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Reek Questions
Posted: January 23rd, 2021, 8:21 am
by Darkchyld
So I left BfA early and never played 8.3. I'm working on earning Reek, and was wondering for the achievement do I need 1 alliance and 1 horde char? And also since I'm doing this at 60 vs 50 other than focusing on upgrades for the cloak are there any tips to do the least amount of work for this pet.
Re: Reek Questions
Posted: January 23rd, 2021, 8:40 am
by Volatar
You only need to complete all 5 areas in Stormwind and Orgrimmar on 1 character. It doesn't matter if it is horde or alliance. I haven't tried it at level 60, but it will probably make things a lot easier. Get upgrades on the cloak to help with the sanity drain for the harder areas. Just stick to the areas you need to complete to upgrade your cloak since that will lower the amount of sanity lost per second, unless you think you can kill the enemies fast enough and can avoid their sanity draining abilities to survive and go back and finish the boss. Upgrade your Titanic Research sytem next to MOTHER to help with survivability. You don't have to complete it with any masks active. ... nity-masks will explain everything I said a lot better if you have time to check it out