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Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: December 5th, 2021, 3:58 pm
by Caliban
With the recent nerfs involving Legion raids, does anyone know if it is now possible to solo the Glory of the Tomb Raider achievement in order to get the Micronax pet?
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: December 6th, 2021, 12:15 am
by GrĂ¡inne
Not possible. Some of the achievements are soloable, but not all.
At least the achievement Great Soul, Great Purpose ... e#comments will require more than one person. Probably others as well.
I suggest you check Wowhead and YouTube for ideas, and look for people to party with for the ones you can't solo, or perhaps a party that will go for the whole meta-achievement.
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: December 6th, 2021, 3:29 pm
by FuxieDK
Volley Ball achievement will never be possible to solo; even now, it requires 4 people, but I can see it being changed to 2.
Maiden achievement, the first orb, usually claims a life, unless it's a skilled DH... And the remaining orbs, I don't see how a single person will ever make it in time.
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: December 7th, 2021, 9:29 am
by Fazolek
So if not soloable, lets do it in group... We can go there with cross-realm group, right? Mean EU region. Count me in..
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: December 14th, 2021, 4:13 am
by Ismenot
I would like to come too please?
My main is dps, but I could tank too on my paladin, all alliance level 60, trying to level my horde to 60 too, but seems to take ages lol
Can we make a group for EU?
Been looking for this so long now

Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: December 14th, 2021, 1:32 pm
by Starling5767
I too, would like to get this done. So I'd be game to group up with you all. I only play hunter so I'd have to be dps.
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: December 27th, 2021, 11:23 am
by Dauntles
I would like to earn this as well, if someone is getting a group up count me in.
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: April 6th, 2022, 1:05 pm
by Uka
I am also interested in getting this

Is there anyone else trying to do that on EU realms?
And if some group already did it, could they please tell about the experience? How hard and long that was?
There is also a comment on Wowhead that says about getting Micronax without the achievement, just on a run (?), so it would be nice to know if anything has changed...
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: April 7th, 2022, 2:38 pm
by Cardee
I was in a pet group that got Micronax a few years ago, back when Legion was current content. We did it on normal, and it took us the whole weekend. If I remember correctly, we worked on it for 8 hours Saturday and then ~5 hours on Sunday. But on Sunday we got some new people, so after we got the last achievement, we went back and re-did the achievements that we got the day before (on a different lockout) so that the new people would get Micronax too.
It was an overall positive experience. We were all there for the same thing, we had different levels of raiding experience, and we were patient with each other.
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: April 8th, 2022, 5:16 am
by Uka
Thanks for the story!
Yes, it was much easier to do when Legion was current content. Today, when current content is 9.2, it is difficult to gather even a raid for Will of Remornia, which is from 9.0

Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: April 8th, 2022, 1:25 pm
by Cardee
Yeah, Will of Remornia took me a few months on LFR, even with multiple toons. I was just resigned to putting up with long LFR queue times for it and figured that if it still doesn't drop for me before the next xpac hits, then in the next xpac I can just solo LFR. It was such a huge relief when the pet finally dropped.
There were also some false starts back then with getting the Micronax raid together. But there will always be people who will want to get Micronax, and eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later), you'll have at least the minimum number of people to get it. And most likely you won't take ~13 hours like we did. Good luck!
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: May 4th, 2022, 2:48 pm
by Polorky
Micronax is also one of my outstanding pets so would be interested in doing this (on EU server). I have some of the solo achievements but missing all the group ones.
Re: Micronax solo, possible?
Posted: May 12th, 2022, 11:18 pm
by Uka
Polorky, what solo achievements do you have and how difficult was to get them? How many of those are the group ones?
I tried to do it, but just saw that the achievement for the very first boss is impossible to do solo.
There are people in LFG every day gathering for that dungeon on the Mythic level for some transmogrification items - I went there once with such a group, but did not get any of the achievements unfortunately.