproutling: ONLY S/S

Ragepeep : B/B H/S S/S

Fuzzy Creepling : H/H H/S P/B or S/B

Scabby : H/H & H/P

Foulfeather : B/B P/B S/B S/S

Voidwiggler: H/H H/P H/S B/B

Am I missing any? Let me know if you've found any others/seen any others and I'll add them to this list until there is a more comprehensive list put up on WoWhead or what not (I can't seem to find one?)

P/B Foulfeather seems decent. Voidwiggler would be decent if P/P but I don't think the breeds it has available are going to cut it. Teeny Titan Orb only having B/B is a bummer. H/P Scabby might be good vs Humanoids. Fuzzy Creepling doesn't excite me, Ragepeep doesn't excite me and Aldrussian Sproutling only having S/S makes it pretty weak imo. It might be good if it had H/H with Ironbark + Thorns + Photosynthesis, but even then, meh. Squawkling would be much better with P/P but with its current breeds I don't see it doing that much. It has no P breeds. Finally, I think H/P Fozling does show potential.

So in conclusion I think the most potential lies in:

Foulfeather (Access to Black Claw + Flock and it's a fast flyer with 2 strong Undead attacks and it has access to P/B breed).

Fozling (Has access to H/P + Photosyntehesis / Sunlight Combo and Rock Barrage). This should be a strong anti mech pet.

Scabby (Has access to H/P and has strong Undead attacks. This should be a decent anti human pet.

Basically the 3 pets with decent breeds. Overall the breeds of these pets is a big letdown imo.

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 3:59 pm
by Melipets
Angry Egg? Nevermind that's Ragepeep. I was trying to not learn them until a list was up so I could keep track

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 4:05 pm
by Somanypets
Melipets wrote:Angry Egg? Nevermind that's Ragepeep. I was trying to not learn them until a list was up so I could keep track
Now it's onto breeds. I'm almost positive that list is complete (9 total pets).

Fozling : H/H and H/P

Squawkling : S/S B/B S/B

Teeny Titan Orb : B/B H/H and I definitely saw something with an S I think.

Aldrussian Sproutling: ONLY S/S

Ragepeep : B/B & H/S

Fuzzy Creepling : H/H & H/S & P/B or S/B

Scabby : H/H & H/P

Foulfeather : S/B

Voidwiggler: H/H & H/P & B/B

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 4:08 pm
by Jodmos
My list had 9 pets. Are rares available in Arathi now in US? Which faction?

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 4:16 pm
by Somanypets
Jodmos wrote:My list had 9 pets. Are rares available in Arathi now in US? Which faction?
I got all 9 on Alliance. Drop rate appears to be about 8-14% as everyone I know got 1-2 pets after killing every Arathi rare. What list did you find? I couldn't find any lists on the internet so that's why I compiled this one. My guess is every one of these pets is 5k in a week except for Ragepeep which people seem to want for a pet Moonkin and Teeny Titan Orb which is just swag to some people and they like the way it looks.

All these rares are in a tiny valley with a fast respawn and are pretty easy. I had no issue soloing most of them as a DH, even the hard ones. The rares range from 170k hp to 1570k hp.

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 4:22 pm
by Jodmos
My list was just from taking notes of the pet journal. I've got it on Notepad on desktop. I highlight them as I get them. (For some reason Island Expedition doesn't have much highlighting.)

So alliance can kill them this week? Do i need a quest done or can I park my Alliance 120 up there for tomorrow?

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 4:37 pm
by Somanypets
Jodmos wrote:My list was just from taking notes of the pet journal. I've got it on Notepad on desktop. I highlight them as I get them. (For some reason Island Expedition doesn't have much highlighting.)

So alliance can kill them this week? Do i need a quest done or can I park my Alliance 120 up there for tomorrow?
Any faction can kill them as long as your timezone has the new Arathi Highlands. I just flew around and killed every star I saw on map and then flew around again and then once more. I did the quests afterward. So yeah you can just fly around first. I think they are lootable once a day? Might be weekly though, won't know until tomorrow.

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 4:43 pm
by Jodmos
I'll probably head up with my Alliance as the hold it. Recall seeing that you are automatically PVP enabled on other faction so if that's a case no chance I'm going there on my horde.

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 4:58 pm
by Somanypets
Jodmos wrote:I'll probably head up with my Alliance as the hold it. Recall seeing that you are automatically PVP enabled on other faction so if that's a case no chance I'm going there on my horde.
Yeah I think that's how it works. Although for my first 6 elites or so I was with a Horde Druid that nobody touched lol. I don't think that will last long though!

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 5:13 pm
by Waterlilly
Went there on my Ally toon got 3 pets, took my Horde got 1 before, someone insta flagged and killed me. Think I will wait on my Horde until we have the zone in a couple days when we aren't flagged lol

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 6:28 pm
by Caesarromanus
I killed everything on my horde character. Only got killed by Allies once.

Got 2 pets, 1 mount, and 3 gear upgrades.

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 6:57 pm
by Mehetabel
Jodmos wrote:My list was just from taking notes of the pet journal. I've got it on Notepad on desktop. I highlight them as I get them.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this! I'd be lost without my handwritten pet list! :lol:

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 5th, 2018, 1:24 am
by Harpooha

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 5th, 2018, 4:59 am
by Somanypets
Harpooha wrote:You could have just done this: ... excluded=Y
Yeah I'm new around here and I couldn't find a list anywhere.

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 5th, 2018, 10:55 am
by Jodmos
Got 1 pet, 2 toys and no mounts with my Alliance.

Decided to go in with my Horde and joined a raid so safer. Got 3 pets, no toys or mounts.

Drops seem reasonable. If I did 40 Island Expeditions and got 4 pets and 2 toys I'd be a lot happier about the drop rate in them.

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 5th, 2018, 11:26 pm
by Somanypets
Has anyone seen a P/B Foulfeather? BreedID says PB or SB but so far I've only seen SB.

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 11th, 2018, 4:29 am
by FuxieDK
Are these daily or weekly drop chance?

Have already established that the mobs can max be looted once per day, but don't know if they are only weekly..

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 11th, 2018, 6:04 am
by Digem
FuxieDK wrote:Are these daily or weekly drop chance?

Have already established that the mobs can max be looted once per day, but don't know if they are only weekly..

You can only get loot from these rares as far as we know once a week. You can do it on alts in the same week and a good way to gear alts. We will know Tuesday if we can loot them once a week for sure

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 11th, 2018, 7:18 am
by FuxieDK
Digem wrote:
FuxieDK wrote:Are these daily or weekly drop chance?

Have already established that the mobs can max be looted once per day, but don't know if they are only weekly..

You can only get loot from these rares as far as we know once a week. You can do it on alts in the same week and a good way to gear alts. We will know Tuesday if we can loot them once a week for sure
Or maybe even worse: Once per Warfront..

Re: List of Arathi Highlands pets

Posted: September 11th, 2018, 2:23 pm
by FuxieDK
MMO-C just confirmed it's once per Warfront -->

:shock: :shock: :idea: :idea: